You were with her her last night

Breanna's P.O.V

We decided to cancel the airing of season 3 episode 5, mostly because IT WAS ALL ABOUT SUMMER AND JADE NEEDED TO  BE THERE TO PLAY HER PART! 

Ricardo's P.O.V

Wait.. maybe Will has something to do with this. "Will!" 

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Werent you with her-" I try to say, before he cuts me off. 

"Well, we were on the rooftops- hey wait. How did you know?" Uh oh. 

"That's not relevant to the situation, neither is you using the bathroom." Phew. That was a quick save. "You were with her her last night." I say sternly rising up from my chair. 

"It has to mean something." Brea said, following my lead. 

"After the eclispe, she said she was tired and she wanted to go back to her trailer. I never heard from her after that." Will said with a frown. So, it had to have happened at midnight! But, who would take sweet, innocent-

"Yeah lover boy, we get your point." Brea chuckled as she cut my own thoughts off. Wait.. I didn't say that out loud did I?

"Mm pretty sure you did," Lance said. 

"You know what, nevermind them Ricardo. She could be at her mom and dad's house for some reason." Aidan theorized as he wiped his glasses. 

"She would've answered all her texts and calls anyways, so that's not possible. Unless.. do you guys know what I'm thinking?" I asked. 

"Donuts?" (A/N just take a guess who said that)

"Science?" (A/N take another guess)

"Getting my guitar fixed?" (A/N this is easssyyy)

"Getting a new skateboard?" (A/N if you didn't get this one imma kill you😂😂 -Jk Jk-)

"Using the bathroom?" (A/N IS IT THAT OBVIOUS) we all just stared at him for a couple seconds. "What? I need to go so bye!" He yelled as he raced for the boy's bathroom. I honestly don't know why Jade could like a guy who has to use the bathroom everyone 10 seconds. Anyways. 

"No. Jada could have took her." I said under my breath. But, I'm pretty sure they could hear me. Breanna grabbed me by the collar and looked me straight in the eyes. 

"She did what now?!" She yelled/asked in the most harshest tone ever. Ouch. 

"Come 'ere girly." Lance took her off of me. Thank god for my ship #breance (even though they "don't like each other") AM I RIGHT? OR AM I RIGHT. "Ricardo.. she could have done serious damage to Jade. I mean, everyone on instagram, twitter, musically, snap, (A/N excuse me if I forgot a social media besides Facebook), think you guys are "so cute" together. This was even WHEN you and Jada were together." Lance explained. "So that means, she could have thought you broke up with her because of Jade, and she's getting revenge. Which I'm sure that's not true because like you don't like her and she doesn't like you for sure." He added. But.. it WAS the reason I broke up with Jada. I DID like Jade. And I still do. That's why we're on the quest to save Jade. MY Jade. 

Jada, we're coming for you. 





Oo they're coming for for ya Jada, better run! So, please vote and comment on how you guys are liking the story so far! I honestly think he dated Jada because I mean like Jada and Jade are so close together...😂😂 aye don't judge like I ship #Jacardo but then again #Jicardo is cute too. Like if there was a scale of 1-10 on both ships.

Jacardo- 5

Jicardo- 193847389393823838838383929293939

Anywhooooo, keep rocking🤙🏼🤙🏼


