Chapter 62: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

"Harry, Hermione?" Ron said uncomfortably,"I was wondering if you two wanted to come round mine for Christmas. I mean, we spent it together last year, and that was pretty fun. I get it if you don't want to, though." He added quickly.

Harry and Hermione shared a conferring glance before Harry turned back and said,"Of course we'll come."

Ron beamed,"Awesome!"

It was the final evening before the students were due to go home for the Christmas holidays, and the trio were in the library. Harry was showing Ron some things he had found in the Half-Blood Prince's book, but Hermione was reading to herself, ignoring them.

"Oh!" Lavender Brown peered around the cored of a nearby bookshelf, giggling,"Ron, there you are. Come on, I have something to ask you."

Looking a little nervous, Ron stood up and followed Lavender out of the library. Hermione was watching Harry closely.

"What?" Harry asked.

"You need to be careful."

"For the last time," Harry whispered,"I am not giving back this book. I've learned more from the Half-Blood Prince than Snape or Slughorn have taught me in-"

"I'm not talking about your stupid book." Hermione glared at the open pages of scribbled writing,"I went into the girls' bathroom just before I came in here and there were about a dozen girls in there, including Romilda Vane, trying to decide how to slip you a love potion. They've bought the potions from Fred and George, so I'm afraid to say they will probably work."

"Hang on a moment," Harry said slowly,"I thought Filch had banned anything bought at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes."

"And when has anyone ever paid any attention to what Filch has banned?" Hermione closed her book to look at Harry properly.

"What about his Secrecy Sensor things?"

Hermione sighed,"Love potions aren't Dark or dangerous. Even if they are being hidden in different bottles."

"Easy for you to say." Harry grumbled,"You haven't got a dozen raging lunatics plotting to smuggle you one."

"That's a bit of an overstatement, Harry. Although, it would be down to Filch to to realise the potions in the bottles aren't actually what the labels say they are. Frankly, I doubt he can tell one potion from-"

"The library is now closed." Madam Pince said angrily, moving into view from behind the bookshelf. She had - it seemed - been hiding there. "Mind you return anything you have borrowed to the correct - what have you done to that book, you depraved boy?"

"It's not the library's, it's mine!" Harry stuffed his copy of Advanced Potion-Making into his school bag. Madam Pince looked like she might have a seizure.

Hermione seized Harry by the arm and frogmarched him out. "She'll ban you from there if you're not careful."

"It's not my fault she's barking mad, Hermione." Harry protested,"Or d'you reckon she overheard you being rude about Filch? I've always thought there might be something going on between them."

"Oh, ha, ha..."

Harry and Hermione spent the remainder of the walk back to the common room arguing about whether or not Filch and Madam Pince were secretly in love with each other.

"Baubles." Harry said to the Fat Lady as they reached her.

"Same to you." She replied, grinning roguishly at Harry as she swung open.

Once they made it inside, Romilda Vane almost crashed right into them. "Hi, Harry!" She giggled,"Fancy a Gillywater?"

"Er - no thanks." Harry said quickly.

"What did I-" Hermione began. She stopped at the sight of Ron and Lavender in the centre of the common room. The latter had just flung herself onto the former and a long, passionate kiss.

Harry couldn't tell where one person began and the other ended, but he couldn't help but wishfully see these two people as himself and Hermione. Sighing heavily, he bade Hermione goodnight and trudged upstairs.


On the Hogwarts Express the following afternoon, Ron, Harry and Hermione received multiple visits from other students. First, Cormac McGlaggen walked in to talk Quidditch tactics with Harry and say hello to Hermione, who ushered him out as quickly as she could.

Straight afterwards, Parvati and Lavender knocked on the compartment door. Lavender perched herself instantly on Ron's lap and began kissing him, whilst Parvati stood at the door, looking more than a little uncomfortable.

"So...we just met Cormac on the way in." She began making small talk as a distraction from the snogging that was going on on the other side of the compartment,"He seems to like you, Hermione. Wow, you like your Quidditch players, don't you? First Krum was chasing you, and now McGlaggen-"

"Well," Hermione smiled sweetly,"I only like really good Quidditch players."

"Ah." Parvati nodded before pulling Lavender away from Ron and leaving the compartment.

Ron grinned sheepishly,"Sorry, mate. Your story was really interesting. Just got...caught up with Lav-Lav."

At the mention of this nickname, Harry almost threw up. He had been recounting the story of the night of Slughorn's party to Ron. Harry continued grimly,"Okay, so, Snape led them into a classroom and he told Malfoy he'd made an Unbreakable Vow with-"

"No way!" Ron gaped at him,"An actual Unbreakable Vow?"

"Yeah." Harry said,"Why?"

"Well, it's just," Ron looked gobsmacked,"you can't break an Unbreakable Vow."

"I'd worked that much out for myself, funnily enough." Harry said flatly,"So, this means whatever it is that Malfoy's up to is serious stuff if Snape's putting his life at risk to make sure it happens."

"Harry," Hermione said slowly,"you haven't seen anything to prove he's a Death Eater yet. He could just be...oh, I don't know. He's always up to something, but it doesn't have to be-"

The compartment door slid open again. It was Romilda Vane. "Hello, Harry! Would you like to try some of this chocolate?" She held up a heart-shaped box,"My gran sent me it, but I don't like it."

"Oh, go away, would you!" Hermione snapped angrily.

Romilda scowled at her before scurrying away.

"Thanks." Harry said gratefully.


On the morning of December 24th, Fleur and Gabrielle Delacour had arrived at the Burrow to stay over for Christmas, much to Bill and Ron's delight, but to everyone else's dismay. Ron had made it his mission to help the Delacours wherever he could, earning him many a reproachful look from his mother. Ron didn't care. He was too baffled by their Veela qualities to notice what Mrs. Weasley was trying to tell him. He had been getting on well with Gabrielle, as she seemed to be finding his crude humour absolutely hilarious and she looked as though she was going to burst into tears when Ron showed her that he still had the letter she had written him two years ago.

Harry and Hermione spent most of that day with Ginny, who was being a little warmer towards Harry than normal. Uncertain of what was going on, Harry had asked Ron about it as they were getting into bed that night.

"Think she likes you, mate." Ron smirked,"Y'know, fancies you."

"But-but she's going out with Dean!" Harry spluttered.

Ron shrugged,"Who'd want to go out with Dean?"

"Ginny, apparently."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean she can't fancy you, as well."

"I know." Harry moaned,"Can you tell her I don't fancy her back? I don't want to make her upset."

Ron snorted mirthfully,"No way! Do it yourself!"

"Thanks." Harry said flatly.

"Oh, c'mon it's not a serious crush or anything." Ron rolled his eyes,"She just fancies you like she fancied Michael Corner in September and like she fancies Dean now. She'll get over it."

"Yeah, well, she's going to have to."

Ron narrowed his eyes,"What d'you mean by that?"

"I mean I don't fancy your sister, so she shouldn't get her hopes up."

"Right. Just don't hurt her."

"That's why I just asked for your help!" Harry said exasperatedly,"So that I don't hurt her feelings!"

"I'm not getting involved!" Ron raised his arms in surrender,"I don't want Ginny mad at me. You know what she's like when she's angry."

Harry sighed heavily and said,"G'night."

"Sweet dreams and all that."

"Shut up." Harry grinned.

Christmas at the Burrow was not a celebration to be taken lightly. Ever possible Christmas tradition had been crammed into one day, and Harry and Hermione could barely take it. Everyone had traded gifts happily, and were all delighted by everything they had received. Well, everyone except:

"What's wrong, Ron?" Harry asked as Ron ripped open the tiny pink parcel that had been gifted to him by Lavender Brown.

"She...she can't honestly think I'd wear..."

Harry and Hermione got up from Harry's camp bed and moved closer to have a look at the gift. It was a necklace with the words 'My Sweetheart' engraved in swirly pink writing on the front. Harry took one look at it and gave a shout of laughter. "Nice." He said, sitting back down on the camp bed,"Classy. You should definitely wear it in front of Fred and George."

"If you tell them," Ron stuffed the necklace under his pillow angrily,"I-I-I'll-"

"Stutter at me?" Harry grinned.

"Shut up. How could she think I'd like something like that?" Ron asked incredulously.

Hermione raised an eyebrow, grinning,"Have you ever let slip that you would like to go out in public with the words 'My Sweetheart' around your neck?"

"No. You see," Ron scratched his neck uncomfortably,"we don't really talk much. It's mainly..."

"Snogging." Harry smirked.

"Well - yeah."


A few days after Christmas, Harry overheard a strange conversation between Arthur and Hermione. He had been about to reach the top of the stairs to go to the bathroom after dinner when he heard their voices from the living room, so Harry stopped to listen.

"Hermione," Arthur said quietly to her,"you need to promise me something, okay? Don't forget what's out there. Don't acclimate to it. Don't forget the necessity of fighting back. Ever."

"I don't think I'll forget." Hermione said coldly,"Voldemort keeps trying to kill my best friend."

Harry grinned in spite of himself.

Unsure of what to say, Arthur stammered,"Right, right. Just...making sure."

Before Harry knew it, Hermione was walking up the stairs towards him. Once she reached him, she stopped and said,"Shoelace." Hermione bent down and tied up the frayed laces of Harry's trainer. Straightening herself up, Hermione tugged at the collar of Harry's jacket to even it out.


"It's not polite to eavesdrop, you know." She smiled.

Harry returned the smile sheepishly,"Sorry about that."


"AARGH!" Someone cried from the front garden.

The pair spun to face the window to see the grass outside covered in a ring of fire. They sprinted down to the porch and Harry spotted at least eight Death Eaters spread across the lawn, conjuring the flames.

"I KILLED SIRIUS BLACK, I KILLED SIRIUS BLACK!" One chanted wickedly, running off into the tall reeds behind the fire. It was Bellatrix LeStrange.

Livid, Harry charged after her, ignoring the shouts of,"No, Harry!" and "What are you doing? Come back!" from behind him, mind set on one target.

"Remus!" Tonks cried.

"Tonks - wait!" Molly screeched.

Harry powered through a gap in the flames, not stopping or turning back. He only hesitated when he heard Arthur yell,"Hermione, no!"

Allowing himself a quick glance backwards through the tall reeds, Harry saw Lupin and Tonks battling with the flames, unable to get through.

"Immobulus!" Hermione shouted, passing through the wall of fire with ease, Arthur, Lupin and Tonks in pursuit.

Harry ran and ran as fast as he could until he reached a shallow pond. Skidding to a breathless halt in the mud, Harry glanced around, but Bellatrix was nowhere to be seen.

"Harry?" He heard Hermione's scared voice from the other side of the reeds that were a lot taller than he was. Someone moved in the reeds, advancing on Hermione, who was backing further into the pond. "Harry, is that you?"

Harry caught sight of who was moving towards her: Fenrir Greyback, the werewolf-Death Eater who had bitten Lupin, renowned for his evil ways and devotion to Lord Voldemort. Harry dived out of the reeds and splashed through the water as Hermione's breath quickened at the sight of Greyback. Throwing himself in front of her, Harry yelled,"STUPEFY!"

Greyback deflected it.

The next thing Harry knew, he and Hermione were stood back-to-back on small area of land in the centre of the pond, and almost all of the Death Eaters they had seen were surrounding them, attacking. Not long later, Artur, Remus and Tonks joined them and helped to try and push away the attacks. The Burrow was still in their view as it became surrounded by flames that climbed up the wooden shell so quickly, Harry barely had time to think about it.

"Molly." Arthur breathed, bolting back towards the burning building.

The Death Eaters disapparated, and everyone else charged after Mr. Weasley towards the Burrow. Molly, Bill, Fleur, Gabrielle, Charlie, Fred, George, Ron and Ginny were all stood outside, watching the house burn before them.

It didn't take everyone long to put out the fire and restore the house to its original conditions but, in the time it took to do this, Harry didn't once make any effort to speak to Hermione. When everyone was finished, they all gathered in the living room, watching Harry and Hermione - who had found themselves standing face-to-face in the centre of the room - expectantly.

"Why did you do that?" Harry asked almost inaudibly.

Hermione was silent. She closed her eyes and looked down.

From somewhere inside of himself, Harry suddenly found the courage to do what he had been wanting to do for longer than he could remember. He placed his hand under Hermione's chin, gently tipped her head up, and pressed his lips against hers.

After she had gotten over her initial shock, Hermione placed a hand on each of his cheeks and kissed Harry back. Neither of them cared that Lupin, Tonks, Fleur, Gabrielle and the entire Weasley family (except from Percy, who had still refused to come home) were watching them.

Hermione's lips were soft and warm, and Harry could feel the pulse in her cheek. He pulled away before he wanted to - he hadn't done this enough to know how to breath. When Harry pulled away, Hermione's eyes were mostly closed.

Harry looked around. Molly was beaming; Arthur looked impressed; Tonks was jumping up and down with delight; Bill and Charlie exchanged knowing winks; Fleur and Gabrielle placed hands over their hearts and smiled; George handed Fred ten sickles grimly; Ron's glass had shattered in his hand, and both Ginny and Lupin looked as though they were about to cry.
