Chapter 9~ His Problem, F**k You!


Did ya miss me?

...Didn't think so...

Oh well!

Anyways, here's a section that only got one question... *tears up*



Question from Ciel's Lover: Question for Ciel: Do you hate Vangie, or are you just annoyed with her?

Ciel: As an actor, or as Ciel? (If you guys have seen 'The Making of Black Butler', which is an extra episode at the end of season two, you'll see that Ciel and Bassy are 'actors' in that episode... it's pretty cool) 

Me: Ciel.

Ciel: I absolutely hate her! Why does she have to be so... so...

Me: Pretty?

Ciel: NO! It's just that it's frustrating! She could be of some use if she would just behave!

Vangie: *swings in on rope* Whatever, ya little girly-man! You're just jealous that I make a better guy than you!

Ciel: *hisses* If you're so great at being a boy, how about you just be one then?! You're ugly enough to do it!

Vangie: *grins* Even you know that's a motherfucking lie, Cici! *tosses hair back* I'm fabulous! *prances around like an idiot*

Ciel: This. THIS is what I'm talking about. *gets up and leaves*

Vangie: Oh? Is that my que to leave? *looks at sheet of the script she's been given* Yup! I've got a part to be in! Seeya! *swings off on rope*

Me: Well... that went worse than planned... we had Vangie in a straight jacket so that she wouldn't interupt... I'm going to have to talk to Sebastian about that... *looks at watch* Oh look! I'm over my minutes of bullshitting! On to the story! *runs off*


"So." Ciel asked lightly, staring warily at his blonde haired, soon to be wife. "How did your day with Lady Evangeline go?" The two were alone in the large dining room provided for them, as Ciel had sent Sebastian off to give Vangie a music lesson. Ciel picked at the cake in front of him-- he wasn't particularly hungry, and he didn't want to risk spitting his food out when Lizzie told him what she and Vangie had done.

Lizzie paused a moment, "Well~" She grinned widely, "We got so many dresses~! It was completely wonderful to have a shopping buddy! I got some cute dresses, and bodices, and shoes, and I found the most lovely hat--"

"What about Vangie? Was she well behaved?" Ciel interupted quickly. He'd rather hear about what Vangie had done then listen to dress talk. That type of talk would kill him. However, saying such a thing so bluntly probably hadn't been the best idea, Ciel realized, when Lizzie's lip began to quiver.

"I knew that you liked her more than me!"

"Lizzie! I didn't mean--"


"Lizzie! She's annoying! I never said--"


"Lizzie! We could... we could have a ball or something! Would that make you feel better?! I promise I don't like her more than--"

Lizzie's crying immediately stopped, and she bounced over to Ciel, "A ball?! You mean it?! We could have one?!" Her grin was wide, and she was back to her normal self. Wonderful.

Ciel choked slightly, "W-well, I didn't mean-- I-- yes." The yes at the end may or may not have been slightly forced. Ciel felt himself sink into his seat more as Lizzie's grin widened even more.

"Yay~! We'll have a ball with streamers, and there'll be music, and we can dance! There'll be cake too~!" Her squeals were begining to seem unintelligble. Ciel was seriously regretting offering Lizzie a ball. He'd almost rather have her crying and yelling at him. As he was about to say that the ball would 'have to be low key', however, he was saved by a rather unorthadox hero.

"Hello, ladies, assholes, tiny lord-boys, and wonderful servants!"

Nevermind. This was even worse.

Vangie sauntered in happily, tossing back a strand of cotton candy pink hair and grinning madly. Behind her was a rather bewildered Sebastian, who, upon glancing at his young lord, simply shrugged. Very unlike him. 

"So..." Vangie said, feigning nervousness, "Did I interupt somethin'?" 

Ciel quickly pulled away from Lizzie, who happened to be far too close for comfort. "No. Now what is it?!" He growled out the last few words in frustration.

Vangie smirked lightly, "Wonderful. Now, Sebastian suggested I play some fucking tune for you, so I'm going to use the grand piano over there," she pointed behind Ciel, and he turned to survey the grand piano stationed in the corner of the room, "With your leave, of course!" She put on a fake accent at the end of her sentence.

Ciel ignored her attitude momentarily and nodded, "Go ahead."

Making a slight curtsy, Vangie 'thanked' Ciel then ran over to the piano, sliding into the seat happily. Lizzie immediately sat back in her chair, and pointed at the black dress that Vangie was now sporting. "See, Ciel! That's one of the dresses we got her!" The dress she was wearing, besides being black, had lace on the hem, and reached a little past vangie's knees. The top had a high neckline and was also lined with lace. The bodice was lined with what appeared to be pearls, the designs wrapping lovingly around Evangeline's tiny waist. Vangie also wore a simple pair of white tights, and... no shoes. Figures.

"If you'll stop looking at the damn dress," Vangie spat venemously, showing her obvious disdain for the garment, "I can get this over with." 

Ciel sat back boredly, "Go ahead and begin then, why don't you?"

Vangie smiled sickeningly sweetly, "Of course!" She then began playing a little tune on the piano. The tune was fairly simple, and soon Ciel and Lizzie visibly relaxed. However, the look on Sebastian's face was not one of happiness, to say the least.

Ciel figured out why Sebastian seemed so upset once Vangie began singing.

"Look inside!"

"Look inside your tiny mind, then look a bit harder!"

"Cause we're so uninspired, so sick and tired, of all the hatred you harbor!"

"So you say, it's not okay to be gay! Well, I think you're just evil!"

What the hell.

"You're just some racist who can't tie my laces! Your point of view is medival....."

"Fuck you! Fuck you very very much!"

Should've seen that coming.

"Cause we hate what you do, and we hate your whole crew so please don't stay in touch!"

''Fuck you! Fuck you very very much!"

Dear god...

Only Vangie.

Suddenly though, something seemed to change. The piano's sounds seemed to become deeper, darker, as though Ciel was suddenly immersed in deep, murky water, far away from the surface. He tried to turn, to look at Lizzie, but when he did, he felt as though the water had entered his lungs. 

He had to focus on breathing.

Where was the air?

"I was a heavy heart to carry."

"My beloved was weighed down."

"My arms around his neck, my fingers laced a crown."

"I was a heavy heart to carry, my feet dragged across the ground."

"And he took me to the river, where he slowly let me drown."

Why was it suddenly so hard to breathe? Ciel felt himself reach up, as though he could touch the surface of the water, but all he felt was cold. 

The thing... was it a human? It was in front of him... suddenly, he didn't feel the need to leave the cold depths.  What was that yelling noise? Was someone calling his name? 


Couldn't they just leave him alone?


What were they... the surface... he wasn't supposed to be here.

"Breath. Breath, young Master."

Ciel broke from his trance to find a crying Lizzie and a worried looking Sebastian. Lizzie's eyes widened, and she immediately hug attacked Ciel, who practically fell off his chair. "Wh-what exactly happened?!" He spluttered.

Sebastian had a look on his face that Ciel had never seen before. Like that of someone trying to call up a memory that simply refused to have light shed on. "Young Master, Lady Evangeline was singing, then she switched songs at my request. However, on the second song, you seemed to go into a trance, and we realiized you'd stopped breathing. Upon closer inspection, we also saw that your eyes were glassy, and we began to worry. Especially when you coughed up what appeared to be sea  water."

Ciel was finding the story harder and harder to believe. "I what?!"

"YOU COUGHED UP WATER!" Lizzie sobbed.

"Yes," Sebastian said calmly, "You coughed up water. But you're fine now." Ciel though, could tell that there was something else in the demon butler's voice. A suspicous tone he was striving to hide. 

"Where's Vangie?" Ciel asked suddenly, when he realized the absence of a snarky comment from certain sassy pinkette. 

"I sent her to call for a doctor... Though now that you're fine, I suppose I should go fetch her." 

"Yes. You should probably do that."

However, the master and butler had not anticipated finding Vangie's room empty. 

Nor did they understand what was going on when they couldn't find her anywhere in the house. 

Had they been there a few minutes ago, they would've known that things went a little like this;

Vangie quickly threw on her old clothing and hat, then looked at the shimmering card the strange man she'd met in the undertaker's shop had given her. She had thought about throwing it away, but now she figured it was no use. 

She wanted some god damned answers.


The song on the side is the first song Vangie sang. 

The second song is by Florence + The Machine, and it's called 'Heavy in your arms'. Look it up, hm?

There it is! Chapter nine! The questions for characters are still open! :) 

What'd you guys think?






