Chapter XXXIII: More Than What Meets the Eye

A/N: It has been so long since I've updated. I'm so sorry to keep you all waiting. I have to get a new device ASAP. Thank you all so much for your patience. To all new readers, first, I want to say thank you for adding Joella: A Supernatural Twist to your reading lists, so thank you. Secondly, all feedback is welcomed, critiques, and compliments. I'll consider your criticism, however, this is not the opportunity to bash the story.

I hope you enjoy this story.





Refresher: Joella has been torn between two worlds-- a world full of hopes, struggles, and mystery (the mortal plane) and a world full of despair, torment, and maliciousness (Hell). Raised as an average human girl all her life, she soon realized -or rather- it was revealed that she was not who she thought she was and the same can be said about the people in her life. Never would she have thought that such a thing as the supernatural world like those bedtime stories or even what you would see on TV was all real and to top it off, she's one of them-- the Devil's daughter.

Previously on 'Joella: A Supernatural Twist':

Upon the realization that her friends and family, along with herself, are supernatural creatures and seemingly celestial beings, Joella struggles to accept her lineage. That is until her soul was hurled into the depths of hell where her father dwells supreme. There, she was faced with five other siblings, a lover, and a mother she thought had died. Memories that were buried deep had rushed to the surface and she knew what she must do. Unfortunately, by having these newfound memories, the Joella everyone knew became Noire.
Subsequently, Chloe cast a spell that altered time for the entire world. Justifiably, she should have succumbed to the massive conjuration but unexpectedly didn't. Thereafter, Noire's lover was ordered by Lucifer to enter the mortal plane and exterminate whatever remnants of the Joella persona may have remained. As for Max? He was cursed by an unknown entity and his feelings for Joella were warped into an immense hunger and drive to end his mate's life.

Coming up on 'Joella: A Supernatural Twist':

Apart from the new events happening in hell, some troubling incidents were occurring in the mortal plane. Max and Carlisle try to uncover the true culprit behind the recent tragedies, while Carlisle covertly tries to figure out what his newfound powers mean. Chloe continues to look out for her friend and carries on with her life trying to get the preparations for the upcoming festival in order. With any luck, the bracelet she charmed for Joella holds out until a permanent solution is found. Noire's lover enrolls in the same school as our heroine to get a closer look into her life. Rachel and Isaques come up with a plan after noticing his presence as well as a means to stop the Devil from going through with his agenda with the help of an unexpected guest.


Third Person P.O.V.

What do we call that eerie feeling of having already experienced the present situation? That moment when we think to ourselves, 'I could've sworn I've done this before.' 'Wait, wasn't I here already?' 'I can see into the future.'

We call that déjà vu.

It can be a very strange and even unsettling experience. Logically, you know you haven't experienced this moment before, but your brain is telling you otherwise. To some of us humans, we don't acknowledge it but to others, it can be one of the most predictable and unpredictable experiences. To know what is going to happen in a moment but to be so unaware of what comes before and after that instance.

With the entire world repeating a day, are the previous events unfolding once more or will there be new circumstances? So many scenes and truths are about to be revealed along with new true identities. We know Chloe will do anything to protect her best friend and Carlisle will do anything to protect his sister, Chloe. The same applies to Rachael, Max, and Lilith, who will do anything to protect and save Joella. The moments to come will determine what will either shatter or strengthen family bonds. With Howard on his way to retrieve his beloved, Noire, from the mortal plane, a series of events is about to unfold.


The crack of dawn ushered in a new day. Although to some, the day wasn't so new. To Chloe, Max, Carlisle, and the rest of the supernatural beings that roamed the globe, these next 24 hours were as typical as if they were the day after yesterday. To the supernatural, the sense of déjà vu doesn't exist. Time moves differently when you are beyond the laws of nature and scientific understanding. Even more so, what humans understand to be déjà vu is nothing more than a ruse created by the supernatural themselves. To be more specific, witches created the term as a means to cover up their attempts at altering time, although, many have tried to do so and failed. Unfortunately for the castors, venturing to the extreme of transcending time would only result in death after the spell is cast - whether it was successful or not. Many have fallen victim to the seduction of power. It is man's worst enemy and a bane to the supernatural. We have nothing but a single lifespan to attain power--whether it be prestigiousness, supremacy, strength, or wealth-- but imagine having an indefinite life to achieve all of this and more, especially with a paranormal ability like magic, inhumane speed, superhuman hearing, and more. Who wouldn't go the extra mile to transcend time itself if they had such power?

Unlike the handful of mortals with spiritual prowess and supernatural beings, witches have the most extramundane ability in the world, i.e., some have the potential to be an emissary of nature, the universe, and the abyss. Others have a rare gift, called a Blessing, that is often beguiled as magic/witchcraft. However, it is far from the impurities and flaws that reside in enchantments/sorcery. It is the gift to perform what many can assume to be Miracles and it is only given to a single bloodline in the world that is touched by the hands of God. Usually, they protect themselves by allowing others to classify them as witches to conceal the fact that in actuality, they are priestesses. Having a Blessing can sometimes be a curse for those who don't know how to live with it, i.e., those who take it for granted and abuse it.


As the day begins, many await what it may bring with it. Peace or more chaos? All factors should lead to peace with Joella wearing the bracelet Chloe spelled to seal her powers, or at least stop them from going erratic but there's a troubling chill in the air.

Rachael, being the protective guardian she is, hadn't left Joella's side the entire time she snoozed and what's more, Rachael didn't sleep a wink. She thought if she even got a moment's worth of sleep, Joella might vanish into thin air or worse. She wasn't about to let that happen-- not again.

It wouldn't be long until Joella opened her eyes and Rachael also contemplated whether she should keep her safe at home or allow her to attend classes like a normal teenager. Many things raced through her head and she hoped when Joella awoke that she didn't remember anything that had happened or the mess she'd caused. To remember such a traumatic event could spiral her emotions and rewind the entire thing. Luckily though, Chloe was not too late.

Already possibly an hour late for school and Joella hadn't awoken yet, Chloe examined her friend closely. Double to almost triple-checking the talisman, she studied it hard and then released a sigh of relief.

"Seems like Joella is on her way back to us. No need to worry, Rach." Chloe chimed but Rachael sat confused. "She'll wake soon. Especially if I mention that all of the funds for the school festival have gone missing!" She shouted. Joella's brow twitched instantaneously and the veins in her forehead protruded. Her big brown eyes darted towards Chloe who had an impish smirk edged to the corner of her lips. "Just kidding!" said Chloe, tossing her noodle-like arms around Joella's neck, aggressively bringing her into a long-awaited embrace. Joella who is unaware of the events that had occurred now ponders why her friend is at her house, in her bedroom, and on her bed with Racheal not too far away.

"Chloe, aren't you a bit early? I thought the plan was that I meet you outside as usual." Joella inquired sounding somewhat confused. She noticed Chloe and Racheal exchanged looks and wondered what was going on. "What time is it?"

"Joels, it's past ten o'clock; we're late." She paused. "I came inside to see what was the hold up since you weren't outside then Rachael told me the pain medication the hospital prescribed for you was quite strong," said Chloe.

Joella turned to her dresser to see the brown transparent bottle with a white cap almost half empty with a glass stationed next to it. She contemplated the light events but she couldn't remember much, it was all hazy. Instead, she sprang from her mattress and bolted to her bathroom. Shortly, she returned with her long black hair wet and her body wrapped in a robe. Scrambling to find the appropriate attire, she rushed from dresser to wardrobe then to her shoe rack. Picking out the closest thing to hand but still fashionable, she hurried to get dressed and applied the simplest makeup before grabbing her bag and rushing to the kitchen for an easy breakfast. After all the hustle and bustle, she shouted "Chloe, what's taking so long? Let's go!"

Without protest, Chloe exchanged looks with Rachael before heading off to school. Rachael loomed by the window pane watching from a distance, her stepdaughter being seemingly normal. Not long after, perhaps twenty minutes, Joella and her companion arrived on the school's property. There, they witnessed the calm, oddly enough tranquility, the morning had with it. It was strange that hardly anyone was in the school parking lot. However, considering the time, it was understandable-- the others must be in class-- or so they would think.

Joella abruptly pulled her cellular phone from her pocket and texted Jaylon--who hadn't been seen since the incident.

'Where is everybody?', the text read and to her friend's surprise, he responded instantaneously.

'Auditorium. Assembly.' he replied.

"Chloe, did you know about this? Since when did the headmaster orchestrate assembly in the auditorium." Joella asked.

"I guess he grew tired of the gym?" Chloe insinuated. In past events, assembly was only conducted in the auditorium when an important announcement was to be made and all students and staff must be present. A long morning assembly. "C'mon, we don't want to be any later than we already are."

Upon their arrival, the entire school of students and faculty were sitting in a manner that seemed almost rehearsed and mannequinlike. Like wax figurines displayed in a museum, no one batted an eye. A strange yet familiar man stood on top of the stage, along with the headmaster and a couple of other faculty members who usually led the assembly, with an amusing expression on his face. Chloe and Joella exchanged glances then searched through the crowd for the group--Kat and the others. After frantically scanning the gym, they found their companions and hurried over. In a room filled with stillness, it was distinctively noticeable as they maneuvered through the bleachers and the congregation. Finally taking their seats, they took a moment to take in what everyone else was. The mysterious guy on stage. To their findings, he was indeed quite a catch and Joella seemed to be unamused by the person who was looking directly at her, and only her. At that moment, so was everyone else. All eyes were on Joella Wilis. Literally. Chloe turned her head anxiously to realize that only she was unscathed by whatever seemed to be influencing everyone.

And then he spoke.

"Again, it is such a pleasure to be welcomed by you all and to be a mentor, a teacher, and a colleague to the lot of you. I look forward to being your new Guidance Counsellor." The man ended with a slight bow in the most prestigious and outdated fashion and just like that as if by the snap of the fingers, the congregation chattered and mumbled like usual like their usual morning assemblies would've gone.

"Thank you, Mr. Cross. With that, students and faculty, you are dismissed. Please head to your assigned homeroom for registration in an orderly manner." The headmaster stated and so said, so done. Like a king issuing a direct order, none dared to disobey.

Joella and her posse went along to their appropriate homerooms and her astonishment, there was no Max to be found. As one can assume, the seat beside her was vacant. How peculiar. One would imagine he would present himself since his mate made an astounding appearance. The picture of perfect health.

Foremost, accompanied by an absent Max, Jaylon hadn't shown any interest in Joella apart from two simple words. It was even more so peculiar because he was the type to display adhesive behavior. There weren't any adorable characters or 'xoxo'. But alas Joella paid it no mind.

Feeling alienated amongst her peers and a bit out of sorts, she hadn't been very attentive to the army of students marching towards her desk. A horde of questions about the preparations for the upcoming festival came one after the other like a series of a thousand steps, each step more tiresome than the previous one. One would expect such rudeness when they've been absent for a while. Checking her mobile for any outstanding messages Max may have sent, she pardoned herself and buried her head in a textbook to conceal her phone.

To: Max <3
Where are you?

Delivered @ 11:16 am via SMS.

"Take to your seats. Homeroom is now in session." the teacher stated. Joella quickly put away her device while other students casually took to their seats. "Welcome back, Joella." he addressed her, and her hopes of flying under the radar went through the window along with the desire to hear from Max. After being hospitalized and injured, the day commenced on a rocky start.

Haven't quite begun to feel like herself as if she forgot something or just oddly enough felt strange like she wasn't in her skin. So, she gave the best false smile she could and let the feeling fade away to the back of her mind. She presented herself as Joella, the student body president, head of the student council, and class representative-- exactly who she was before she ever met Max.

That's right. The day Max came to my school, the day he came into my life, everything began to spiral out of control. It was only then that the strangest things started happening and to know that there is such a thing as the supernatural. It's like a scene from my favorite show, The Vampire Diaries. Elena was perfectly fine until Stefan came back to Mystic Falls --although that's what they want us to believe. Everything has been a bit fuzzy since I woke up, but it's coming back in bits and pieces. I wonder if Max is okay. I'll call Max later if he still hasn't shown up. For now, I have a festival to be concerned about.

Later that day, after the first few periods had passed, it was finally lunch break. Chloe met up with her best friend and they set off to the cafeteria to join with the others. Kat, Jaylon, Alexa, Alexander, Jade, Robin, and Darin all sat at their usual spot before heading to the bleachers. As usual, Joella was going in for a kiss from her boyfriend but was stopped when she was called over by the new guidance counselor.

"Yes, Mr. Cross?" Joella said approaching the new faculty member.

"A moment of your time, please," he stated gesturing to her to follow him to his office. Chloe leered at the two until they were no longer in sight as did Jaylon before they both exchanged a perturbed look.

Taking a seat in the man's office she studied the room's new renovation then studied the man's face. "You wanted to see me, Mr. Cross?"

The man chuckled briefly and said, "Please, call me Peter. No need to be so formal. Just think of me as an old friend."

"An old friend if you asked me," she muttered sarcastically under her breath. Mr. Cross laughed uncontrollably holding his stomach and then swooping back his shaggy black hair. "I am so sorry I have no idea where that comment came from. I'm usually not this presumptuous to my teachers, I swear."

"It's alright Joella, no need to apologize. This is the guidance counselor's office after all. You are permitted to speak your mind without concern for judgment." He informed. Joella nodded and proceeded to speak.

"What is it that you wanted... Peter," she said uncomfortably.

"I just wanted to personally introduce myself to the student council president. It is quite an honor. I also notice that you are at the helm of the festival preparations. Colleges would be fighting over you before you know it." He insinuated.

"I guess so. I do have a knack for leadership. It comes naturally." she chimed.

"I bet it does." Mr. Cross muttered under his breath as he studied the student before him. Leaning forward in his seat he continues, "I hope this isn't too forward but, Joella, what's your personal life like? I mean balancing the presidency, school, keeping up with homework, friends, significant others and family must take a toll on a young girl such as yourself. What's your support system like, if I may ask?"

Feeling safe enough to open up herself to the stranger she went ahead and spoke. "It's not that hard to balance everything in my life but it hasn't been easy either. I have my friends, like Chloe, Max, and Jacob when things get tough as well as my family. So I'm well taken care of."

"I see, I'm pleased to hear that. I can assume Chloe is the best friend so what about Max and Jacob?" he questioned.

"Well, Jacob is my significant other and Max is, well, a friend I guess," she stated with uncertainty.

"You sound unsure," he said. "I would advise you not to let boys get in the way of your studies. You are a brilliant young lady with a big future ahead of you, remember that."

"Spoken like a real father. Do you have kids?" she asked.

He smirked. "None unless my lover is interested in starting a family." He stated while looking into her big dark brown eyes as if he was speaking to her soul.

Joella had this longing sensation as she too allowed her eyes to wander towards his. After a couple of seconds, she broke eye contact and looked away then back to him again. "I'm sorry, do I know you from somewhere?"

Mr. Cross cleared his throat as he straightened up in his seat. "I'm afraid not. Anyway, I've taken up enough of your time. Go back and enjoy your lunch with your peers."

"Okay, well it was nice to officially meet you, Peter Cross." she arose from her seat and headed towards the door.

"Likewise. Leave the door ajar. Thank you." he smiled and waved before slouching back in his seat. He scoffed and snickered. "This should be easier than I anticipated. You aren't far gone, Noire."

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the town, Max and Carlisle are both trailing a lead on where the enemy may be. Using the remnants of the spell cast upon him, he utilized it like a magnetic force as if the connection between the caster and the object the spell was cast upon were linked while the curse was still in effect and each step brought them closer and closer. Or so they thought.

"We've been going like this for hours now. When do we reach the motel." Max groaned. Carlisle ignored him much like he'd been doing for the past five hours or so. "Dude, you're almost like the worst company in the world right now."

"You know, if you keep talking to yourself I'm going to have to kick you out of this car," Carlisle said in annoyance.

"Smooth, dude, quit being so supercilious," Max stated sounding highly educated.

"Big words coming from you. Did Joels teach you that one?" He asked in a snarky manner.

"Much like Chloe taught you magic?" Max retorted. Without so much as a second glance, Carlisle abruptly took a sharp right turn causing Max's body weight to shift uncontrollably, slamming him against the passenger window.

"Dude, what the hell!" Max retorted and Carlisle's face stayed emotionless, or so he aimed to express but was defeated by a slight grin in the corner of his mouth.

After finally arriving at the motel in silence, they checked in for the night.

