Chapter 15; Date?!

A/N, prepare your pearls for major clutching

For their hero training that day everyone was paired up to spar. Being the last two on the field, Sans and Katsuki got paired up. Sans worked on his dodging and Katsuki worked on how many explosions he could make in a short period of time. By the end of the class, both boys were exhausted, Sans more so. Katsuki ended up carrying the sleeping boy on his back to the locker room.

Todoroki gave him a pissy look, but otherwise stayed at his locker. Sans woke up briefly to shower and get dressed, but went right back to sleep. Katsuki carried Sans back into the classroom before everyone else.

"Hey Skeleton Freak, wake up."

"Hmm? Oh, hey Ground Zero. What's up?"


Katsuki thrusted a piece of paper in Sans's hands with a violent blush on his face and ears. Sans, upon reading the paper, had a similar bright blue blush on his face. The paper held the recipe for the ketchup chocolates (ketchlates if you will) but also had a little question at the very bottom.

"U-um, yeah sure. Today after school sounds good to you?"

"Y-yeah. I'll show up at your place at 4:30, okay?"


Katsuki quickly left the room, not wanting to show off his flaming face. Sans was also blushing up a storm as he pulled up his phone.

<~Kirishima Gaster Group Chat~>

Sans - Ichika! I ned u to com get me from scool!

Ichika - What? Are you okay Sans?

Papyrus - Brother, are you alright?!

Sans - Sory Paps, wron chat.

<~Ichika & Sans Private Chat~>

Sans - Ichika, please com get me!

Ichika - Why?

Sans - I was asked out on a date!

Ichika - Say less, I'm on my way, tell Eijirou that I'm coming, you're both being pulled today.

Sans - Ur a saint T_T thank u

Ichika - No problem, be ready, I'm almost there

Ichika has signed off

Sans has signed off

When Eijirou walked into the room laughing with Kaminari, Sans stood up and dragged Eijirou out faster than anyone had seen him move all year.

"Bro, Sans what's up?"

"Ichika's coming to pick us up."

Sans grabbed him and shortcutted to the front of the building where Ichika sat waiting in her car.

"Get in."

Sans quickly got in the back seat pulling his knees up to his chest.

"Ma, what's going on?"

"Our sweet Sans has been asked out on a date! And we are going to help him prepare for it."

"Yo what! Dude who was it?!"


"Nope, wrong answer. I know I didn't ask you. Who is it?"

"Hmph. Bakugo..."

"Haha! This is awesome! I knew he wanted to ask you out, but I didn't think it would be so soon!"

"You knew?!"

"Obviously! He's my best friend and you're my bro, it was glaring obvious."

Ichika didn't stop driving until they reached the mall.

"Alright boys, first we hit up the food court, then we go to the clothing."

"Sounds good Ma."

Sans's blush didn't leave his face the entire time there. When they finally left the mall, Sans had the perfect outfit hugged to his chest as he slept off his emotional exhaustion the way back home.

"His first ever date. Do you think it'll go well Ma?"

"I sure hope so. I remember Bakugo from when you brought him over that one time. He's a polite young man, but with his personality, his inferiority and superiority complexes, I really can't say for sure how it's going to go."

"If it's anything to go by, he made ketchup chocolate for Sans. Anyone willing to go through countless recipes and ketchup torture like that for my bro, he's gonna be great for Sans."

"Let's hope. Sans, wake up. We're home."

"Huh...Home? I have to get dressed!"

Sans shortcutted to his room and got dressed faster than lightning.


Papyrus burst through the door when Sans started changing his shirt.


Sans threw a pillow at Papyrus's face, blush reignited on his face. Papyrus left the room as quickly as he arrived. Sans quickly pulled his shirts on and tied his new shoes before going downstairs. Ichika took a picture of Sans blushing, smiling, and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Brother, what's going on?"

"Sans has a date!"

"A date? Sans, that isn't a good idea. When we go home, she can't come with us. You'd have to leave her behind."

Sans's blush vanished, and he looked at the ground, refusing to meet his brother's eyes.

"Papyrus. A word in the kitchen."

"Sure Ichika."

Papyrus's arm was grabbed none too gently and dragged into the kitchen. Eijirou hugged Sans tightly to comfort him.

"Don't listen to him Sans. You don't have to go back to Snowdin if you don't want to."

The door opened and Aizawa, Yamada, and Shinso walked in.

"Sans, Kirishima. Why'd you leave school early?"

"Ma'll explain in the kitchen after she's done chastising Papyrus."

Sans hid his eyes from his teachers, so they wouldn't see the tears and his magic acting up.

"Sans, let's go back to our room. We can chill up there while we wait the forty-five minutes."


Sans walked back upstairs and finished getting ready. After the forty some minutes, the two boys heard the doorbell. Sans straight up shortcutted downstairs to open the door first. Bakugo stood there wearing a dark orange shirt, black jacket, black dress pants, and black sneakers.

Katsuki blushed brightly when Sans opened the door. The white haired boy made no effort to tame his hair whatsoever, but Katsuki liked the messiness. Sans wore a light blue t-shirt, black pants, a white and dark blue flannel tied around his waist, and white sneakers.

"Hey Ground Zero. Want to come in?"

"Sure. You sure opened the door quickly."

At first Katsuki smirked at the violent blush on Sans's face, but then his eyes bugged out of his skull when he saw his teachers drinking coffee on the couch, smirking at him.

"Don't ask, it's a long story. You've already met Asriel."

The small child smirked at Katsuki and hugged Sans leg.

"Azzy, go hang out with Shin, kay?"

"Sure Sans."

"Thanks Flower Bud."

Sans snorted when Asriel shot him a look.

"Anyway, this is Ichika and Natsumi, Eiji's moms'."

"We've met before sweetheart. It's good to see you again Bakugo. Treat Sans right, okay?"

"Of course I will!"

Katsuki caught sight of a tall man with the same pale complexion and hair as Sans standing in the kitchen doorway. He looked shocked and not particularly happy.

"Sans, your date is a guy?"

Every single person in the room tensed up immediately. Aizawa and Natsumi had to be held back from tackling him.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, I thought -"

"Sans, Bakugo, before you get going, please escort Shinso, Eijirou, and Asriel to Kayama's."


Sans shakily lifted Asriel and quickly left the house. The walk to Midnight's house was short, so the two were quick to go to the cafe Katsuki mentioned. They sat down and ordered their food.

"Was he your brother? I remember him from USJ."

"Yeah, his name's Papyrus. I'm sorry, I didn't think he'd react like that."

"It's not your fault so don't apologize for his dumbassery. So, I'm curious about your quirk. I know it's not just Shortcut."

"Keen Observation, Ground Zero. Yeah, I can shortcut anywhere I've already been, but I can also summon Gaster Blasters, bone attacks, and soul manipulation."

"Okay, what's a Gaster Blaster and What's Soul Manipulation?"

"This is a Gaster Blaster."

A small blaster materialized in Sans hand.

"It was created by my father, and he taught me how to summon it."

"It's tiny."

"Only because a bigger one would cause panic in here. I can make them any size I want, and even give them bodies if I concentrate hard enough. Soul manipulation is much cooler. Hold still."

Raising his hand, his right eye light fading and his left glowing bright blue, Katsuki's soul appeared in front of his chest, where his heart would be located.

"This is your soul. Every soul is a different color. Your soul"

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Huh, what, oh, no no no! It's not bad! Red means determination, ambitious. It's perfect for you."

"Can you see your own soul?"

"I can pull it out, but I'm not able to see it."

Sans let go of Katsuki's soul and gripped his own. like always, he could feel himself holding it, but he couldn't see it.


"That makes sense. Yellow means Justice. Impartial and fair."

"Heh. Little Richter."

"What old man?"

Katsuki glared at an older man sitting at a table by himself.

"Hmm, sorry young man. I mean no disrespect."

Katsuki instantly picked up on the heavy German accent, and thought back to his foreign language class in junior high. He chuckled when he remembered his German lessons.

"Da liegst du nicht falsch, Opa." ("You're not wrong, old man.")

The old man smiled warmly at the two boys before getting up.

"Enjoy yourselves on your outing."

The old man left. Sans was confused as he looked between Katsuki and the old man.

"What do you say? What does richiter mean?"

"Richter, it means judge in German."

"I like it. I haven't been called a judge since I was back home."

"You were a judge?"

"N-not really. Just a fake one for the neighborhood children because they liked to play pretend court. I was always roped into being the judge."

Sans felt wrong for lying to Bakugo, but he couldn't really tell him that he's from a different universe and was a lazy, skeleton monster, who was the Royal Judge for the Monster King.

"Not that I don't appreciate the cafe, I don't think I should head home for dinner. Should we go to your place or a restaurant? I'll pay."

Katsuki took out his phone to tell his parents that he'll be home soon.

"We can go to my house. I just texted my parents so they know we'll be there soon, Richter."

"Oh~ Ground Zero has a new nickname for me~ What happened to Skeleton Freak?"

"If you don't like it I can always go back to Skeleton Freak."

"No, it's fine. I like Richter. It makes me feel closer to home, if that makes sense."

"Heh, it makes plenty of sense. Ready to go then, Richter?"

"Of course, Ground Zero."

Sans and Katsuki got up and left after Katsuki paid for their coffees. Their walk turned into a jog when it started to rain. They both took cover in a covered bus stop.


"Yeah? What about it?"

"Where I'm from, we didn't have rain. It was always snowing."

Sans took advantage of the opportunity and ran into the rain. Katsuki watched Sans jump in puddles and laugh like a kid. He eventually ran after him and they had fun. They got each other wet by stomping in puddles.

Katsuki and Sans's phone had one thing in common. Their guardians both installed trackers. Masaru and Mitsuki and Ichika and Natsumi pulled up in their cars. Both sets of adults watched their respective charges have fun together. Natsumi gave Mitsuki a change of clothes for Sans and asked if he could stay the night. Mitsuki readily agreed and the Kirishima parents drove back home. Mitsuki watched her son a minute longer, before calling out to him.

"Katsuki! Let's go!"

Katsuki jumped when his mother's voice was heard over the rain. Sans had to do a double take when looking at Katsuki's mom and Katsuki himself.

"You look so much like your mom."

"No I don't!"

Katsuki forgot about his mother in favor of chasing Sans through the rain and tackling him into wet grass. Sans laughed endlessly while Katsuki trapped him in a headlock and gave him a noogie.

Mitsuki took a picture of her son actually acting his age. She sent the picture to Masaru, the proud father manning the wheel in the car.

"Katsuki! Let's go! Any longer in the rain, you'll both get sick!"

Mitsuki took a spare umbrella from the trunk and made her way to the two boys. Katsuki took the extra umbrella and shared it with Sans.

"Try not to be in the rain any longer than necessary. Your dad and I will have dinner ready by the time you get home."

"Thanks, mom."

Katsuki begrudgingly called his mother "mom" in front of Sans to not show Sans his and his mother's usual conversational skills. After Mitsuki and Masaru drove off, Sans tried to get out from under the umbrella to enjoy the rain some more.

"Oh no you don't, Richter. We can't have you getting sick."

"I'll be fine! I never get sick!"

"If you get sick, don't come crying to me."

Katsuki let go of Sans's wrist, and the pale boy ran out in the rain. His messy white hair stuck to the sides of his head and forehead. Despite being completely soaked from the rain, probably freezing cold, the smile of pure happiness forced a smile of adoration on Katsuki's face.

After a small sneeze, the smile vanished. Katsuki shrugged off his best jacket to sling over Sans shoulders.

"Yup, no more playing in the rain for you Mr. Richter. Under the umbrella."

Katsuki hugged Sans close to his side with the umbrella mostly over Sans.

"Aren't you getting wet?"

"My quirk can keep me warm. Don't worry about me Mr. Skin and Bones."

Sans grumbled and pouted, but blushed furiously when he realized something. Katsuki's arm was hugging him tightly to Katsuki's right side. Katsuki, having only now realized this, blushed too, but refused to let go. In fact, he held onto him tighter, sharing his body heat.

After roughly five more minutes of walking, the two boys finally reached Katsuki's house. Katsuki let Sans in and they both left the soaked shoes in the genkan.

"Good you're both here. Good god, you're both soaked! Masaru, get some towels! Alright, here's what's going to happen. Katsui, you're going to use the shower in my room, Sans, I'll show you to the second floor bathroom."

Masaru bright two huge towels for the boys to wrap themselves up in. Masaru lifted Katsuki off the floor in a bridal hold.

"What the hell old man?!"

"Shut up brat! I don't want you dripping water all over my floors!"

"Shut up you hag!"

Sans laughed as Mitsuki lifted him the same way. Katsuki was dying of internal embarrassment that the first time he brought anybody to his house, he was being carried like some chick to the bathroom by his dad and his date was having the same treatment by his mom.

Sans was set in the tub on the second floor.

"I'll bring you a fresh towel, and some clothes."

"Alright, thank you Mrs. Bakugo."

"Please, call me Mitsuki, darling."

Mitsuki left the room to go to Katsuki's room. She took Katsuki's favorite black shirt with a skull on it and a pair of his thickest thermal sweatpants. She kept the boxers from the clothes Ichika gave him, but kept the rest in a reusable tote bag. She wanted to see her baby's face when he saw Sans in his best lounge wear.

She set the clothes and a thick, fluffy blue towel that just went through a tumble in the dryer. Sans used a coconut scented shampoo to wash his hair. Too strong of smells make Sans nauseous now that he was a human. Katsuki always smelled like caramel and a crackling fireplace; it always put him at ease.

Sans stepped out of the shower and checked himself out in the mirror. His stomach was still sunken in, but he couldn't see his ribs as clearly as he used to. It took a couple years and a few months, but his new stomach was SLOWLY filling out. Probably, in a few more years, he'll have abs!

The shirt hung off his body and he had to tie the pants drawstrings right tight to get the pants to stay on his hips. The towel hung on his head, too lazy to really dry his hair. He took a shortcut to the genkan and walked through the living room into the dining room. Katsuki was already there tossing a salad in a large glass bowl.

"Anything I can help with?"

Katsuki turned to face Sans but no words escaped as his face erupted in flames. Masaru smirked and gestured to the two with his eyes. Mitsuki smirked and took the salad utensils from her son.

"Katsuki, why don't you take Sans into the living room while your mother and I finish up. You can pick out a movie for later."

Katsuki silently led Sans into the living room and sat on the couch with Sans next to him.

"Your hair is still wet."

"Yeah, I was too lazy to dry it. It'll dry on its own."

"Here, face me."

Sans did so, confused. Katsuki took the towel and started rubbing his head dry. The circular rotations put Sans in a drowsy mood. He was almost asleep when the towel was removed.

"Boys, it's time to eat."

"Richter, wake up."

"Nooo. Ground Zero is being meaan."

"Well Ground Zero is going to carry you into the kitchen and dunk your head in ice water."

"Noooo, I'm up I'm up. No ice water."

Sans stood up and groggily followed Katsuki into the kitchen. He sat in a chair next to said blond, now rubbing the drowsiness from his eyes.

"Alright, Sans we have some oyakodon and salad. Are you awake enough to serve yourself?"

"Yeah, thank you Mitsuki. It looks delicious."

Katsuki, having known that Sans was still a little too groggy, helped his date plate himself some food.

"So, Sans, are you excited for the Sports Festival?"

"I guess so, I just hope I don't sleep during the competitions."

"Think you'll beat our brat?"

"Hey -"

"Probably, I did come in first in the entrance exam."


"Still salty about that, Ground Zero?"


Katsuki stuffed a cherry tomato in his mouth to avoid talking.

"Ground Zero? Are you planning something, Katsuki?"

"No, that's a nickname I gave him. Because his quirk is Explosion."


They spent the rest of the dinner talking about UA and ther hero course over dinner. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but Katsuki was pleased Sans got along well with his small family.

Mitsuki and Masaru did the dishes while the two boys watched a new American horror movie called IT. Mitsuki didn't care for it, and neither did Katsuki, but Masaru, and apparently Sans, were scared of the demonic clown.

The married couple watched from the kitchen as Sans jumped and clutched onto Katsuki's arm. Katsuki was blushing but wrapped his arm around Sans's waist to bring him closer to his chest.

Sans felt the warmth radiating from Katsuki's chest. The previous drowsiness hit him in full force. He did try to fight sleep (for once), but the pull was too strong. He snuggled into Katsuki's chest and went out cold.

Katsuki stiffened and almost immediately relaxed when he heard tiny snores coming from Sans's unconscious body.

"Go take him to your room, Katsuki. We'll clean up here."

"Thanks old man."

Katsuki lifted Sans into his arms and carried him upstairs into his room. He wanted to just lay him on the bed to get the futon out of the closet, but Sans had a death grip on his shirt.

"Don't go...stay, please..."

"Fine, I won't go anyway, Richter."

Katsuki weaseled his way to lay on the bed, and Sans moved to lay on top of him. Katsuki readjusted the blankets, and fell asleep quickly.

Mituski and Masaru snapped many photos and sent some to Natsumi and Ichika.


"Hey Ma, where's Sans?"

Ichika looked at her son from over her phone. She smirked and motioned for him to come over. Eijirou looked at a picture of Sans in Bakugo's clothes, sleeping on top of his best friend, a line of drool escaping his mouth.

"Send that to me."

"Already did. Go get ready for bed."

"Yeah, night Ma. Tell Mom I said night."

"I will, now get that butt to bed."

Ichika kissed her son's temple and sent him on his way.

"I'll say this. You sure know how to pick em Sans. Good luck."

Vote, comment, and have a fantabulous day 💖💖😊😊  
3280 words  

This chapter is dedicated my the ever lovely potatoreak, they helped me edit the chapter since its significantly longer than the rest
