Prologue: Vlad

Jack and Maddie Fenton were working really hard with me for years to try to replicate the successful proto-portal on a bigger scale to make a portal to finally take us to the unknown realm of our world-- the Ghost Zone. And yet, it didn't even shed a spark. Shame, really. Oh well, everything can be fixed and improved! Maybe next time. Oh, who am I kidding, NONE of the attempts will EVER work, they never have over the past 18 years! Maybe young Daniel and Jasmine have the right idea to not believe in ghosts after all... Or they would have, if not for the multiple instances speculated a ghost to be found in. Speaking of the Fenton children, I'm surprised their parents didn't see through their act. It was evident that they had no interest or beliefs in the very idea of ghosts whatsoever! Well, at least they tried to feign interest when we attempted, for the 79th time, to create the portal.

The Fenton Family is very interesting, and although I still love Maddie and blame Jack for stealing her from me when we were best friends, I've been concealing my affections for her so not to ruin all of our friendship, but no matter how hard I try I still can not forgive Jack! It's confusing, this show of hiding love to keep bonds to those you care for, but at least nobody will be unhappy with your relations except for that tiny bitter hatred hidden deep within your heart, lashing out at those who prevent the one thing you've always known was real inside of you.

I do not blame the children, in fact sometimes I think that I'm the one doing all of the parenting, for they're almost always neglected, all of the parents' responsibilities pinned on them. It's quite sad, actually. Jasmine had to grow up too fast just to take care of her younger brother, Daniel. Daniel can make you smile in the oddest ways, I swear, and his poker face is just laughable. He has obvious denial of a crush with one of his friends, and I admit that I was one of the many to partake in betting for when they'll get together. Yes, now that I think about it, if I ever live in my own household without Maddie and Jack, I would want to raise Daniel. He would be the perfect son, and we love each other already!

Anyways, today, Daniel's friends came over, Samantha and Tucker, and they went to check out the lab. They're in the lab now, playing Truth or Dare. Or at least, that's what I heard that they were going to do down there before they left to go to said lab. Ah, when I was fourteen life was fascinating and yet boring at the same time, an interesting part of youth indeed. Nowadays, teenagers like Danny's friends can be so reckless! 

Wait... Daniel and his reckless friends... 14 year olds... in a dangerous lab... doing dares!?!

Oh, cinnamon strudels! What kind of guardians are we! What kind of parents would even think of allowing irresponsible, reckless, hormonal teenagers to roam about in a room full of weaponry without a chaperone to keep them safe from all of the dangers of a lab full of GUNS!?! And if not only for the danger, but also for the messes just waiting to happen! And not even to mention all of the trouble that they can get into by playing Truth or Dare in that very room! His parents literally walked them to the stairwell and left.

I do not believe this. Oh blueberry muffins, I'm pacing uselessly back in forth when there could very well be children in danger! Racing down the stairs, I found Daniel putting on a hazmat suit and removing Jack's face from the fabric with his friends waiting in anticipation. Was he thinking of...!?! No! He wouldn't. He wouldn't do that for a dare. It's practically suicide!!! He knows this!!! But still, Daniel stepped forward. Sighing, I equipped my backup protection gear that I brought in case anything were to malfunction. Where's the helmet?!? Ah, no matter. He wouldn't be so foolish as to disobey my direct orders. Looking back to Daniel, I daresay that the worst case scenario is becoming an unbelievable reality. Daniel was, quite literally, walking into danger. 

He was observing the inside of the portal that his parents' and I built. Quickly thinking, I ran up to the portal and inside to grab Daniel by the arm. He jumped at my touch and I let him go, watching him stumble backwards, dazed, backing straight. Into. A button.

I grabbed him yet again and walked towards to exit of the portal until I heard a buzzing noise. I was paralyzed. He screamed with pain, friends crying out in panic and worry, and I collapsed to the bottom of the portal.

"Mother of fudge!!!" I yelled. "Danie--AGH!!!" There was a burning into my very soul, it hurt, it HURT. I felt as though I were tearing apart from the inside out, pain searing into my flesh. I felt as though I were being ripped into pieces, skull splitting and being mercilessly attacked. An unwanted substance clung to my DNA. My inner demon coursed through my broken body. I was paralyzed. Am paralyzed? I don't even know anymore, everything's just a blur. As darkness spread through my veins, I thought to myself: "I will never be denied what I want again. They will be mine forever. Anything in my way will die. I will never feel any pain again. I always was my own demon. It's time I act like it." And then, there was nothing.
