Slaves in the Hold Part 19

Meanwhile on the ship the girls were, like Jack feared, in big trouble.

"I wished they was all as easy as that," Jenkins told the captain after he secured the screaming girls in the hold that muffled their yelling for help. Jenkins had grabbed Mauricia after sneaking up from behind her and then threatened to harm her if America refused to surrender immediately which she did. After securing both girls in the new hold below deck, Jenkins walked at a brisk pace to the Castleton Inn where he brushed past the startled innkeeper and rushed upstairs to room number 14 where he found Captain Pendleton.

"Two Negresses, young ones, just girls, came aboard. Don't worry captain sir, they're in the hold safe and sound, captain. But the bad news is your cabin's been broken into. The porthole door was left open."

"A burglary, eh?" the captain said. "Now I wonder how that could have happened on my ship, Mister Jenkins? And on your watch, sir! How the hell did they get aboard without you noticing? We're you sleeping lad? Been drinking on the job again, mate?"

"Just a wee spot, Captain sir. Just a wee bit of rum, sir. Maybe they went swimming first and came up on the port," Jenkins replied. "But I did intercept them and they are now in custody and, if I do say so myself, they could be a valuable part of the cargo, and cost free."

"Really? And were there no others with them? I think there must have been. So now Jenkins, what do you propose we do with these young girls? They no doubt are citizens of the British Commonwealth and thus have certain rights?" said Captain Pendleton.

"Sir, I don't see that we have a choice - rights or no rights. We must protect the ship's purpose, sir, if ye get my drift Captain."

"Nor do I see any choice here Mr. Jenkins. Good work, Mr. Jenkins. You'll be receiving ten per cent on the sale of the two negresses. You know how much money they'll fetch?" said Captain Pendleton." Six to seven hundred in Charleston. But we'll have to accept less in Cuba because I don't want them telling any tales about being snatched in Kingston as British Commonwealth citizens so I am going to trade for them down here. None of this to the crew about being British citizens and you and you alone see to their needs down in the cargo hold or should I say the new housing arrangements. Keep'em quiet, Mr. Jenkins, 'til we reach Cuba. I told those two young whippersnappers, Jeremy and Jack, that they'd have to tend to the slaves although I didn't mention the word "slaves" in particular." So they will have to have access. Just you and them, no one else is to enter the slave quarters without my say-so."

"Right Captain, I had already figured that, sir."

"Well don't go off figuring anything on your own sailor! Or acting on your own in this matter and keep all you know secret. When the crew asks - and they will ask there sir - you tell'em those two young ladies are escaped children from slaves that were held in Cuba but made their way here and we're taking them back as a special favor to their owners. Nothing more, sir!"

"Right captain," said Jenkins. "I understand perfectly, sir." "Sir, when will I be a'gettin' my ten per cent, sir?" Jenkins said.

"We'll also be picking up some guns and that's what we'll be getting in Cuba too, fresh from Spain, and Spanish steel, swords that are for our good southern officers when the fight starts, soon I expect," said Pendleton. "Maybe in Hispaniola too. Don't know yet. When I sell the guns in Charleston, you'll get your cut. I estimate that's about $200. But, you may instead want to invest in my ship, the Helena, which - and this is top secret mate, no one is to know a syllable - is going to be mine, and uh, maybe some silent partners such as yourself, eh Jenkins? Not a word there Jenkins. Not a word sir to anyone! That'll entitle you to a certain percentage of the next shipment of Africans if we decide on another shipment. That might start you on a path toward being a rich man there, Mr. Jenkins. There's also a war coming as you know. It'll be all about guns and cannon then, sir. And I hope to own the ship by then. That's where the money will be, sir, running the blockades that are sure to be set up by the north to strangle the south's commerce. There'll be enormous profits for the likes of us. Stick with me, Mr. Jenkins, show me loyalty at all times, work for me and I will make you a rich man, sir."

"That most definitely gives me something to think about captain, sir. Most definitely sir! Thank you my captain. Thank you."

"No problem, Mr. Jenkins. Then you'll be sure to let me know tomorrow then which way you want to go?" Pendleton said.

"Captain sir, I don't need any time. I been with you two years now. I'm with you sir. I want a cut of the darkie trade and I'll be right with you sir when the blockades are put up. Be right with you captain!"

"You won't regret it. I am very generous with my loyal seamen," the captain said. "Don't say a word to the men yet about the negresses," the captain added. "I changed my mind and I'll inform them in good time and answer their questions about why there are two young negresses aboard. I don't think they will have the slightest objection, frankly, unless someone is working against us among the crew. We'll offer them 2 percent of the sale back to the owner - we won't tell them who the owner is - that's never good business with your crew. And we certainly can't afford to not consider the probability that someone is working against us on this ship, can we now, can we sir?"

"No sir," said Jenkins. "Personally, I am almost sure someone else was involved. It wasn't either one of them, in my opinion, who broke into your cabin sir. You know what I think, a' beggin' your pardon sir, if I'm goin' on too much?"

"No, go ahead man," said the captain.

"I think that preacher teacher is coming back to haunt us, sir. None of the men think that he was washed overboard, if I might add sir. Of course we know differently. Personally I think we got some spies aboard too and they're looking to defeat our plans. They probably were in it with Whittemore before he took that tumble off the ship or maybe the preacher teacher convinced them to his side sir. Whoever broke into your cabin, sir, probably wants to know where the ship is going and where we'll pick up the darkies. And I bet it's one of the crew."

"Or more than one," Pendleton said, adding, "You're perceptive, Jenkins. I have a similar line of thought on the matter myself. "Keep silent on this. That's my order!"

"Certainly Captain."

"Jenkins!" said Captain Pendleton. "Your salary is being raised by fifty dollars a month as of right now! I want you to be my executive officer, loyal only to me. Is that possible, sir?"

"Undoubtedly captain sir, especially if the amount was $100 a month. That's what my ..."

"Very well. A hundred then mister," said Pendleton.

"But sir, won't that cause a problem with the first mate?"

"Very likely," said the captain. "You want it or not?"

"I want it, of course. I accept. I'm your man."

"Jenkins I've been given information that the first mate is a conspirator, and the cooper, the blacksmith and head cook. "Arrest all of them!" Pendleton added, "and place'em in irons, sir, down in the hold. The carpenters built a slave hold and another smaller one. Place the first mate in the small cell and the other three. You'll need the master at arms, both of you with weapons. Here are the keys. Kindly return them when it's done. As soon as the master at arms is aboard, see me."

"Consider if done," Jenkins said, rubbing his hands together.
