Friends in Arms

As Butch and Tiffany stood within their living quarters, while being surrounded by a hoard of stylists- Tiffany expressed her overwhelming anxiety regarding the upcoming parade as she feared she would not be able to obtain the hearts of the crowd compared to the fellow victors.

Butch reassured her that he felt similar concerns and ensured she knew that he would support her through the event in order to ease her fears and allow her to focus on the task at hand- appealing to the masses. After this acknowledgment of empathy, both tributes were ushered down to the chariots below.

As they stood Butch watched his fellow tributes dawn their lavish outfits, his particular focus was placed on the two new tributes that he was yet to have an encounter with- Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. Butch looked on in curiosity as he noticed his close friend, Finnick, strike up a conversation with the District 12 female.

'You look horrendous.' Johanna joked from behind Butch, snapping him out of his daze.

'You don't look much better.' Butch remarked as he hugged his friend- seeming to ease his nerves before the parade.

The two discussed their thoughts on the tributes around with occasional laughter breaking out between the pair as they joked about the outfits they could see some of the Capitol citizens wearing from within the stands- emphasising their obscurity.

As the tributes were beckoned into their chariots, in ascending order, they were released to the viewing of the hysterical crowd being met with the smiles and waves of the victors of the past. Butch ensured to firstly check his sister felt safe within her position as the two held hands in support of the other while either victor tended to the side of the crowd closest to them.

As they neared Snow, Tiffany's face went a ghostly shade due to her fear of the President whereas Butch could not hide his disgust for the man, choosing to subtly bow in a sarcastic manner which earned some cheers from the crowd but no reaction from Snow himself.

As the chariot returned, the tributes flocked to the elevators in a hope to remove the constricting outfits they were wearing. As Butch and Tiffany walked to the nearest exit they gave their greetings to Haymitch as he walked past but noticed Finnick waiting infront of them.

The two males tightly hugged one another as neither one had seen the other since last years games. Their relationship was built off of many years of shared experiences as both were the same age when Butch met the man and despite initial conflict the two had formed a fortified brotherhood, while Tiffany didn't know much about the district 4 male but knew of his playful manner and engaged in conversation where possible.

'You look cold, it's a shame the Capitol's darling couldn't wear a jacket to keep warm.' Butch remarked to Finnick who appeared to be attempting to keep himself warm due to the revealing outfit he was forced in.

'Well, beauty does come with sacrifices. I wouldn't expect you to understand Butch. However, I will take that coat if you're offering.' Butch stared at his friend with an uncontrollable grin and burst out into a fit of laughter at the response he had received which distracted his mind from the looming anxiety that hadn't left his system. Finnick didn't know it but he acted as an anchor point for the district 10 male, he had seen him at his lowest and always knew the right words to say to centre him back to the moment and today was no different. As the two continued to joke, Butch offered his fur jacket to Finnick to keep him warm as they continued to have wide smirks across their faces.

'I must say, it is great to see you again. How's your daughter?' Finnick had only seen Butch's daughter a few times but he always took it upon himself to act as the irresponsible uncle to the child.

'She was doing well... that was until this whole thing happened and now she's old enough to know what is about to happen next. I wish we could have seen each other under different circumstances, she really does miss you.'

The two hadn't even addressed the current circumstances they were in- the two were being forced into a position where the other would have to die. The unthinkable. They had grown to thrive in each other's company and the thought of losing the other, especially to their hands, was enough to leave them paralysed with guilt.

As the three tributes separated, Finnick returned the jacket and offered his thanks as they returned for a long nights rest- ready for training to begin tomorrow.
