I was getting my suite case  and heading out the door
I was ready for playlist, I wanted to meet all of the famous TikTokers especially ALEJANDRO ROSARIO

Emily- hurry up
Y/n- I'm coming
My mom- alright you girls behave!
Emily - promise
~ 30 minutes later~
We got to the airport and walked to our gate
After a few hours of waiting we were on our way to Florida! We got to the hotel where Playlist was.
We got to our hotel room and we got ready to meet the New Jersey Boys.

Emily- HURRY! I want to meet Kairi
Y/n- alright I'm done!
Emily- wait you actually look good, here let me take you a picture

We took some pictures of each other and we headed down to the lobby

It was kinda cold I regret not bringing a hoodie.

Emily- look it's The New Jersey boys
Y/n- let's go

We went to them
Emily- hi-

I heard a bunch of girls run up to us.

Girl1- Alejandro can I get a picture with you
Girl2- Mattia I love you
Girl3- can we make a TikTok
Alejandro- umm please can you give us space
Emily- you heard him back the fuck up

Emily and I waited for the girls to leave, so we can have a conversation with the boys

Y/n- it's cold
Emily- you should have brought a sweater
Y/n- no shit
Emily- just saying

Later the girls left

Alejandro- sorry we never got you're names
Emily- I'm Emily
Y/n- I'm y/n

I shake hands with Alejandro

Alejandro- oh you hands are cold
Y/n- yeah it's kinda cold here
Alejandro- here take my hoodie
Y/n- oh Um thank you
Alejandro- you're welcome, keep it it's yours now
Mattia- well it was nice meeting you two
Kairi- we will see you girls later
Alejandro- bye
Y/n- bye
Emily- bye

The boys walk away


Words- 336
