Chapter 12

Jimin's pov
The day where Jisu told me everything that had happened in her life, she couldn't stop crying the whole time. I had been attentive throughout the whole time, tissues were laying around on the bed and not going to lie but I also had tears falling down my eyes. I personally wouldn't have been able to live normally after seeing an incident like this to happen to my mom. She was truly brave and Minhyuk, that ex boyfriend of hers and the one that created all this mess in their life is the worst man ever. How could he? He forgot all sense of humanity just for the sake of money, he was greedy that's for sure. I never knew their mother had passed away so this was all new to me and made me respect them a lot more. They did seem to have something going on through their family but it was never clear for me and it wasn't for me to wonder either. It took few months before Jisu could actually open to me and I was patient throughout the whole time. After that day when the incident happened, nothing really happened. There's was no signs of Minhyuk. As for Jungkook, what I had thought about him as a person completely changed. I saw another side of him and maybe he wasn't that bad after all, he still carried his intimidating stare around and I was still as affected as I was before. Doyeon also kept roaming around the office, I actually thought for a moment she left and I wouldn't have to see her again. After what happened with that girl last time, I hated her so much I couldn't even stand to see her face. She was still as clingy as before and Jungkook didn't seem to be a bit bothered by what she was doing. Sometimes I truly wish I could give her a piece of my mind because she truly got on my nerves

Today was another normal day at work, things were going pretty smoothly. I still had to work on some files but I did have an actual and proper work to do. Finally these files had a correlation with the company. Even though it's not much I was still glad I got the opportunity to work on something that could show my skills

"Jiminie, have you heard there's a new intern coming in" Taehyung basically knew all the scoops of the company. He knew who was going to get fired, he knew who messed up, he even knows the employees personal problems perks off being a social butterfly and also a great person to open up to

"Oh really? This is going to be special"

"Pretty sure it will be"

"I heard that the new intern will be working along side Mr. Kim" Hoseok spoke up from his cubicle

"but they are an intern why do they get special treatment. I had to work my ass off to at least have a proper job"

"Some people gets on the good side of the boss easily" Taehyung said while patting on my back, it only got me to frown and pout.

"Oh Jiminie I was simply kidding, you're an amazing worker"

"Pff someone doesn't think that"

"By saying that I will most likely not think that" and that's it I'm dead, my time has come and yet I thought today was going to be a good day. His deep voice pierced right through my skin and I certainly didn't want to turn around and face him. I looked up to see hobi making a sign for me to turn around and so I get up slowly take a deep breath and turn around. I was then faced with Jungkook who had a raised eyebrow and a smirk on his face. If only I could punch that off his face, I smiled awkwardly and then rolled my eyes when Doyeon appeared and intertwined her arm with his

"Doyeon I told you to stay in the office" Jungkook was clearly annoyed with her presence but she never seemed to get it

"I was bored and beside what is more entertaining than seeing you care about your workers" she emphasized on the word worker, she always did that. It was a way of her saying I'm up here and your down there

"Whatever, Mr. Park I want you to show the new intern around. He will be arriving to the building soon so please go attend him"

"Yes Mr. Jeon" he simply left afterwards, did I look like a tour guide to him? I truly hope that the new intern is nice and won't get on my nerves

"Good luck tour guide Jiminie"

"This is not fun at all" I pouted again

"It's just showing the new guy around you'll be fine" hobi added in. I started walking towards the entrance where I was supposed to wait for the new intern. I didn't even know how he looked like, I went to stand close to Miss. Rose, the receptionist and waited while having a little chat with her. People came and left so many times but no one was the intern among all of the individuals 

"Hi, I'm Min Yoongi the new intern" and I got up from my chair in a well mannered position

"Hi, welcome to the Jeon company Yoongi. Jimin here will be the one showing you around the company" the boy then turned around at me and put his hand out

"Pleasure to meet you"

"The pleasure is all mine" I put my hand in his and shook hands. Yoongi was about my height and looked around my age as well. He had very appealing facial features, very handsome and he was also dressed pretty elegantly which made him stood out more

"If you could follow me" I started showing him around the office and it took a bit of time since the building was pretty big. We finally arrived to where the cubicles were and the floor where I worked at. I didn't even know if he even had a cubicle on this floor but nevertheless brought him here since Jungkook's office was here. We then bumped into Jisu, she wasn't coming at work for a few days after the incident but now she was okay and it helped her distract herself from everything

"Jimin" she went in for a hug and I obviously hugged her back. She then looked at Yoongi, her features all dropped as she seemed to have a lot of thinking going on at that precise moment. I a slight gesture asking her what's up and she simply moved her head in a nothing motion

"Hi, I'm Jisu and you are" she smiled slightly along with a frown at Yoongi while putting out her hand in the front.

"oh I know" I turned around to look at him

"I mean who doesn't, I've seen you around in magazines" Jisu had been in magazines but that was way before the incident happened pretty surprising that Yoongi remembers

"I'm Yoongi by the way, it's a pleasure to meet you" he said has he shook her hand

"Likewise. Anyways Jimin I'll let you continue see you later okay" I nod and she left.

"I don't know if you have a cubicle on this floor or even have one in general, Mr.Jeon didn't inform me about it"

"Jiminie, oh you're the newbie. Hi, I'm Taehyung"

"Hi Taehyung, I'm Yoongi"

"Yoongi nice name, was Jimin nice to you?"

"Um...yes he was" Taehyung kept on talking with Yoongi and he would have continued if Mr.Jeon didn't interrupt him

"Mr. Yoongi right, nice to meet you. I'm Jeon Jungkook" he said while putting his hand out

"Please to meet you sir"

"Mr. Park, you can go back to work now" I nod, he then put a hand on Yoongi's back and brought him towards his office. I didn't like the way he looked at him, he was so delicate, had a calming face and welcoming features. While me he would be glaring at me whenever I would come to his sight. He even called him by his first name. I don't want him to look at Yoongi that way.

"Is mister Jiminie jealous" did I say my thoughts out loud, I quickly shook my head 

"Am not, now go back to work" I sat down and dove down back into my work. I wasn't jealous. I simply didn't like how Yoongi got a warm welcome from the boss himself and I'm still patiently waiting for that welcomeness from him

The character of Yoongi has entered, he will be an important character as he holds few connections. Truly sorry for not updated earlier, I got busy with few things. I will try to keep up with my daily posting schedule but if by any chances I can't then please be patient. As always thank you for reading and feel free to comment or message down your thoughts.❤️

Not edited!
