
The next day (a Friday morning), you walked to school, and you just felt so much happier now that you had someone else to stand by your side. Officially, you never told anyone that you were dating Ichigo, if that's what it was. After all, you guys did kiss for the first time yesterday, and no one actually knew about it.

You go so lost in your daydreams that you eventually walked all the way to school without realizing it. As you passed the main gates, you felt someone grab your hand. Instinctively you tightened your grip and turned around to see who was touching your hand, and you found yourself face to face with none other than Ichigo.

He smiled at you and said "hey (f/n) what's up?". You smiled back and said "not much, so what are you doing after school today?" Ichigo scratched his head and said "well I have to babysit my sisters tonight, but I can walk you home afterschool". You nodded and said "okay" and both of you walked to your respective classes.


School was a drag that day so you were pretty glad that it was finally over. You waited outside for Ichigo, and when you spotted his bright hair, you waved and called his name. He quickly ran over and said "So, you ready to go?". You nodded and then began the long trek back to your house.

The walk there usually was rather boring, but Ichigo made things much more interesting. He told you all about the things that you thought you saw yesterday and explained his role in it. Normally if a person told you all about crazy things like soul reapers and hollows, you never would have believed it. However this was from Ichigo and he wouldn't lie to you, not to mention that you saw some of it for yourself the day before.

When you were almost at your house, when out of nowhere you heard a girl scream "ICHIGO". You turned your head to see a pretty girl with big blue eyes and black hair followed by a VERY handsome man. He was tall and wearing a very formal/casual type clothing and had long black hair. You just sort of stared at him for a while. You never thought that a guy could pull off long hair, but this one did it well. The girl ran up to you two and said "Ichigo, I've been looking all over for you..... Who's this?" You looked at the girl and said "I'm (f/n) (l/n)..... Who are you?". The girl smiled and said "I'm Rukia Kuchiki, Ichigo's best friend and this is my brother Byakuya." The man grunted, and nodded in your direction.

You were sort of jealous of this new girl, Ichigo never mentioned that he had a best friend, or that she was really pretty too. All of a sudden, Rukia grabbed Ichigo's arm and said "hey can I talk to you for a second?" And then jerked him away leaving you with this fellow named Byakuya. So you turned to him and said, "So, what's their relationship?" and motioned towards Rukia and Ichigo. Although he was very rigid already, he noticeably stiffened and said "I do not know. However I would hope that it's nothing more than platonic friendship. I sense that you hope that it's is nothing more than a platonic friendship as well."

"Damn," you thought "this guy was good"

For some reason, you could identify with him, he seemed quiet, yet sad and lonely, a couple of traits that you were used to before you met Ichigo.

So you both stood off to the side watching the two bicker from a distance until you asked "So, are you from around here?"

Byakuya replied "I understand that you are trying to make things less awkward, however, I really dislike useless talking."

You were used to giving replies like this to people, so you knew exactly how to respond; you needed to drop some sort of bombshell information on them.

So you asked in a calm tone "You're a soul reaper, aren't you"

Byakuya's eyes widened and he asked "How did you know that?" You smirked and said "Lucky guess, how long are you going to be here?"

The tall man closed his eyes and said "it appears that Ichigo, or one of his friends has told you about soul society, I see there is no longer a point in hiding who I am from you. My name is Byakuya Kuchiki, and I am the captain of squad six from the thirteen court guard squads. Rukia and I are on assignment here, and we will be here for maybe two days"

You nodded and said "A pleasure Mr. Kuchiki". Byakuya looked over at you and asked "Mr. Kuchiki?" You looked back at Rukia and Ichigo but continued "when I was growing up, I was taught to always address adults or those I perceive as older than me, as Mister or Miss or Missus."

Surprisingly, Ichigo was arguing with that girl Rukia for a long time now, and clearly you were getting annoyed, and apparently so was Byakuya, because now, he was clenching his fist. Another thirty seconds later, Rukia and Ichigo rejoined you two and Rukia said "Well, I'm tired so I am going back to Ichigo's house to spend the night, goodbye brother, and (f/n)." Then the two of them ran really really fast towards Ichigo's house leaving you shocked and somewhat outraged. "Okay, so she is his best friend, no big deal, but why is she staying at his house, on top of that to spend the night? Couldn't she get a hotel or something?" You felt your teeth clench and your hands curl up, and you assumed Byakuya felt the same way because he was reacting similarly.

So you sighed and said "So Mr. Kuchiki, what are you going to do?" He looked away and said "Quite honestly I do not know now." So you replied with "Well, since they are obviously spending the day together, you want to do something with me? I figure that since you probably don't know modern culture that well, I could update you on what's going on right now."

Byakuya crossed his arms and said "Very well, what do you propose to do?" You thought about it for a second and said "How about the art museum and flower gardens? It's really quite nice there." Byakuya retained his tone and said "I assume you suggested an art museum because it is something that can represent both modern and past cultures, correct?"

Meanwhile you were thinking to yourself "Sure, that's the reason, not like I had no better ideas and that was the first thing that came into my head". Instead you actually said " Yes that is exactly the reason, now let us be off" and turned.  But Mr. Kuchiki stopped and said "wait".

So you turned and he said "Call me Byakuya, I believe it might appear odd to other people if someone who appears only slightly younger than me is addressing me the same way they would address their elders". You nodded and then started walking towards the museum with Byakuya following close behind you.


As president of the art club, you actually really loved art and enjoyed going to the museum, and apparently Byakuya did as well. He seemed to loosen up a little, and for some reason really seemed to like the Japanese cherry blossom paintings.

Afterwards you two took a silent walk through the flower gardens, but that was okay. Sometimes things just need to be enjoyed in silence. But afterwards, you two went to a cafe near the museum. You both ordered a spicy cheddar panini and a cup of coffee. As you were reaching for your wallet, Byakuya got to his first and paid for it all. He even refused to accept any of your money even when you saw that the food that he paid for was not cheap at all.

"This guy must be rich" you thought.

So you both sat in the outside dining area and ate in silence until Byakuya decided to ask you "What's your relationship with Ichigo Kurosaki?" You looked down at your coffee cup, said "I don't really know........." and started fiddling with your thumbs. Byakuya said "Look at me". You kept your eyes on your coffee, but felt Byakuya's pale, slender fingers gently lift your chin. He looked deep into your eyes and leaned foward a little before saying "Listen to me, (f/n) I may be a bit older, and I may not have been in love in a long time, but I can assure you, I saw the look in Ichigo's eyes when he looked at you, and the way he looked on with envy when I was alone talking with you. Clearly he has romantic feelings for you. And evidently you have feelings for him as well".

You looked at the street, to avert your gaze, and by some chance, you spotted Ichigo and that girl Rukia walking together. Byakuya looked out the window at the same time and said "Would you like me to prove that he is in love with you?" You looked back at him and said "How?". He cupped your cheek with his hand and then grabbed your hand and kissed it. Then he smirked at you.

You gasped in shock. He wasn't a smiling, or even happy person, but here he was smiling. Not that you were complaining, he had a beautiful smile. It actually seemed like a shame that he didn't smile more often.

He turned towards the window slightly, and said very softly, "I think we caught their attention." You turned a little and sure enough, in your peripheral vision, you saw Ichigo and Rukia staring at you two, frozen in shock. Then Byakuya said "I do not like that Kurosaki boy with my adopted sister so much, so would you want to permanently.........what do they call it these days.......'seal the deal?'".

You smirked a little yourself and said "alright so what do you propose?"

Byakuya smirked again and said "how about I kiss you on the cheek?"

This caused you to nervously say "Alright, go for it?"

Byakuya moved forward across the table and gently pecked you on the cheek, and then backed away. Then he looked out the window and said "they are not there any longer". Almost on cue, Ichigo appeared right next to you and yelled "WHAT THE HELL BYAKUYA. WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WAIT WHAT ARE YOU BOTH DOING?". Rukia appeared next to him and practically screamed herself "ICHIGO, DO NOT REFER TO MY BROTHER WITH SUCH DISRESPECT". Then she softened her voice to normal speech and continued with, "but really Brother, what are you doing?"

Byakuya stood up, brushed off his pants, and turned towards Ichigo and said "tell me, both of you, how did you feel when you saw (f/n) and I sitting together?". Rukia looked away but said "somewhat uncomfortable, but mostly........slightly.....jealous." Ichigo scratched his head and said "well, I felt pretty angry and a little scared that you were in fact here alone with (f/n)."

Byakuya closed his eyes and said "Exactly, anger, jealous, scared, and uncomfortable. These are the emotions that both (f/n) and I felt earlier, when the two of you left with each other."

Rukia and Ichigo looked away, and Byakuya continued with "Kurosaki, you should know better than to treat the woman you love like this."

Ichigo blushed and said "Wh-wh-what are you talking about?"

Byakuya closed his eyes and said "Do not forget, I remember what it was like to be in love as well. With that I shall now leave. (F/n), I had a memorable time with you today, perhaps I shall see again in the future. Now come Rukia, we have a mission to do."

Rukia quickly said "Yes Brother, bye you guys!" before scampering off to catch up with Byakuya. This left you and Ichigo and you alone.

So you said "you know, stuttering does not exactly help you if you were in a scenario like that." Ichigo looked at you and said "well I really was scared that some one like that was going to steal you from me."

You smiled for a moment and remarked "Undeniably Byakuya is handsome, chivalrous, classy, tall, rich, kind, has a great smile, generous, and appreciates art. He would be a catch for anyone."

Ichigo looked away, and said "Do"

You smiled and said "I got to know him, but I do love you, even if you are only able to embody most of the traits I just said, you have something that he doesn't."

Ichigo looked confused and said "what would that be?"

You wrapped your arms around his neck and whispered "Me" before pulling him into a slow, but passionate kiss.

Meanwhile, outside the cafe in his soul reaper form, Byakuya deliberated your last comment and thought to himself "she thinks I am all that? Perhaps when she dies, I might marry her." Then he rejoined Rukia and the pair went off to hunt hollows.
