Chapter 1~ Flames, Fred, and Floo Powder

Chapter 1~ Flames, Fred, and Floo Powder

"Anna!" I called from our bedroom. "Have you seen my glasses?"

"What?" My twin sister called from the sitting room.

"My glasses!"

"Your what?" She called, coming into our room. "What do you want?" Anna asked.

"Have you seen my glasses?" I asked, crawling out from under my bed, where I had previously been looking.

"Black-rimmed, rectangular-looking things?" She asked.

"Yes those!" I exclaimed, unamused.

"They're on your head." She said, sitting down on her bed.

"On my..." I reached up and felt around my head, and sure enough, right on top of my messy black mass of hair, sat my glasses. "Oh..."

"You know, you would use your head if it wasn't attached to your body." She joked, causing me to stick my tongue out at her.

"Whatever, has dad gotten home yet?" I asked, dusting myself off and putting my glasses on my nose.

"Not yet, we've got to make sure we start the potion as soon as he gets back if we want to get it done in time for the full moon." She said

Our dad, Remus Lupin, was a werewolf, and every month ANNA and I would make him his Wolfsbane potion, so he would be safer during his transformations. On nights of the full moon, Anna and I would be sent to the Weasley house, where we would stay the night and most of the next day with our friends Ginny, Ron, Fred, and George Weasley. Fred was my boyfriend of a year and a half now, and Anna and George had been going out since our third year.

"Yeah. You know, our OWL results are supposed to be coming soon." I said, running a hand through my hair, trying to untangle it.

"I'm sure we both did fine," Anna reassured.

"Yeah, that's what Fred's been saying, but I think I'm more worried about what Fred and George got." I sighed. "I don't think we'll be able to just go out from Hogwarts and open up the joke shop; sure we've got the products but we can't do much without a storefront," I said.

"Yeah, I know that." Anna agreed. "But it's not like they get that. The Joke Shop is their dream, they keep looking past all the logic bits that go into making and running a shop." Anna sighed.

"Well," I said, making my mind up. "I guess we'll have to learn that bit." I gave Anna a look, my hands on my knees, me sitting on the edge of my bed. "We both know the two of them are going to try to open this shop, even if one of them has to sell an ear, we might as well make sure it's the best shop this world's ever seen, right?"

Anna laughed. "Yeah, I guess you're right." She agreed.


"Now, you're sure you'll be alright?"

"And you took your potion?"

"If you need us home earlier-"

"-Or hurt yourself-"

"-Just send an owl and we'll be right here."

"Girls, I'll be fine!" Dad reassured, cutting off our nervous ramblings.

"Yes but-"

"No 'buts,'" Dad said, pulling Anna and I into a hug. "Now go, enjoy your time. I'll be fine." He said, motioning to the fireplace where we would soon be flooing to the Weasley's house.

"Okay." I sighed, picking up my bag.

"Just be careful," Anna said in a similar mother-hen-like tone.

"Aren't I always?" Dad joked, a mischievous glint in his eye, reminding me that he had once been a Marauder.

"Oh, and Sirius said he would be here tonight, we left him food in the fridge-" I started.

"Girls, leave," Dad said, stopping my rambling again.

Anna got her small bag, picked up a handful of Floo powder, and stepped into the fireplace. "Love you, Dad." She said before throwing the powder down, yelling "The Burrow" and being taken away by the toxic green flames.

I was next, I had my bag I my left hand and Floo powder in my right. "Love you." I said, throwing my powder at my feet and yelling, "The Burrow!" The green fire sprung up around me and I once again, felt like I was being pulled up by my belly button. After what felt like forever, I shot out of the fireplace in the Burrow. "No matter how many times I do that..." I groaned, blowing some hair out of my face.

"I feel that," Anna said, grabbing my hand and pulling me up to my feet.

"Girls?" I heard Mrs. Weasley's shrill voice come from the other room. Just as soon as I had finished dusting off all the soot and ashes off of myself, Mrs. Weasley came into the room and pulled Anna and me into a hug.

"Hello." We said after we were released.

"Oh, you two." She cried, fussing with Anna's hair and fixing my glasses. "Look at you, growing up. What happened to the two little girls running about with their hair in pigtails and scabbed-up knees?" She asked with a laugh.

"Anna? Izzy?" A voice came, running down the stairs. Soon, a second redhead came running in like a fireball. Ginny wrapped her arms around us, squeezing us with a grip that closely competed with her mother.

"Hey," I said, hugging Gin back.

"You miss us much?" Anna laughed. Ginny responded by pulling is closer. For such a small person, Ginny had a lot of strength behind her small frame.

"Not as much as the twins did," Ginny said, releasing us. "All I've heard this month is 'Anna this' and 'Izzy that' and 'Oh, how many more days...?'."

"Seriously?" Anna laughed.

"Yeah, they haven't shut up about the two of you," Ron said, coming into the room.

"Hey, Ron," I said as he passed into the kitchen.

"Hello." He responded from the other room.

"Speaking of the boys." Anna started. "Where are th-" She was cut off by a loud crash coming a couple of levels above us.

Anna and I looked at each other with grins on our faces. Soon, the two of us were running up several flights of zigzag stairs up to the boy's room.

We stopped outside their door and we could hear the two of them shuffling around and talking, the door muffling their voices. We quietly opened the door to see the train wreck of a room the two called their own.

The boys had their backs turned and didn't see us come in. Anna cleared her throat, and the two turned around. I caught Fred's eyes, and an impossibly large grin broke across his face. I ran towards him and practically jumped into his arms. He picked me off the ground and spun me around a few times, my face against his shoulder as I laughed.

Soon enough, my feet were back on the ground. Fred's hand went under my chin and guided my face up from his shoulder.

"Hi." I said quietly, overjoyed to be in his arms again.

"Hi." He responded, his eyes sparkling. He leaned down and I rose on the balls of my feet to make our lips meet.

I felt the same sparks as I always had when we kissed. The sparks that only grew stronger as time went on. That feeling of being so close to him filled my stomach with butterflies. My hands went to his now shoulder-length hair, and his arms wrapped even tighter around my waist.

In that moment, I couldn't have been happier.


"Pass the potatoes, would you?" I asked Fred as we all sat around the Weasley's large dining table.

"Sure thing." He said, passing the bowl, I took a spoonful and then passed it on to Anna.

Once everyone had gotten their food, Mr. Weasley began talking. "Now, I know I told you all that I have a very special announcement to make, and well, I was planning on waiting until after dinner, but I can't hold it in any longer..." Mr. Weasley said, as ecstatic as ever. I had no idea what this could be, and personally, I couldn't wait either. "I am proud to say that I have gotten 12 prime, VIP tickets for the Quidditch World Cup next week." He exclaimed, placing 12 tickets on the table.




"I can't believe this!"

"We're actually going?"

"This is fantastic!"

"I got them from Ludo Bagman, he's in charge of organizing the entire thing." He explained. "The game is next Monday morning. The day before, Izzy, Anna, Bill, Charlie, Harry, and Hermione will be getting here, and we'll all leave bright and early Monday."

"I can't believe we're going to see the Quidditch World Cup!" I said to Fred over top of the chatter that had broken out among us.

"Just think." He said, taking a hold of my hand under the table. "The two of us watching the match from the VIP box."

"I can't wait until next week," I said, giving him a grin before I put some food into my mouth.


Later that night, Anna, Fred, George, and I were sitting on the floor of the twin's room, putting various products in their wrappers.

"So, how mad was she?" Anna asked. Apparently, this is Weasley had found some order forms and products.

"Mad enough to light them on fire." George groaned, throwing a wrapped sweet into its correct pile.

"No!" Anna gasped.

"All that work." I ground as I slumped against the wall.

"It was terrifying," Fred said, wrapping a Ton-Tounge-Toffee in wax paper. "I've never seen her that mad and her life."

"Well." Anna started. "If we keep going at this pace, we could probably sell a decent amount at school this year."

"Yeah, at least that way we can see if people like them," I added, agreeing with my twin.

"People love them!" Fred scoffed.

"Who wouldn't?" George asked.

"We just want to make sure, that's all," Anna reassured them.

"Like, say they really like one sweet, but not the other. We would know to make more of the first of the second." I said, coming up with an explanation to cover up our worries.

"Supply and demand, that's business 101, yeah?" Anna said.

The boys nodded in agreement.

"All we need is money, and will be set," George said.

We all nodded and went back to wrapping candy.



Okay, now that I've got that out of my system...

Now, I know this chapter is a day late, but I was really busy the past couple days and honestly I've had a lot on my mind and this chapters were to got pushed back to the last-minute, (surprise surprise) but I got it up now, so it should all be alright!


Anyway, I hope you liked and I hope you like this book just as much as you like the first one. I honestly cannot think of anything else to say right now and I'm sure I'll think of about 1000 more things as soon as I post this. But, I'll leave you as I left you in my last book:

Love you lots,

~Emma <3
