chapter 3

Third pov

It was launch time Inosuke stuffed his face with the food that he had taken off his friends plate, seeing that they were already used to his behavior.

"Slow down, dont eat too fast, you might choke." Tanjiro warned. It was almost like this every day that he would tell Inosuke to slow down.

"Hmphmh." Inosuke talked with his mouth full, so it came out muffled, leaving tanjiro to shake his head.

"That's not ladylike." Zenitsu intervened, pointing his chopstick in Inosuke directions, who stopped eating fast.

"You never told me to eat lady like Zenitsu." His brow twitched as well as his hands, wanting to punch something. "Plus, you didn't tell me to act like a girl. You only dressed me up as one."

"Well, I didn't know you were into crossed dressing." A voice rang out, causing all three of the boys to look at the source.

Tanjiro face turned light pink seeing who it is. "Y-yuichiro!" He exclaimed, surprised.

Yuichiro gave him a glance and turned his attention back to Inosuke, who is glaring at him. "Well, apparently, us twink can really look like a girl."

Muichiro face palmed himself for his twin rude words. "You..." He couldn't find anything to say to his twin, seeing that he couldn't find any.

"Twink." Zenitsu whispered, knowing what the word means. But he couldn't say the same for Inosuke thought.

"What the hell does twink mean!?" He questioned out loud.

He earned some stares in the cafeteria, yuichiro looked at him with his brows furred but didn't say anything, as he sat himself sitting at their table.

Muichiro sighed but did as well sat next to Inosuke with a little square sandwich in his hand. "Twink is a guy that is easily really feminine." Yuichiro explained, sitting next to Tanjiro.

"Eeh!" Inosuke face gained a tick mark. "What! Hell." He mumbled to himself as he ate slowly. He was tried hearing that he looks feminine.

Muichiro, who is nibbled on the sandwich, looked in his corner of his eye looking at inosuke, who had an irrated face. 'I wonder what kind of faces he can make besides looking irrated' he thought.

Tanjiro sweat dropped. "You really like to make people irrated, don't you?" He got a snort as a reply from yuichiro as well as a nod.

"I'm sorry, but who are you guys?" Zenitsu asked, seeing that his two friends know them except for him.

"Oh, right." Tanjiro pointed to yuichiro. "This is yuichiro tokito he's in my math glass with me that's how I know him." He introduced him.

"Well, apparently they are twins, so I'll guess this is muichiro tokito, who is also in the same art class as me." Inosuke muttered out with his tone flat.

Muichiro lazy waved to Zenitsu, who awkwardly looked at them. "Twins who look like girls."

A vein popped onto yuichiro Forehead. "Yes, twins that look like girls." He gritted out.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who gets mad." Inosuke laughed with a smudge of ketchup on his lip.

Yuichiro opened his mouth to reply back before he could. tanjiro shoved his food in his mouth as he laughed nervously. "Hahaha."

A pale hand reached out, whipping off the ketchup on Inosuke lip. Inosuke blinked suddenly from the touch as he saw it was muichiro who did it.

Suddenly, his cheeks felt warm when he watched muichiro lick his finger like it was no big deal. "Has anyone told you your a messy eater?" He said.

Inosuke eyes narrowed. "Yes." He admitted looking at tanjiro and zenitsu with a critical eye, making them look somewhere else.

"Just don't get food on your blouse." Zenitsu said, taking a bit of his food.

Inosuke looked down at the blue blouse he was wearing, making sure it didn't have food stains. " maches your hair." Tanjiro compliments.

"How about you put your hair in a ponytail with some strands of hair left out?" Muichiro suggested. He could imagine how Inosuke would probably look.

"Oh, shut it with the suggestion and crap." He spat out twirling the chopstick he has in his hand. "I'll only put my hair in a ponytail when we have, p.e got it." He told everyone at the table.


Everyone at the table minus yuichiro nodded, dropping the subject. "So, basically, you're still doing what he said." Yuichiro said, mentioning to his brothers words.

Inosuke blinked and then said nothing, knowing what he said was right but also for a different reason.

Muichiro took a carrot from inosuke lunch, seeing that he's not eating them and throwed it at his twin hit him on the cheek where he aimed it out.

"..thats enough." He said firmly, giving his brother a blank stare, seeing that he was glaring at him well he rubbed his cheek.

Zenitsu whispered to tanjiro. "You sure attract some interesting people." He deadpan.

Tanjiro could on sweatdrop, agreeing with his blond head friend. "I'll just...." Inosuke paused thinking of something.

Muichiro titled his head, seeing Inosuke thinking face, brows slightly pinched together, and his lips been slightly sucked in.

'Cute,' he absently thought, not knowing that his twin was staring at him with a calculated look.

Inosuke made eye contact with muichiro, much to tanjiro, and Zenitsu surprised Inosuke cheeks turned light pink. "I'm going to the bathroom." He announced breaking eye contact.

Inosuke got up and walked, leaving a confused muichiro who blinked as he turned back to the others.

"What was that about?" He asked, baffled, yuichiro pinched his lip in a straight line, thinking his twin is and idiot.

"...who knows." Zenitsu shrugged, stopping a grin from forming on his lips. tanjiro smiled awkwardly to muichiro.

Inosuke made it in the boys' bathroom, making his way to the mirror to only see he is still light pink. "Am I sick?" He asked himself, confused about what is  happening to himself.

With a shake of his head, he went and done his business, then washed his hands and headed back, ignoring the boys that were about to enter the bathroom he came out of.

"Hey...pretty thing." A voice stopped him making him look at the source of the voice. It was a boy the same age as him talking to him.

Inosuke pinched his brow together, wondering what this stranger wanted as he was aggravated hearing the boy calling him pretty thing.

"How about you sit with me and my friends." The strange boy ran his fingers into his brown hair as he nodded at the direction his friends are sitting. "And have a great time."

The strange boy looked up and down, checking out inosuke, who is still confused about what's going on.

Zenitsu looked at the cafeteria entrance to see if inosuke was coming back. Suddenly, he turned pale. "Tanjiro...tanjiro!" He shouted a little, gaining tanjiro attention as well the rest from the table.

"Yes?" Tanjiro answered, wondering what got Zenitsu sounding all panicking as pale, right. "It's Inosuke." Zenitsu gluped.

Muichiro raised a brow along with his twin. "He's getting hit on." He finally told them. "And I don't think he knows that he is."

Tanjiro head looked at the direction that Zenitsu was looking, only to find that his blonde head friend said it was true.

Muichiro felt his brow twitch as well, his stomach drop. Most of all, he felt anger towards the strang boy for whatever reason.

"Whoa!...look at that!" Yuichiro exclaimed, spurised than looking towards his twin.

"I think we need to go over there." Said tanjiro wanting to get Inosuke back, not wanting anything to happen to him.

"I don't think you need to." Yuichiro spoke, seeing that his twin is gone. "What do you mean?" Zenitsu looked over at him as well, tanjiro.

He pointed his finger. "Cause he already is there." He simply said as the two followed where he was pointing at.

"Muichiro." Tanjiro, zenitsu said at the same time.

"Come on, say something." The strange boy encourages Inosuke to say something.

"I don't think he'll would want to." A new voice spoke up beside Inosuke. 'Muichiro,' Inosuke thought, as he felt the other hand grab his.

"Oh, I wouldn't mind if you tag along also." Muichiro made a disgusting face to the boy and said nothing dragging away Inosuke from there.

Confused at what just happened nor knowing what to feel, Inosuke looked at the hand that was holding his as it dragged him back to the table.

'His hands are soft,' he thought, looking back to his friends, then sat in his original spot and started eating with one of his hands.

Tanjiro, zenitsu looked at him than towards each other than back to him. "Are you alright, Inosuke?" Tanjiro asked in a low tone.

"Yeah." Inosuke answered, meeting tanjiro eyes. "I don't know what that boy wanted." He shrugged. "But I was glad that muichiro came over cause I saw the boys hand trying to go up my skirt."

The three boys at the table tensed at the information they were told. "But I'm glad it's over now, though."

"Eh?" Muichiro let out quietly, aware that he was still holding Inosuke hand, not the slightest wanting to let go.

Yuichiro looked over to him, seeing his twin with a blank face, which he knows he's thinking of something not kind.

"Y-yeah." Zenitsu voice cracked. "I'm glad that didn't happen." He grimaced aware that Inosuke could get harassed not knowing that he was.

Tanjiro, on the other hand, knew that Inosuke was pretty, but the part that worries him is that Inosuke sometimes couldn't read what was about to happen.

Yuichiro silently scoffed. "We twink got it hard." He sneered. "If that would have happened to me, I'll kick them where the sun won't shine." He gave a sinister smile.

Zenitsu shivered, aware that yuichiro would differently do it knowing his personality a little today. "....ouch."

'Why do I have a crush on him?' Tanjiro thought with a sweat running down his temple.
