
Inaya sat on the park bench and breathed heavily. She did two extra rounds of running today and now she didn't have energy left in her limbs to stand. Taking a sip of water from her sipper she pushed her hair back which was sticking on her face.

It's been a month and she still haven't figured out what she is supposed to write next. She was angry, frustrated and annoyed and running and swimming was one of the ways to control these emotions. It was Sunday morning and the park was almost empty. Most of the people don't come on weekends. She picked up her stuff and walked towards her apartment.

As she was unlocking her door the door next to her house clicked open and her handsome neighbour came into sight. They haven't seen eachother since that awkward encounter, two weeks back.

"Hey! Good morning" Prithvi greeted.

"Good morning" Inaya said with a smile.

"Coming from somewhere?" He asked picking up the newspaper from his door step.

"Jogging" she replied.

"Good" he said and she nodded. There was an awkward silence between them as both of them didn't knew what to say next.

"I will get going" Inaya was the first one to break the silence.

"Bye!" Prithvi said and Inaya said the same thing back.

She locked the door and threw her stuff on the couch. Tying her hair in a bun she was making her towards the bathroom when the door bell rang. She found it weird because no one pays her a visit at this time of the day. Opening the door she found Prithvi standing with a small smile on his face.

"Need anything?" Inaya asked.

"Are you free today?" Prithvi nervously scratched the back of his neck.

"Why?" Inaya frowned.

"I wanted to visit the museum. I thought maybe you would like to join. It's okay if you don't want to come" Prithvi said.

Inaya thought for a while and then said "What time are we leaving?"

Hearing her words, Prithvi's smile widened. "We will leave by 12, if that's okay with you" he said.

"I will be ready" she said.

Soon the clock struck 12 and Inaya's door bell rang. Inaya grabbed her purse and jogged towards the door. Wearing a white off-shoulder floral printed summer dress and her luscious black hair tied in a loose bun, she looked breathtaking.

"Hey!" she opened the door and her.

"Ready?" Prithvi asked and she nodded. She stepped out of her house and locked the door. Meanwhile Prithvi pressed the button for the elevator. By the time Inaya was done elevator was already waiting for them.

"You look beautiful" Prithvi complimented and heat crawled up Inaya's cheeks.

"Thanks" she didn't knew how to react when someone compliments her. "You look handsome too" she quickly added.  Wearing a white collared t-shirt and denim jeans paired with black sun glasses he indeed looked handsome.

"I always look handsome. You just noticed it today" he smirked.

"Don't flatter yourself" Inaya rolled her eyes. She hated men who were full of themselves. Even though Prithvi left no chance to compliment himself, Inaya never really felt irritated. If it was to be someone else she would have not even spoken another word to them but here she was going to a museum with him.

The drive to the museum was mostly silent. Soft music playing in the background and some teasing remarks from Prithvi and sarcastic comments from Inaya. They spent half of the day in the museum laughing ans admiring stuffs and had lunch in the nearby restaurant. The sun was about to set and the birds were returning to their nest after a long tiring day. Prithvi and Inaya sat in a park eating ice cream and discussing about life.

"Inaya" Prithvi said and she hummed and took a bite of her ice cream. "I have been wanting to say this the whole day. I am sorry about what I said that day about your book. I didn't knew—"

"—It's okay, Prithvi. I understand. You don't believe in love and that's your choice and as I said earlier, not everyone can like what I write. Yes, I was hurt when you said that because at the end of the day it's my parents love story but then I realised it's not necessary that what is beautiful to you will be beautiful for other person as well" Inaya said and Prithvi felt something in his heart because of his words.

He doesn't believes in love. For him love is just a nonsense concept. But what is this feeling? He never felt it before, then why now? He was not someone who would run behind girls, infact it was the other way round. Then way was he sitting here with Inaya even after she has pushed him away several times?

"Why do you believe in love?" he asked.

"I never had a reason to not" she simply replied. "Why do you don't believe in love?"

"I have a lot of reasons" he said and Inaya could clearly see hurt, anger and disgust in his eyes.

What's happening?

What do you think the reason is that Prithvi doesn't believes in love?

Do you believe in love?

Don't forget to give your reviews.
