5. Her First Party

What kind of fictional man do you like?
A: Soft and caring one
B: Dark and Possessive ones


Breath in. Breath out.

Everything is going to be fine. Just stay calm. Relax.

I kept telling myself to remain calm but it was impossible to be calm.

First time in my life I was going to a party without even informing anyone. Of course I can't tell my family that I am going to a party on the first day of my freedom. My Dad will immediately come here and take me back if he got to know, I can't even tell Shawn about it.

As I came back after a long walk behind that hoodie guy , I thought I will get some sleep . But Brittany had some other plan, she wants to go to a party .

I am not interested in parties and drinks but she made a sad face and I couldn't refuse to her.

I looked at my reflection, the black tshirt I wore had covered my upper arm and the red skirt reached till my knees. I didn't put any makeup , because to be honest I can't even apply a lipstick properly.

My hair were natural as I can't do anything to my short hair. Sometimes I feel bad for having short hair but at least they don't irritate me. I had my Mom's blonde hair and her hazel eyes, Shawn had Dad's brown hair and dark eyes. He is really jealous of my hair, even though he manages to get half of the girl population wherever he goes.

We both are so different, I am a shy girl who likes to locked up in room and he is a carefree boy who can't stay at home for one hour. He is the only person whom I tell everything, because he never judges me, he always supports me. I feel guilty for not informing him.

I took my phone and called.

"Hey biii... ", his boomed as soon as he answered the call.

I pulled my phone away from ear at his loud voice. " Hey Shawn ", I greeted.

" So are you enjoying ? "

"It's just one day, how can I enjoy "

"Yaa, what are you doing right now? "

"Actually Shawn... I... I am going to a party", I admitted nervous.

He remained silent for few seconds but then shouted, " Are you serious?! ", I licked my lips nervously.

" Yaa, my roommate was forcing me and I couldn't say no. But I'll only spend 2 hours"

"Bianca you are not serious right? You can't trust your roommate. It's just your first day. You are not going end of discussion", he said in warning tone.

Tears threated to fall from my voice, he never talks to me like that. I thought he wanted me to go out and enjoy.

" Ok, I won't go", I said in low voice

"Bianca. Please don't be upset with me. I just want you to be safe, you are miles away from us in a complete new state. I am not even there for you. You can go to party after few months but not know", He said in soft voice.

I nodded my head.

" Bi, I can't hear your nods", I chuckled at his words.

"Ok, I won't go", I said and ended the call.

I sat on my bed and wiped the tears, just then door opened Brittany came.

" Bianca what happened? Why are you crying? ", she panicked and sat besides me.

" My brothers didn't allow me for party", I said in low voice. I feel bad that she'll have to go alone.

"Ohh", she voice came out. " It's ok. We'll watch movie or play game"

"Why? You are not going? ", I asked. Brittany shook her head, " I can't go without you. I will be bored". I want to go to party but Shawn will not allow me.

Brittany walked towards her bed with sad face. She is excited for party, it'll be a new experience for me. Maybe i should go.

"How about I don't tell my brother? ", a big smile came on her face.

" Thank you. Thank you thank you", she shouted hugging me. "I'll get ready in few minutes.

After few minutes Brittany was ready wearing a off shoulder T-shirt and jeans. The clothes fitted her curvy body perfectly, she started doing makeup and looked elegant with red lipstick.

" You look beautiful ", I said.

" You don't look bad but why don't you apply a little makeup? "

"No, I fine without it", she nodded and curled her hair.

As I got out of the car , I immediately started panicking. This is the thing that scares me the most. People, a lot of people.

The house was double the size of mine, by looking at it I can say that he is son of some rich man. The teenagers were roaming with red cups in their hand, many of them were stumbling. I started feeling uncomfortable by the things happening, they were kissing, grinding on each other and doing things that should be reserved till bedroom. I snapped my head towards Brittany.

"Let's go", Brittany cheered. She seems really excited for it and other the hand I was very nervous.

I just hope something bad doesn't happen with me, I don't want to ruin my experience of first party.

Calm down Bianca. Just breath.

I plastered a smile on my face and followed her, i felt like a lost puppy behind her. Even though I was just few inches shorter than her but my body was skinny compare to her and it made me look like a kid. I even look like a small girl compare to everyone around me, most of the girls were wearing tight short dress which barely covered anything. Still there were girls who were wearing more clothes but that doesn't change the fact that I am wearing the longest skirt. On the top of that more annoying fact is that, this is my shortest skirt.

Being with two protective man I never got chance to wear short clothes outside, even though mom tried her best to support me in this topic dad and Shawn never agreed. This is the only thing in which Shawn doesn't support me, wearing short clothes.

But after today I think I need to buy few short dress.

As we went inside the lights were glowing everywhere , I closed my eyes the light directly fell on my face. This guy have zero sense in arranging lights.

I scrunched my nose as the smell of alcohol surrounded me. It's so heavy , how will I survive here.

"Hey bree", someone shouted.

I looked at the person he had dirty blonde hair with green eyes and a devilish smirk on his face. I already don't like his presence even Brittany seems annoyed by him.

" Hey Chase ", Brittany greeted in boring tone.

"Won't you introduce me to your friend? ", Chase guy said eyeing over me. His gaze was making me uncomfortable.

Brittany looked at me , " Bianca meet chase my ex- classmate and Chase meet Bianca my new roommate "

He grabs my hand and surprisingly kisses the hand of it, I removed my hand from its grip instantly.

"Chase we will see you later", without waiting for his answer we walked away. "I hate this guy", I heard her mumbling.

" You don't like him?", I asked sensing her discomfort.

"No, I mean he is nice but he is too flirty for my liking and a trouble. So, being a concerned friend I suggest you to be away from him. "

I gave her a nod knowing that I am not going to be anywhere near him.

"You want a drink? ", Brittany asked.

" No, I don't drink ", I refused her politely. Getting drunk is the last thing I want after coming here. I already broke a rule, by lying to Shawn.

I wandered around the house, it was packed with drunken teenagers most of them looked underage. I can't imagine Dad's reaction seeing me in this kind of place.

Suddenly my eyes fell on a boy, I narrowed my eyes for a better look. My eyes widen at the boy, he was the same red haired boy , friend of hoodie guy. I saw a boy standing besides him, he was that hoodie guy. Even though ge wasn't wearing hoodie, I figured him by his body posture.

"Bianca, do you want water? ", Brittany's voice broke my gaze.

" Sure ", I replied.

She handed me a bottle, I took a sip when I felt a gaze on me. At first I thought it was my imagination but I was wrong.

I moved my eyes and it directly fell on hoodie guy, he was looking at me with intense gaze.

The light was falling on one side of his face making him look both devil and Angel. A shiver ran through my spine just by looking at him, his dark hair were a bit long falling on his forehead . I had an urge to run my fingers through it, his beautiful blue eyes won't move away from me, there was something different in his eyes, it had so many confusing emotions. I moved my eyes towards his soft pink lips which were wet by the drink in his hand.

There wasn't anything extraordinary in him but still he was special. I couldn't move my eyes away from him. He was wearing a black T-shirt with skinny black jeans.

I noticed a sleeve tattoo on his right hand, before I could study it he moved to his side. His face transformed into cold expression, I turned and noticed that Brittany wasn't there anymore.

I panicked and looking around but she was no where to be seen. I was about to move inside when my phone rang.


The name appeared on the screen increasing my heart beat. I couldn't ignore his call otherwise he'll tell Dad everything but neither could I answer it here.


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Lots of love ❤️
