You Know The Avengers

(After Endgame)
Hey guys so this is before Spiderman Far from Home.

Peter sat down at the front row next to Ned and MJ and unfortunately Flash. Peter was beyond exited. The school principal had announced that Midtown High was going to be visited by a few special guests, who'd be teaching them. Most of the kids had thought of it as a free day since celebrities must not really have any experience teaching.

They're were so many rumours about who'd show up that Peter couldn't even count. Peter's train of thoughts was derailed when Principal Morita walked on stage and silenced everyone.

'Good morning everyone. I'm sure all of you are really exited for today.'

Their were a number of "yeah" and "obviously" before Principal Morita continued.

'Their have been a lot of rumours but sadly none of them came as close to reality.'

Their were a number of groans and "no".

'Though you'll be really happy to know who the real surprise visitors are. I for once am honoured to have them. I'm sure you all will help me welcome THE AVENGERS!'

Their were screams and cheers though Peter couldn't help feel like someone had just announced that he was to be put to death.

Besides him Peter could hear Flash whisper 'I can't wait to expose your lies Penis.' Which made Peter want to sink even more, even though Peter's internship wasn't a code anymore and he really did work at SI.

Everyone expected the Avengers to appear from behind the stage but instead one of the doors to the hallway opened and the avengers came in. Peter wanted to run and prayed that no one remembers that he goes to Midtown High, which was unlikely since the Ironman helmet pulled up and you could see Tony who just winked at him.

The whole school stood their awestruck and Peter wanted to laugh. 'Hello Midtown Nerds. You all already know us so I'm pretty sure we don't need to introduce ourselves.' Tony said in a casual way.

Their was a quick question answer session and then Principal Morita dismissed everyone for classes after clarifying which avenger would teach which class.


Unfortunately Peter had Physics first so he was stuck with the one person who liked to embarrass him way more then anyone in the world, yep he was stuck with Tony.

The whole class was so awestruck that Peter thought that the class might be focusing more because they wanted to look good in front of The Avengers.

Peter in the other hand couldn't concentrate because Tony was telling them about his Arc-reactor and the tech he uses in his Ironman suit . Peter already knew about all of this because Tony used the same tech in the Iron spider suit when they were working on it last week along with Tony's own suit.

Every time Tony asked a question all the hands except for Peter's would be raised. 'Dude this is so awesome. The Tony Stark is teaching our class. How cool is that?' Ned whisper-shouted.

'Not really I work with him all the time, Ned.'
Peter replies.

Tony asked something again and the whole class raised their hand. Tony pointed at Flash to answer but apparently it was wrong 'Parker.' Tony called quietly.

Peter sat up straighter 'Yes?'
'Would you please answer my question, Peter?'
Dang it Peter thought because his whole class was staring probably wondering how Tony knows his name. Well their lose for not believing him.
'Could you.....could you.......repeat the question Mr. Stark?' Peter stuttered being careful not to accidentally say dad cause that's what he called Tony now.
'How many times do I have to tell you kid?Don't call me Mr.Stark it's Tony.'

Tony repeats his question which was related to Nano Tech and Peter answers it casually as if it was the easiest topic on the planet.

15 minutes before class ended Tony decided to have a little Q and A about the avengers, Just for fun. A lot of students asked Tony about his life. Some students brought up Spiderman and who he really is.

Peter seemed to relax when he found out Tony wasn't gonna embarrass him. Maybe Pepper had talked to him, he'll thank her when he went to the compound or one of the other SI towers.

'Do you take High school interns?' Flash asked making Peter fall out of his chair and earn a few stares from his class and his Teacher and Tony.

'Sorry.' Peter murmured, picking himself up.

'No, you have to be in college to intern.' Tony answered.

'I knew you were lying Penis. Did you really think everyone bought it? And now you're exposed in front the person who you kept bragging that you worked for.' Flash was so happy that Peter was exposed that he didn't notice how angry Tony looked.

'You don't know when to shut up do you Flash?' Peter shouted.

'What did you just call him?' Tony asked.
'He's just a kid who kept saying he interned at SI so it can't be true since you don't take High school interns.'

'Da— I mean Tony, just leave him it's no big deal I can—'

'Zip it Peter. I'm taking to him not you.' Tony interrupts making Peter sink in his chair.

'Listen, you better not even dare look at my kid or your dead.' Flash gulped and managed to stutter a 'yes sir.'


Peter's next class was Spanish which was taught by Natasha and Clint. It was sort of obvious because they were secret spies and possibly knew every language.

After that Peter had Chemistry lesson which was taught by Bruce. It went as well as Peter's Spanish class since Flash didn't bother him at all like he promised Tony.


Peter's favourite class was P.E since the class got to do combat training with Steve Rogers.

Hey guys so I hope you liked this please vote if you want.
Comment any ideas and let me know if this was good though this doesn't seem as good as when I thought of it.
