Chapter 6 - The Date

Eleanor's POV

I can't believe i woke up soo early? I guess i'am too excited

I see it was 6am in the morning...

I can't sleep i tried, but just can't

I rose up from my bed fixing it and saw bruce sleeping on his little dog bed

I went to the kitchen, and prepared myself coffee with Milk and opened myself cokkies from the cookie jar...

And turned on the tv...


After switching channels and still haven't found anything that got my attention...

So i just turned it off and i dunk my cookie into my coffee mug and ate it one bite

Then another, and another until i finished the cookie...

I raised my pinkie up as i drink my coffee and put it at the sink...

It was 7:00am in the morning

The mall is closed...

It opens at 9am so i have to wait for 2 more hours...

Soo... i opened my phone and i looked at my timeline and did some tweets...

"I think i woke up early "

With a emoji which has it's tongue out

And i saw a notification popped it was a fave from Louis?!

How did he faved this it's still early?

I received a dm... it was from Louis?!

Means he follows me?!

From Louis:

Hi, El is it to early to get ready?

To Louis:

What are you gonna do about it?

From Louis:

Ah, so your sassy-ing me Ms. Calder?

To Louis:

Yeah, i'am...

From Louis:

Soo... are you excited for later?

To Louis:

Yeah, i'am getting goosebumps Ha!

From Louis:

Aww... only if i was by your side right now ;)

To Louis:

You wish! :P

From Louis

How you know i'm wishing right now? Are you physco? Just joking :P

To Louis:

that's not nice, you should treat me better than that

From Louis:

Yeah, your right i should treat my future girlfriend better

what?! Future g-girlfriend?

To Louis:

Okay i should go now i'll be getting ready for later, Love ya! Boo! x

From Louis:

Ahh! You scared me love, just kidding , and i love you too my princess xx See you later.

I read his last message and shut off my phone after and i took a nap at the sofa...

Louis's POV

It was 7am in the morning, then my notification went on, Means Eleanor tweeted...

Yes i got her notifs on.

I tried to open my eyes and faved it... then dmed her

To Louis:

Hi, El is it to early to get ready?

From Eleanor:

What are you gonna do about it?

To Eleanor:

Ah, so your sassy-ing me Ms. Calder?

From Eleanor:

Yeah, i'am...

To Eleanor:

Soo... are you excited for later?

From Eleanor:

Yeah, i'am getting goosebumps Ha!

To Eleanor:

Aww... only if i was by your side right now ;)

From Eleanor

You wish! :P

To Eleanor:

How you know i'm wishing right now? Are you physco? Just joking :P

From Eleanor:

that's not nice, you should treat me better than that

To Eleanor:

Yeah, your right i should treat my future girlfriend better

From Eleanor:

Okay i should go now i'll be getting ready for later, Love ya! Boo! x

To Eleanor:

Ahh! You scared me love, just kidding , and i love you too my princess xx See you later.

I shut off my phone and went back to sleep...


I woke up and lookes at the clock it was 9:30am my phone rang

It was Niall...

What the F, Niall?

Hey, Simon said our rehearsal will start at 10am we're already here at the arena...

I thought it was in the afternoon?

He said time is Gold

Dammit! Fine i'll go just 5 more minutes...

Yeah, just get your ass around here! Before 10!

Yeah, just byeeee....
I hanged up

I hate people when they ruin my long nap!

I stood up and got my white t-shirt and black pants on and wore my black sneakers...

I took a shower and wore my clothes and i didn't even bother clean my room

I saw everyone at the living room watching tv

"Where you going Louis?" My mum asked

"Rehearsal, Mum" i replied back

"Okay take care hun!" My mum yelled out

I walk out and drove my black bmw and headed to the arena...

Cassie's POV

Liked i promise to Eleanor that we would go shopping for her date with Louis...

I was already at the Mall with Eleanor...

She went inside the a shop named "Love 2 Shop" the sign it was all pink and had a cute font

She grabbed my hand and ran into a place in the shop full of dresses...

She grabbed one...

"Is this okay?" Eleanor asked showing me a White long back dress with a daisy flower on the right side on top

"Uhm how about not too long?" I suggested with a weird tone in my voice

"Oh okay" she whined

"Ohh, how about this one?"
She showed me a dress which is short like over the knee... and it's like a tutu

"How about something not for ballet?" I replied

"Aww... okay" she replied

"How about this one?!" She quite yelled

That got everyone's attention...

"Uhm, i'am sorry" Eleanor apologized

The dress was colour black and not like a dress it has a grey like pants attached to it and it's like dungarees but it's really nice and simple i just can't describe it' beauty..

"Well... i think that's the one" i smiled at Eleanor

"Yayy! I finally found the perfect dress well next is the shoes" she smiled and hugged me

"Can you hold this for me?" Eleanor asked

"Yeah, sure" i grabbed the cloth

Then Eleanor took off to the Shoe section of the shop...

"Now time to pick the right shoes..." Eleanor looked around the shelves full of heels

"Ahh, how about this one?" Eleanor pulled out a black thin heeled shoes it was like 3 inches high it is glossy and simple

"That's perfect!" I said delightedly

"Yeah, i know now let's pay for it!" Eleanor smiled and Ran to the counter... she paid and we took off


We find a cab and went to Eleanor's place it was 2:30am

I dropped over her apartment because i'am the one who will put o her make up...

She went to take a shower and i put all my make up materials on a desk and a mirror

I was thinking of a look for Eleanor i wonder which look should i do? Aha! I know now

Eleanor went out the shower and i said Eleanor k know the exact look for you!" With a voice of delightfulness...

"Oh really?! I'll just take me clothes on!" She took the shopping bag and went to the changing area


"Tada! Eleanor you look so beautiful, Louis is a very luckh guy" i said with a smile

The make up wasn't that much just foundation and a little light pink lipstick on... and with the hair i've curled it a bit

"Thank you so much Cass!" She stood and hugged me

"Now all you have to do is wait for Louia to pick you up" i hugged back

Louis's POV

Rehearsals just ended and it was 5:30 pm already and i said bye to the boys

"Where you rushing to?" Niall asked

"I'am going out with Eleanor!" I shouted and click the car keys

"Goodluck Man!" Liam yelled

I hopped in and drove my car the fastest i can drive...

I finally reached my home and rushed to my room

"What's going on with Louis?" Phoebe asked Felicite

"I don't know..." Felicite replied

Didn't mind them so i opened my door and took a shower...


I brought out my black tux and threw it at the bed

"Louis, what's happening here love?" My mum asked entering the room

"I have a date with Eleanor today and i don't wanna be late" i answered while putting on my white long sleeve on

"I know your nervous and in a rush but can you stop for a minute and calm down?" my mum said with a tone in her voice

"That's it" my mum went closer and grabbed me she took the black that should be ontop of the white sleeve i've wore...

She put it on grabbed the red tie and she gently flick the red silk and made it to a tie...

"Thank you mum" i smiled

"My little boy is being a grown man now" she giggled

"Oh, mum" i chuckled

"Okay go out there my little boy" she smiled

"Okay thank you again mum!" I kissed her cheek and wore my black shoes

Then went out the room...

"Wow! Louis where are you going?" Phoebe asked with a smirk and winked

"He's going to find her princess" Daisy chuckled

"I already found her, and i'am gonna win her heart" i smiled and winked

"Okay Goodluck Loueh!" Phoebe yelled out

I exited the room, and went to my car

I rode my car and start the Engine and left the garage and headed off to Eleanor's apartment...


I arrived infront of her apartment and i honked the car

I went out the car and i saw Eleanor she.. she was...

Beautiful and i can't describe her she doesn'thave that much make up on and showing her natural beauty...

"Y-you look beautiful" my eyes widened when she went closer to me

"And you look... handsome" she giggled

"Ready?" I asked

"I'am ready as i'll ever be" she smiled

I opened the door of the car and she went in

And i sat at the driver's seat and
Started the engine...

"So where are we going for dinner?" Eleanor asked

"It's a secret, you'll know when we get there" i smiled and not taking my eyes out of the road

"Awww... okay" i replied


"We're here!" I parked the car

"LeSoir de UK" she tried the read the sign

"Doors are open" i opened the door by side and Eleanor hopped out of the car and all the doors closed.

Then a wave of flash of camera's we saw when we headed to the restaurant...

I held Eleanor's hand tight and we started entering the restaurant

"Good evening Sir, do you have a reservation?" The lady asked

"Yes two for Tomlinson"

"Oh, yes we have been expecting you, this way..." the lady pointed out the table we'll be seated

I help Eleanor sit by pulling the chair infront of me and i told her to sit...

And i sat to my chair and we started ordering...

"Well, this is fancy Louis" Eleanor spoke

"Yes it is, anything for you" i said and tounched her hand on the table

"Soo... How's it going Mr. Tomlinson?" Eleanor smiled

"Everythings are fine, you?" I replied back

"Doing great so far..." Eleanor smiled

"How's Bruce?" I asked

"He's fine, he says he misses you" Eleanor giggled

"Oh, why not i visit tomorrow at yours?" I asked with a smile

"Sure, he'll sure be Happy to see you again" Eleanor smiled

Then our food came...

Eleanor's is Carbonara

Mine's well... Carbonara too

We ate and enjoyed the night


I drove Eleanor to her apartment...

"Thank you Louis for the wonderful night" Eleanor smiled

"Wait, Eleanor Jane Calder" i knelt in one knee and held her hand

"Yes, Louis William Tomlinson?"
She looked at me

"You'd you do the honor as being my girlfriend?"

"I-i, Yes! Yes Louis" she grabbed me into a hug and i can feel her cry into tears of joy

I hugged her tight and kissed her

"I love you my Eleanor" i smiled and kissed her forehead

"I love you my Louis" she smiled

"Goodnight love" I kissed her one more time and went to my car

"Night Boo" she waved

Then i smiled and drove home

I drove my car into the garage and opened the door and i saw my mum at the door smiling

"Soo, how was the date hun?" She smiled

"It-it was successful!" I opened my arms wide smiling

"I'am happy for you Louis" my mum hugged me and smiled widely

"So, are you two together now?" My mum asked

"Yes, we are" i smiled

"Really? I'am so proud of you my Louie" i saw my mum cried tears of joy

"Awww... Mum don't cry" i wiped her tears with my thumb

"I-i'am just so proud of ya" my mum started talking with an accent

"What happening here?!" My dad asked

"Our boy has a girlfriend" my mum said smiling

"That's great news!" My dad smiled and gave me a manly hug

"Thanks Dad" i pat my dad's back

"Okay it's been a tiring day mum, i'll be in my room if you need me" i headed to my room

"Yes! Yes!" I shouted while punching my hand in the air

I lay down to my bed and strectched my arms

I removed my tux and put them to a round bin where i put my laundry

And put my boxers on and i checked out my twitter...

Then i tweeted saying...

"@Louis_Tomlinson: it was a tiring day today, night folks"

My notifications turned on and it blasted out of many faves and retweets...

I dmed my love, Eleanor

To Eleanor:

Night my love, see you tomorrow :) xx

I shut my phone off and went to sleep

Cassie's POV

I was watching over Bruce whule Eleanor wasn't arriving yet... i heard a knock on the door and it was Eleanor and she had a big smile on her face

"Sooo... how was the date?" I raised an eyebrow

"It was terrific a night dream come true and he asked me to be his girl!" She blurted with a huge smile and layed at the bed

"Wow! That was amazing Eleanor!" I hugged and smiled

"I can't for wait until you become Mrs. Tomlinson" i chucked

"Oh you!" She laughed

"Thank you for taking care of Bruce when i was gone" she smiled

"Your welcome! I'd be heading home now El" i hugged her and left the apartment

Eleanor's POV

I looked at bruce and licked my cheek "Oh bruce, you miss me already? Well we'll be hanging out with Louis tomorrow" i smiled and rub his head

Arf! Arf! Bruce barked, "Aww, excited aren't ya boy?" I hugged Bruce

"Okay wait okay? I'll be changing my clothes okay?" I headed to change


I was in a top and sweatpants and i jumped into bed and hugged a pillow

I saw a notification is was from Louis

"@Louis_Tomlimson: it was a tiring day today, night folks"

And ofcourse i faved it...

After a while i received a dm it was from Louis...

From Louis:

Night my love, see you tomorrow :) xx

To Louis:

Night my Boo, thanks for everything and see you too :) x

I turned off my phone and went to sleep... my dream was everything that happened tonight

Hi loves!

Ash here!! And i'm very sad because school is almost here :(
But i'll try to update very soon

And i'm also here to promote my story! New one "Just A Fangirl." I'll make the story short...

There was a girl named Zoella Jacqueline Schmidt a 17 year old teen who had 5 lucky days with One Direction!

And as you can see two members of the band (1D) fighting over her...

Who shall she pick?

Can this change her life into a dream came true or just ruin it? Stay Tuned for Just A Fangirl.

Okay that's the story short, if you wanna know those two band members go check it out!


~Ashley is stuDYING X)
