Stretching Abilities

"Words are easy, like the wind; Faithful friends are hard to find."


Chapter 4:

Lux POV:

"Oh my god Alice..." I growled as she took my wrist and tugged me into the one and only, Victoria's Secret.

"What? I just think you need a little sleepwear..." I gasped and snatched my wrist back, making her rub her hand gingerly.

"Ow.." Alice said faking hurt. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry Alice, I'm not used to being this strong." I said carefully, trying not to blow my cover. She laughed.

"It's okay, and we're getting you sleepwear because a little birdy told me that someone imprinted on you." Alice sing songed and I looked at my new sister confused.

"I'm sorry, imprinted? What does that mean?" I asked cluelessly, while Alice tossed a thong at me over her shoulder.

"EW, GOD!" I screamed, dodging the thong skillfully with my new vampire powers.

"Lux!" Alice hissed under her breath as everyone looked up at me. Or at least tried to.

I had unknowingly turned invisible in the middle of Victoria's Secret.

Oh shit.

"Just stay hidden." Alice said so softly that only a vampire could hear. I nodded, before realizing that no one could see me, not even Alice.

The chatter eventually started up again, and people returned to the merchandise mumbling things like

"Well, that was strange..."

"I swear, that girl with purple contacts was standing right there!"

I carefully ran to the dressing room invisibly, taking a shirt with me.

"Alice!" I called, turning back to visibility. I saw Alice look around herself confused until she saw me and giggled. Picking up the thong and throwing it back on the table, she made her way to the dressing room.

"Yes Lux?" She giggled. I spun around in my shirt.

"Do you think this fits right?" I asked and Alice smirked.

"I don't know let me see..." She said before stepping in the dressing room and shutting the door behind her.

"OH MY GOD!" We said together, squealing.

"You turned invisible in Victoria's Secret! Are you CRAZY!?" Alice asked grinning and I threw my hands up in exhaustion.

"I can't control it! Who threw the freaking thong at me, huh!?" I laughed and she nodded.

"Okay, okay my fault... But nice save! Going back to the dressing rooms? Genius." Alice applauded and I took a bow.

"Thank you, thank you." I smiled and she hugged me.

"Lux, you are going to fit in perfectly around here." Alice giggled and I gave her a hug.

"You are going to be the best sister ever, Alice." I said, still holding onto her tiny body.

"I know." She said snootily and I laughed.

"Come on, let's go finish up." I said, pulling her out of the dressing room.

Alice pulled me back over to the lingerie section, that looked WAY out of my league.

"Alice, why do I need skimpy bed clothes? I'm not planning on adding a member to the family any time soon." I said and Alice laughed.

"You say that now Lux, just wait until you find out who imprinted on you." She teased, wagging her eyebrows.

"I'm going to give you a minute to explain. " I growled as Alice handed me a lacy pink corset.

Shuddering, I gingerly picked it up and laid it over my arm, quite intimidated by the thing.

Who did I have to impress?

"Okay so imprinting is something that a werewolf does that is something like having a soul mate. Like love at first sight, you can't live without the person they imprint on." Alice explained and I nodded.

"Okay so my soulmate is a werewolf?" I said slightly confused. Alice giggled, tossing a pushup bra at me.

"Yes, in fact you already met him. He is a wolf of the Quilette pack, the group of wolves that watched over you while you were being transformed." Alice informed me, and I face palmed myself.

"Oh god, I turned invisible! He must think I'm insane!" I groaned and Alice laughed.

"Lux, he already knows about vampires and our talents. Edward said that your wolf boy was actually MESMERIZED by you." She chuckled and I smiled slightly.

"How would Edward know?" I asked suspiciously.

"Mind reader." Alice explained and my mouth made and o shape.

"Oh yeah..." I remembered Bella's husband. Then I thought about my mate's impression of me.

"That's actually really cute." I whispered and she laughed.

"AWWW little Luxy is in LOOOOOVE!" Alice yelled and everyone looked up. I urged myself with all my might not to disappear.

It was actually really hard, and the feeling was like stretching a rubber band all the way out and trying not to make it snap.

"Alice..." I said, struggling to hold on to being visible. She gasped.

"I'm so sorry Lux!" She exclaimed. Eventually everyone went back to their business. I finally sighed a breath of relief and growled at Alice.

"I'm sorry Lux, I'm not used to not teasing people! I mean it's hard not to embarrass my siblings if you know what I mean..." She said and I gave her a sharp look.

"I'm sorry!" Alice squeaked and I smiled, breaking character. I wrapped my arms around her.

"It's okay, Alice. Just don't scare or embarrass me for the next couple days until I get the hang of this." I said and she nodded.

"Yeah I forget that you only woke up today, your so good at this!" She exclaimed and I chuckled.

"Um not really if you don't recall the previous events..." I laughed and she shot me a look.

"Come on Lux this is your first day, that's even better than how Bella did. You are in the middle of a store packed with people and you haven't tried anything. Bella hardly spared one hiker that just happened to cross their path." Alice said impressed.

I smiled. Normally I would have been blushing but now that I'm pale and immortal, that wasn't going to happen.

"Are you even thirsty at all?" Alice asked and I tried to hide the pain in my throat from showing in my face.

"You are! LUX!" Alice exclaimed, gasping. I waved her off.

"No Alice, really I'm fine." I dismissed her but she cut me off, grabbing the pile of lingerie to the checkout counter. We checked out and Alice pulled me out of the store.

"You need to tell me when your thirsty, you're only a newborn!" She exclaimed and I looked around ashamed.

"I know and I'm sorry, it's just we were having so much fun shopping and I didn't want to bother you." I said and Alice gave me a hug.

"Lux I love you, but you BEST be tellin me when you is thirsty." Alice said in her best ghetto accent. I laughed.

"Okay, I promise I will. Are you ready to go?" I asked, grabbing the rest of our bags.

"Of course! My baby sister is thirsty, I have to give her her bottle!" She exclaimed, towing me out the mall exit. I laughed and walked out to her beautiful black car.

"Whatever." I said, sticking out my tongue.

"Oh god Lux, I think you're my new favorite." Alice laughed, flipping down her sunglasses.

"Shut up and drive." I growled and she laughed, throwing up her hands in surrender.

"Yes sir." Alice teased and revved the car to life. I rolled my eyes and grinned.

"But I expect to meet my lover wolf sometime soon." I added, giving her a this-means-business look.

"I know, I have it all under control. Now let's go drink some blood."
