Let's See The Truth...





The screen lit up to reveal a woman with long magenta hair, glasses, and a mole on her chin. She was holding a slightly younger looking version of Kokichi who stared at the camera dully.

???: "You're taking Kokichi too?"

???: "Of course~ We need all sixteen for it to be a real killing game~" A psychotic female voice came from behind the camera.

???: "You're fucking batshit Tsumiki..." The woman bit her thumb with a scowl. "Just take him. I've tried but he's just not learning enough."

Kokichi: "Mom I-"

???: "You shut up. You already know you made your father hate us. Don't make it worse." He went silent at once and faced the ground once more.

Tsumiki: "Haha~ You're so cruel~ Junko would have loved it~"

???: "Don't compare me to that sick freak, I'm just sick of this piece of trash."

Kokichi: "Please.." He whispered quietly and his mother barely noticed. "Gonta and Maki are my best friends..."

Tsumiki: "Don't you worry~ We recovered Matsuda's work so you don't have to remember a thing~" Then the video cut out with a glitch.




Oh god.. what did he have to deal with... If I understand though... This means the mastermind should still have their memories... We might be able to use this...

First though.. I think I should have a talk with some people.

I made my way to the dining hall since it should be about noon by now.

Kaito: "Kokichi!? How-" Everyone looked towards me, Maki and Kaito glared at me while Kokichi didn't raise his head as he stared at his plate. However before I could say anything Kaede stepped up with a huge smile.

Kaede: "Come sit by us! Me and Rantaro wanted to tell you something!" I nodded and followed her while Kaito's and Maki's eyes followed me. Kokichi was already sitting next to them but barely reacted. I guess in her excitement Kaede didn't notice.

Shuichi: "Hey is.. Shuichi.. Alright?" She seemed to notice now and turned to him.

Kaede: "He does seem quieter than usual, Shuichi is everything okay?" He blinked and slowly looked up at us.

Kokichi: "S-sorry I just.." He seemed to be genuinely choked up this time, but he cleared his throat and that glossy sheen of a lie came over his face. "I guess I'm kinda jealous haha..."

Shuichi: "Jealous of what?"

Kaede: "That's what I was just about to tell you! Me and Rantaro are dating now! We're official!" As she said that last word it seemed to reverberate through my head. A look of unease came over Kokichi too.

Rantaro: "Kokichi? Shuichi? Are you two okay?"

Monokuma: "IITISS SEEMS THE MIOTITTICVEE AHHHAHAAASSS FNNNSIISHHEDD." Suddenly I felt two pairs of arms holding me up. I wearily opened my eyes and turned to see Kirumi and Kaito holding me. I shoved Kaito back and Kirumi helped me stabilize.

I turned to see Gonta holding Kokichi up, who was back in his own body. He held his head with a slightly irritated look on his face.

Kokichi: "Ugh damn that hurts.. Huh-" He took a second to look down at himself before dusting himself off and standing properly. "Well, it looks like things are back in order."

Kaede: "Huh? What do you mean? What was that?"

Shuichi: "Ah..  It was one of Monokuma's motives, we switched bodies.."

Rantaro: "...How long..."

Kokichi: "Huh?"

Rantaro: "How long have you been swapped..?" I fell silent and a look of understanding, then shock dropped over Kokichi's face.

Kokichi: "Since yesterday when we went to the casino... What did you say...."

Shuichi: "He um.. He told me about who you liked.." I forced myself to look him in the eyes, where he returned my gaze with a horrified expression.


Rantaro: "I'm sorry I-"

Kokichi: "heheh.." We all stopped as Kokichi turned his head down and started giggling. "HAHA It worked!  I knew about Monokuma's body swap motive so I slipped Rantaro some 'info' a bit ago!"

Shuichi: "S-so it wasn't true..?"

Kokichi: "Nope! Not at all!" Rantaro glared at him but didn't say anything. I just kept smiling, hiding my despair. It's not like it's a surprise... I expected him to not feel the same...

Shuichi: "That's good that we don't have any confusion at least..haha... Why don't we finish lunch..?" Kokichi's smile faltered and he looked at me confused. Rantaro gave me a worried look but I kept smiling. Why should I make him worry.. I'll just let him think I'm happy...

......Kokichi POV

He smiled when I said I didn't like him...


at least I had my lies to protect me...

We finished with our lunch and I made an excuse to leave. I made my way back to my dorm defeatedly. I know he's with Kaito so... It's not like he'd reciprocate them anyways...

I closed my door behind me and slumped against it. Before I knew it a tear slid down my cheek. Then 2, 3,4.. and suddenly I was crying... I hugged myself trying to silence it, when I felt something in my pocket, shaped differently than my monopad.

I pulled out a camera where it had a video paused on the screen. wait... Mom...




Oh god... It worked like a flashback light... As soon as I saw it, the memories started pouring back in. God damn that abusive BITCH!! I threw the camera with a scream as a new flood of tears poured from my eyes. How she forced me to study nonstop and hit me if I couldn't. She always blamed me for my father not loving us.. and then he was even worse. He tried to kill me whenever he had the chance. He didn't want someone as horrible as me in his lineage...

Fuck I can't take this..

I swung my door open, expecting to just run who knows where, but first I ran into Shuichi.

Shuichi: "Kokichi..? Are you okay!?" I looked up to see he had a strained and weary face.

Kokichi: "Heh.. I could ask you the same." I tried to push past him but he grabbed my arm.

Shuichi: "Please I..." He stayed silent for a moment before dropping my arm. "I'm just... holding on to a lie I guess..."

Kokichi: "What..?"

Shuichi: "That's what's bothering me. I'm sure you could tell.." Holding onto a lie..? What does he mean.. I considered just dropping the whole charade. Running up to him, to hug him and tell him everything.. but.. I couldn't bring myself to do so.

I'm a coward.. I can't do anything... I sighed and started to walk away.

Shuichi: "I just need to know..." I stopped right before the door and turned back to him. "Was the fact that you liked me... really a lie...?"
