6: Untitled - Rated Explicit

Author's Note:

Welcome to Chapter 6.

The amount of praise this is getting is beyond me.



See you soon!


In My Veins

"Eve Polastri always thought that her first-time sex with Villanelle would be rough; it isn't. At all."

OR: Eve Polastri and Villanelle take a blood oath to each other.

A sort-of sequel to "Do You Like Elton John".

Some fighting, some crying, and then some hot, hot, hot, hotel room sex.

F/F. Eve/Villanelle. Killing Eve. Fanfiction. Rated E for Explicit.

Spoilers through KE-S03-E05-E06

Chapter 6: Untitled - Rated Explicit.

"Eve Polastri always thought that her first-time sex with Villanelle would be rough; it isn't. At all."

Eve Polastri vividly remembers the first time she kissed Villanelle.

It was somewhere in London, on a bus, and she smashed her head afterward.

Which was her fault, of course, but she's thinking all about the kissing part now.

She knows Villanelle is also thinking about that first kiss.

Eve can tell by the look in her eye.

The look is predatory, a special predatory reserved for lusting over Eve.

Eve has come to differentiate this look from the other 'predatory look(s)' that Villanelle has.

The only look Eve wants to remember now is the one Villanelle is boring into her head right now.

"Kiss me, Villanelle," Eve dares the other woman to go on.

"Kiss me, Eve," Villanelle husks.

"You kiss me, Villanelle, I started it last time!" Eve husks right back at her.

Eve doesn't want to be the first one to cave this time; Villanelle wants to make sure Eve really wants this.

"Mm, you are right, and you deserve your reward..." Villanelle muses.

And with that, they both lean in.

And this time there's no headbutting.

This time there's no running out for the door.

This time they kiss and they keep kissing.

This time they kiss each other deeply.

"I love the way that you taste, Eve," Villanelle offers as she suckles Eve's lips into her own.

"Likewise," Eve flushes, as she moans out louder than she might have liked to admit to.

"You like me. You really like me. I want to feel your tongue," Villanelle whispers.

"As you wish," Eve banters back and slides her tongue past Villanelle's lips.

This time it's Villanelle's turn to moan, though Eve can feel her grip on tighter to her as she does.

As if Villanelle was literally trying to 'get a grip' and to stop calling out so much.

"I want to hear all your moans for me," Eve demands of Villanelle.

"In your dreams, Eve," Villanelle doesn't submit to Eve.

"Oh, I have heard them all in my dreams," Eve retorts.

"Mm, I bet you wish you could hear me call out for you," Villanelle teases.

"Shut up!" Eve rolls her eyes now, before closing them again.

"Make me!" Villanelle says predictably, and it has the desired effect because Eve shoves her tongue down Villanelle's throat, and Villanelle, to her credit, does not moan, but she gasps.

Eve smirks as she can hear the quick intake of breath as she swirls her tongue all around Villanelle's mouth, exploring every crevice and pushing her tongue to the roof of Villanelle's mouth.

That earns her another gasp, and Eve can't take it anymore, she's pushing Villanelle back on the bed and she's climbing on top of her.

"Do you want me to do you, first?" Villanelle offers.

"Sure, but we are NOT doing the missionary position," Eve demands of Villanelle.

"I'm not sure I have the anatomy for that one," Villanelle snarks, as Eve rolls her eyes.

"I am not lying on my back for you. Not the first time, at least," Eve explains to Villanelle.

"Too boring?" Villanelle teases, as she detaches her lips from Eve's and starts licking up Eve's tender neck.

"Damn right it is," Eve smirks back at Villanelle, and Villanelle smirks back with desire.

"Well, alright, then," Villanelle motions for Eve to start taking off her shirt as she nods as if to say 'we have a deal'.

Eve strips Villanell's shirt. No bra, she notices. How has she not noticed that before now?

Villanelle reaches under Eve's shirt to unclasp her bra and throw it somewhere.

Eve makes a show of taking off her shirt over her head, as Villanelle leans up to plant open-mouthed kisses over her stomach.

"Look, I want you here, but can you get off me for a second so we can take our pants off? Normally I would shove you off me but I don't want you to get a concussion," Villanelle offers, as she wiggles from underneath Eve Polastri.

"Mm, right to the point," Eve chuckles, as she undoes her belt and drops her jeans to the floor, and slides her panties down with two fingers.

"You are magnificent," Villanelle purrs as she slides out of her own pants and panties as well.

"As are you," Eve offers back as she takes in the wide expanse of Villanelle's newly exposed skin.

Eve Polastri always thought that her first-time sex with Villanelle would be rough; it isn't. At all.

It's the tenderest thing, actually. Villanelle offers her fingers to Eve, who sinks down on them slowly.

Eve reaches to slide her own hand into Villanell's folds, and she gasps when she feels the tight wetness over her skin.

Eve has never felt the inside of another woman's vagina before.

Eve's felt her own, of course, though Eve doesn't like to talk about that to most people.

This is different, though. Eve is exploring as she moves her two fingers all around Villanelle's insides.

Eve decides she really likes it, she really, really, likes the way Villanelle is biting her lip not to start moaning, right now.

"You can show me you like it, you know," Eve snarks as she adds her thumb in, to press on Villanelle's clit.

That earns her a real moan, and Eve is beside herself with pleasant emotions.

Her metaphorical upper-hand, though, is short-lived, because Villanelle starts thrusting into her, perfectly hitting her g-spot every time, and she's panting and gasping in a matter of seconds.

"Wow, you really know what you're doing, wow," Eve groans because she's never, ever, been this close so fast before. Ever.

"Well, I'd like to think I've gained a trick or two here or there, but it's always a joy to explore a new person's body. Most especially yours, Eve. For you, I would stay faithful to, you know. I can't say that I could promise that to anyone else..." Villanelle muses calmly, as Eve starts clenching around her.

"Villanelle-" Eve starts to cry out, as Villanelle backs off to make her last longer.

"What the hell!?" Eve bursts her eyes open, to find Villanelle's fingers reaching up to offer her a taste of herself, as she latches her mouth onto one of Eve's nipples.

"I'm not letting you come before I've even tasted your breasts, yet," Villanelle says lustfully, as she devours Eve's nipple, before moving on to the other one.

"Oh, oh, oh," Eve calls out louder, as she licks her juices off of Villanelle's fingers and she keeps pumping into Villanelle's center, albeit rather erratically.

Eve is impressed at Villanelle's ability to hold off her orgasm, because she's a total mess right now, while Villanelle is only just getting started.

"Mm, I want to make this as good as possible for you, Eve," Villanelle husks as she nibbles Eve's nipples and runs her hands down her back.

"Thanks-" Eve manages as she keeps working for her hand inside Villanells and uses her other hand to hold herself steady on top of Villanelle's hip bone.

Eve can't help but rock herself on Villanelle's thigh, as Eve smirks at the feeling of Eve's wetness on her bare leg, and she tugs Eve's hand out of herself so she can readjust herself into a new position.

"What, you don't want it?" Eve asks Villanelle, puzzled, as she offers the hand to her, but Villanelle asks her to taste her off of her own fingers.

Eve does, and she moans at the taste. Wow. I have newly acquired a taste for pussy. At least Villanelle's pussy. Who knew all this time? Eve thinks to herself.

Villanelle explains what she has in mind to Eve, whispering into her ear before biting her earlobe.

"Fuck," Eve groans at the thought, as she lets Villanelle slide under her so that Villanelle can lick her from underneath.

"If you don't want to lie down, that's perfectly fine, but I want to have you like this, because I think you will like it the most," Villanelle offers.

Villanelle is right, Eve thinks to herself. She's totally right, but I do not want to give her the satisfaction...

"Now that I've gotten my lips onto your sex, you can come whenever you feel like it, Eve," Villanelle offers, as she plunges her tongue right into Eve Polastri's opening.

"OHMYGOD," Eve calls out right away, as Villanelle starts flicking her tongue in and out of her as fast as she can.

Eve forgets herself, she forgets what she's doing, she forgets her own name but she remembers Villanelle's, somehow...

"Oksana," Eve moans out. She's not sure why that one comes out instead but it does.

Villanelle takes it wholeheartedly. This is Eve, after all. And if anyone can make her feel reborn again with her old name, of course, it's her love that has the biblically partnered name of Adam...

Villanelle moves her lips to suckle Eve's folds and lick up her arousal, then she inserts two fingers to Eve's vagina where her tongue just was, and she latches her lips onto Eve's clitoris.

"Oksana, Oksana," Eve chants, as Villanelle continues.

Eve is grasping onto Villanelle's shoulders now, only barely holding herself upright as Villanelle finds both of her sweetest spots in only two seconds.

"Oksana, Oksana, Oksana," Eve calls out for her, as Villanelle suckles on Eve Polastri's clit, and runs her tongue over it, and finally nibbles a bit as she thrusts in and out, hitting Eve's spot with her longest finger every single time.

"OKSANA!" Eve cries out with a shout as she comes undone, and her wetness spills right into Villanelle's waiting mouth.

Villanelle can feel Eve's walls clench around her fingers in waves, as she milks all of Eve's juices, she laps up her whole core. Eve comes once, then again, then again... Villanelle sucks Eve's clit until the aftershocks become benign again, and she keeps giving sex to Eve until the raven-haired woman collapses from total exhaustion on top of her.

"How was that for you, Eve, huh?" Villanelle asks with a smirk.

"Mmmmmm?" Eve mumbles as she tries, but fails to open her eyes right away, as she clings onto Villanelle's body for dear life as she comes down from her climax.

"I said, how was it, the sex for you, Eve?" Villanelle offers again, and this time Eve tries to answer her back.

"Wow, you'regoodatthat, Oksana," Eve says in mostly all in one word, and Villanelle smirks and pulls Eve close so she can cuddle into her, and she brings Eve's lips to her own again, so Eve can taste herself off of her lips.

"Mm," Eve moans and closes her eyes again and opens them. Eve blinks as if she's afraid Villanelle will disappear on her. Eve clings to Villanelle even tighter.

"You're good at that, also. When you come it's the most breathtaking thing I have seen. I swear I want to take you to Alaska so I can have sex with you all day and night," Villanelle offers this for the second time, though even more seriously than the last time in Rome.

"How are you so happy now, when you haven't even had one orgasm, yet?" Eve finally asks her, rather puzzled.

"I have, Eve. When you came for the first time, I did, too, just from watching you come undone for me," Villanelle says to her sincerely.

"Wow," Eve says, at a total loss for words for the umpteenth time in this bedroom.

"Though, if you'd like, you can always give me some more, and I'll gladly return the favor," Villanelle says seductively, as she runs her hands in Eve's hair like she loves to.

"I think that I'd like that," Eve moves to straddle Vilalnelle again, and Villanelle starts moving up against her hand.

Eve Polastri always thought that her first-time sex with Villanelle would be rough; it isn't. At all.

Eve even says so, to Villanelle, she says to her "I always thought my first-time sex with you would be rough, but it isn't. At all," as she looks up at Villanelle's fluttering eyes.

"Oh, Eve, we can be rough later, only if you want to, and I'm feeling in the mood for it, of course, we can be rough as you want or gentle if you still want that from me..." Villanelle says seductively, as Eve smiles and nods up at her.

"For now, let's just relish the fact that you always knew you would have first-time sex with me, and that I was in your fantasies all along..." Villanelle hushes to Eve.

Villanelle smirks at the predatory grin that Eve's face immediately contorts to, as the love of Villanelle's life starts to give sex to her even more fervently now.

"You always knew there would be first-time sex with me, too. I really like that about you, Oksana," Eve Polastri finally offers her.

When Villanelle finally comes hard from all of Eve Polastri's attention directed only for her, again, it's the most breathtaking sigh, Eve has ever seen, in her entire life.

Saying they knew they were going to have first-time sex together... It's the closest thing either of them is going to be saying to each other, now, as they spend the night entangled in each other, exploring this new frontier as if they had escaped to paradise at the end of the earth.

It's the closest they are going to be saying to "I'd give up my past work life for you, forever,".

It's the closest thing that Villanelle and Eve Polastri are going to be saying to each other, today, that alludes to an "I love you," that they're considering saying to the other, sometime in the future.


Author's Note 2:

Let me know if you liked this and if you want more!

By all means, the story as I planned it is now complete.

Anything past this I guess could be considered, and "epilogue?"

Or maybe this could become a more multi-Chapter-thing if I can figure out more plot.

Or more Porn. Or a mix of both, whichever, let me know what you're interested most in.

I'm not actually planning to write more than this, but I might be more tempted in the future...

Especially if I get a lot of nice comments!

Thank you all who are following this fic and showing it some love.

If you want to read something else in the meantime, check out Do You Like Elton John? for the Killing Eve prequel! And the first part of the Kissing Eve series!

PS. Have now watched all episodes up to S3-E7, but maybe not everyone has, so I ask that folks are mindful in the reviews.

Dedications, for May 27, 2020:


Hotgitay, melodr4ma, for the Comments! Villaksana, adriannax, for the "Kissing Eve" series Bookmarks.

YoonSeok_Never, Villaksana for the "In My Veins" Bookmarks, and 2 more.

KinkyWaverly, villaksana, DarkestGayMoon, Cell4, manderlyed, Enono, Thefandomsaretakingovermylife, imdyke, TheWhimsicalBard, badwolfkaily, svtln, OliviaMell241995, Forhekset, Mikachu84, melodr4ma, and Hotgitay as well as 28 guests left kudos on this work!

7 Subscriptions. 3 Comment Threads. 37 Kudos. 4 Bookmarks. 1435 Hits.


Maddz2, Absolute fan, Maddz2, queenofevilsmirks, Maddz2, Guest, for the Reviews.

weepingbirch, queenofevilsmirks, Maddz2, Kim1997, for the Favorites.

weepingbirch, queenofevilsmirks, Maddz2, for the Follows.

And thanks to all of those who Fav/Follow me as an Author! 968 Hits!


yona203 for the comments!

14 Stars. 2 Comments. 222 Reads.


If you want to read more things that I've written that are in a different fandom...

" Falling Apart, Barely Breathing " for a Meredith Grey/Addison Montgomery, Grey's Anatomy novel, " Half-Moon - A Vauseman Valentine " for an Alex/Piper OITNB fic, " Ice Cream Cake & Three Forks + The All Girls Agrestic Orgy " a Weeds Fic, " Roller Coasters to Infinity " a 13 Reasons Why fic, or " Soothe " my most fav fic, also about MerAdd that I really love writing. And Second Person (The Diary of Addison Montgomery)




Author's Note 3:

Well, that's all for now, folks, unfortunately, I must say.

Thanks of course for reading, I will chat with you soon in the comments.

Much love and yours, truly,




This work has been translated with permission from its original form - here as you are reading it - from the original author (me, bobbiejelly), into Russian on Ficbook. It can be found here: ficbook readfic/9578844/24608835

Thank you very much for the translation, for sharing this work with more of the world! This author can also be found as "Bububushka" on Fanfiction and as " user10567308 " on Wattpad. If you read Russian, feel free to check that out!: In My Veins Translated for Bobbiejelly by bububushka

