Is it that bad that he is my step-brother [ 11 ]

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Who is she?

Why is she here? when did they started dating and why didn't Dylan tell me?

I couldn't get her off my mind. All I thought about was his lips on hers.

Who was she?

I like Dylan, a lot.

I was walking down the corridor looking at my time table. I had Marine Studies in Lab 3, with Miss Bar.

I was soon faced into a hard figure, someone's chest.

I stepped back and looked up, thinking of him and her.

"Oi bitch! this is my boyfriend, keep your grubby lil hands to yourself!" The girl spat as she grabbed Dylan's Hand.

My Eyes drooped with sadness, Dylan gave me a sympathetic look. It didn't help anything or anyone.

"Sorry Dylan, didn't mean to touch you in a sexual way. I'll just keep my - grubby lil hands to myself" I clearly said.

"It's okay" He muttered.

"Wait a minute... you two know each other?" The chick spat out, her voice was annoying me.

I just wanted to rip her voice box out, to be honest. Honesty is better then a lie.

"Yeah of course we do. Alex meet Cheryl & Cherly meet Alex" Dylan said, he rubbed the back of his neck. He looked a little bit uncomfortable.

Well obviously he has made out with her, so he has made out with both of us? I'm starting to regret ny feelings for this dude ever so minutes.

"Isn't Alex a boys name? Are you a boy?" Cherly asked dumbfounded.

"How long have you been dating for?" I asked, trying to chanve the topic and get some real answers.

"Almost a year! Me and my baby are celebrating our one year on a yatch, his daddy's yatch" She said with squeak voice.

A year? 180 school days. Are you kidding me? I gave Dylan a cold stare.

I almost gave him my v-card & he doesn't have the decency to tell me he has a girlfriend.

Oh my gosh. I'm so stupid.

I was about to say something when I felt someone wrap a arm around my neck and rub my hair around.

"Knuckle sandwhich!" He roared.

"Fuck off already!" I said.

I looked up and saw Colton, I pushed away and gave him dirty look. I looked at Dylan and Cheryl.

They were engrossed in sucking each other's face to have seen what just happened.

"Later losers" I said as quickly as I can and sped walked away, trying to get as far as I can away from them. Right. Now.

But I was stopped, I was spun around to see Colton with a massive smirk in his face.

"What do you want from me?" I snapped at him.

"I don't like Cherly." Colton spat.

"What's this got to do with me?" I said.

"I know you have feelinga for my mate Dylan, help me help you" he explained.

"Uh no I don't" I lied.

"Pleasee, it's so obvious -" sounded like a girl Colton shrieked "-flirt with his friends, make him jelly." Colton said.

I nodded my head and walked away.

So if Dylan wants to play it like that then fine, him and his girlfriend can go make babys for all I care.

I walked into Class, 29 Minutes late. Whatever.

I walked up and sat next to one of there firmed' that was in front of Dylan and Cheryl. I think this guy name was Shawn and he knew who I was.

At first me and Shawn started to talk, Like get to know each other.

"Okay Class, 1st Row look behind and that is your Partner for this Year in this Class and the 2nd Row turn around and that is your Partner for this year in this Class." Miss Bar explained.

Great, I guess.

I turned around to see Dylan, Seriously?

I looked at Shawn and smirked, I leaned and went to his ear.

"Be careful with this one. Good luck." I whispered.

He nodded and went and swapped seats with Dylan.

Dylan sat down next to me and gave me a sad look, he know he messed up.

"Alexus...hey." He said.

No. I turned my head away.

"Are you mad at me, again?" He hissed out as he touched my arm.

I pulled my arm from his touch and turned to face him.

"I never stopped being mad at you. Jerkface." I hissed at him.

"I know I mes-"

Dylan's sentence cut by the bell going off and I went and walked out with Shawn, we had this class again so I just left my stuff here.

Shawn and I have became very close over like 3 Minutes, I was shocked really.

I was walking with Shawn to the Cafeteria when 2 hands were placed in my shoulders.

"Hey!" The person said.

I looked back and saw Lexi.

"Heyyy!" I replied as she was now standing next to me as I turned my head back around.

"Shawn this is Lexi, Lexi this is Shawn." I scoffed out with a big smile.

"We already know each other." Lexi spat out.

"Use do?" I firmly said, I was confused.

"Were Cousins." Shawn explained.

"Oh cool" I said as we walked into the Cafeteria and got out food we made our way to Colton and Peter.

We sat down, I sat next to Shawn, Colton and Peter were on the other side of the Table, Lexi sat in the other side of the Table.

After I introduced Lexi, 2 more figure's came to the Table. Dylan and Cheryl, Great.

I picked up my Tray when Cheryl sat down she "Accidentally" bumbed me and the Tray spilt down on my Lap, My poor Jean's didn't deserve this.

Dylan sat on the other side, in the Middle of Colton & Peter.

"What the heck Cherly" I snapped at her.

"It was and accident, calm the fuck down." She spat.

"Sure"  I replied as I rolled my eyes and pushed the food off my lap.

I looked up and saw Dylan staring at me. What did he want? for me to play nice? - no way in hell will I ever.

"It was ya bitch" Cheryl said to me, excuse me miss 'everyone look at my kids clothing'?

I looked over at Dylan, he looked just as shock as I'am.

"You're actually the biggest slut, you can't even stop looking at my boyfriend! leave and keep your guppy hands away from my prize position!" she yelled, casuing heads to turn in our direction.

"Boo you whore" I replied back.

"YOU AND ME, ALEXUS!." A guy yelled - it was Dylan "OUTSIDE NOW!" he finished.

I got up from the seat and made my way outside were Dylan had managed to get there before me somehow, He was just standing there.

I walked over closer to him but not to close. I didn't want to be yelled out again by a physcopath.

He just stared, not saying anything yet. Not one single word.

"Are you gonna say anything or did you just bring me out here to stare at me?" I asked.

He shook his head and glared at me now.

"How dare you say and speak to Cheryl like that." Dylan snapped.

Are you for real?

"You're not my parents, I can do what hell I want and I don't need yours or anyone telling me I can't." I snapped back.

"Shut up, your adopted. Your parents didn't even want you." Dylan said. Making my heart shatter. "You do NOT call the love of my life a whore, you are the whore around here."

"So what does that make you? last time I checked, you and me almost had sex and you have a girlfriend." I replied back.

"That was a mistake, It should have never gone that far, I wish it never happened." Dylan replied.

"I hate you so much Dylan. Never speak to me again" I said and ran straight to my Car.

"I don't ever wanna look at your face, burn in hell bitch" he called and stormed off.

I was now in my Car a couple streets, down and crying my eyes out.

Of course I don't hate him but he said it was a mistake and he wished it never happened.

I turned on the radio and blasted the radio. I started the Car up and started to drive, I don't know where but I just drove.

I drove faster and faster, My eyes were all blurry and as I was turning a sharp corner when there was dog crossing the raid and I swerved to miss the dog I lost control of the Car and I couldn't see properly because of my crying and I went over a small cliff and went down as the Car tumbled and tumbled down and stopped and then I was knocked out, everything went black. Everything.


What's going to happen next? I know, I know, CLIFFHANGER! I'm sorry but it's just how I wrote it. As I go back and edit my chapter's, I've realised how much speeling mistakes and incorrect grammer I have made. I'm so sorry about that, I was younger when I wrote this. I'm 15 now and turning 16 in August.

Soo...please clicity click the little star and vote for me! it would be very much apprieacted and I thank you in advance.

Thank you for reading, have a great day.

lots of love,

Sophie XO
