~ mairi

scenario: in which kairi has a date and mattia gets jealous, so he gets the boys' help to spy on kairi's date.

mattia's pov

i've known that i liked guys since freshman year. i'm now a junior and i still haven't came out to anyone. i've had crushes here and there, but my best friend kairi is the only one that truly sticks out to me.

i didn't even know i liked him up until a month ago. at first it was a minor crush, but now i feel like i may even love him. my heart beats faster whenever i'm around him and sometimes i stutter when i talk to him. kairi is openly gay, but he's never dated anyone. i was the first one he came out to. i was going to come out to him too, but i just care too much about what people think about me. i know my friends would be supportive. but i'm not so sure about my parents.

currently, i'm at home just scrolling through tiktok. i'm supposed to hang out with the boys later, so i'm just passing the time. then i see kairi text the groupchat.

The Boys ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿผ

sorry guys i can't hang later

why not

what's up

sorry guys
but i've got a date

why are we just finding out rn

it was last minute
plus i don't have to tell u guys everything

whatever bro

chill dude ๐Ÿ’€

let my bro go have fun on his date

yea dude
we can hang out another time

yk kairi has never dated anyone ๐Ÿ’€
so he deserves this

thanks guys
and fuck you alvaro ๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿผ

|do you want to remove kai๐Ÿ™ˆโ›„๏ธ from the conversation?|
|yes| |no|


why'd u remove kai??


ur being really selfish rn

well i'm sorry
i don't like that the guy i love is going on a date with someone that's not me

wha- ๐Ÿ˜ง


u owe me $20 roshaun

fuck u and ur feelings matilda
u just made me lose $20

ale, u knew?

what kind of friend would i be if i didn't

so now that everyone knows
let's go spy on kairi's date

but i don't wanna ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
i'm too lazy to go anywhere

ale pls help me out here

if u come, i'll suck ur dick later ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘…

i didn't need to know that ๐Ÿคฎ

you guys are nasty

deal ๐Ÿค

well i don't wanna come
cause i lost $20 bc of u matilda

i'll pay u $25 to come

i want money too ๐Ÿ˜

meet outside kairi's house in 5 mins
and hide in the bushes

after i finished texting the groupchat, i changed, put on my shoes and i was out the door. i race to kairi's house and find the boys right where i told them to meet.

"thank god you're here. ale and alvaro wouldn't stop talking about their sex life" roshaun tells me.

"okay, we'll wait here until kai's date comes to pick him up."

they give me a nod and we start to wait. i soon start to regret bringing them along. i should've came alone. the couple keeps flirting with each other, robert is talking really loud, and roshaun won't stop complaining. finally, we see a car pull into kairi's driveway. the guy that gets out is tall, somewhat muscular, he has curly light brown hair, and a sharp jawline, like ale's.

"damn, there's no way you can compete with that mattia" alvaro says, while eyeing the guy up and down. alejandro realizes his boyfriend's actions and slaps his shoulder, slightly.

"um, you have a boyfriend" ale says to alvaro in an annoyed tone.

"yes. but i also have eyes and they are working just fine right now. mattia is literally nothing compared to that guy."

alejandro and i shoot him a glare.

"awe, don't worry guys. mattia, i'm sure kairi will like you for you and not because of your looks. i mean sure that guy is totally hot, but you're...nice? and baby, sure that guy is hot, but i want you and only you. i'm dating you for a reason. you're insanely hot too and your dick is out of this world."

roshaun, robert, and i gag at the thought.

i avert my attention back to the guy, who is now knocking on kairi's door. a few seconds later, kai is opening the door and giving the guy a hug. kairi then yells something into his house and leaves with the guy. we wait for a few minutes until they're gone and then we race to my car. i drive, following closely behind them. but not too close, that kairi will notice my car.

they pull into an olive garden and we park a safe distance away from them. we wait until they go in and then after 2 minutes we go in as well. i go up to the lady at the counter.

"hi, table for five, please" i tell her.

she leads us to a table and we quickly sit down. the table is in a good spot because we can see kairi and his date, but they can't see us. the waiter then comes and welcomes us, along with taking our drink orders.

"i'll have a coke" i tell him.

the boys start to fight over the bread sticks.

"guys! be quiet. we don't want to get caught" i tell them, sternly.

"sorry" they all mutter.

we then quickly place in our orders.

the food arrives and the guys start to dig in. but i'm too busy staring at kairi and his date. kairi is laughing at everything the guy is saying. what the fuck man?! he's supposed to be laughing at what i say to him. ugh...

the guys have now finished all the food, including mine. and of-fucking-course they order dessert. they're not even paying, i am. and they've been no help.

the guys' stupid desserts arrive and i notice that kairi and his date also got dessert. my eyes widen. they're fucking sharing dessert. what is the guy too cheap to get kai his own dessert?

i've had enough. i get up, but ale stops me by holding my wrist.

"why can't you let him enjoy his date? you can talk to him later. i'm sure you can wait a few more hours" he says.

"i've done enough waiting" i say. and with that i free myself from his grip and stomp over to kairi's table.

"m-mattia? what are you doing here?" he asks, looking up at me, shocked.

"oh you know, just out eating with the boys. nah, i'm just kidding. i actually dragged the boys to come and spy on you with me."

"why?" he asks, really confused.

"because kai...i really like you. and when you said you had a date, i lost it. i want you to be mine and only mine. i can't stand you to be with someone who's not me" i tell him, pointing to the guy across from him, who's looking at us with an amused smile.

"i feel the exact same way...but there's something you should know. this isn't exactly a date. you see my cousin just started dating this guy," he points to the guy, "and since we're so close, she wanted me to meet him and i wanted to see if he's a good guy for my cousin, which he is. my cousin was supposed to join us but something came up. so, i told her we could reschedule but she said to go ahead and hang out without her."

"then why did you text the groupchat saying it was a date? and why didn't u guys just meet here? and why did u guys share dessert? hm?"

"well, i've liked you for a long time and i wanted to see what your reaction would be to me going on a date. i know that you got annoyed, but i just thought it was because i cancelled last minute. he picked me up because my mom needed to borrow my car, since her's is currently being fixed at the dealership. and we decided to share dessert because i wanted dessert but didn't want to feel too bloated in the end. you know how much i hate getting too full."

"well...i'm sorry for ruining your friend date. now i feel bad."

the guy speaks up, "nah, it's cool dude. it's good that kairi has someone that cares a lot about him. so much, that they spy on him during a date."

they pay for their bill and i unfortunately pay for me and the guys' bill. it was not cheap. it's the last time i go out to eat with the boys. we all walk out to the parking lot and say our goodbyes to kairi's new friend, jason.

we drive back to my house and hang for an hour until ale speaks up.

"ok guys, me and alvaro are gonna leave. i made him a promise and i never break my promises" he says, while shooting us a wink.

he drags alvaro out the door and their gone.

robert, roshaun, and i gag for the third time that day. meanwhile, kairi looks confused. "what'd he promise alvaro?" he asks.

"he promised to suck his dick if he went and spied on you with us" robert says, answering kairi's question.

"yea, well me and robert are gonna bounce, too. but first, i was promised $25" roshaun says, outstretching his hand. i hand him his stupid money.

robert then outstretches his hand as well. i groan and hand him his money, too. i've become broke in just one day. but it was worth it.

that leaves me and kairi alone. "i love you" i blurt out.

kairi turns around, "really?"


"kairi, will you be my boyfriend?"

"yes, and i love you too."

"now come and cuddle with me bubs."

"okay" he says in his adorable, baby voice.

he lays down next to me and i wrap my arms around him.

"goodnight, bubs" i whisper.

all i get back are some light snores.

i close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep, probably gonna dream about my beautiful boyfriend.

author's note: anyways this was my first oneshot and i hope you guys enjoyed it. ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ pls let me know how i did ๐Ÿฅด๐Ÿ’€
