Chapter 3: Party Favor

A few hours later, the Royals started arriving. They all greeted Queen Tiabeanie with bows, kisses on the hand and compliments. She absolutely hated it. She imagined her 18th birthday to be filled with drunk peasants, drugged up elves and people fucking in the hallways, instead, she has a room filled with smug noblemen and posh bitches. Little did she know, behind one of the curtains was a room filled with drugs and beer. There were people gambling, drinking, smoking, flirting and doing drugs. The party was supposed to be a secret, so Elfo told everybody to be quiet, but with a bunch of drunk jerks, that just wasn't possible. It was only a matter of time before somebody started screaming. Bean noticed the sounds and peeked behind the curtain.

''What the hell, Elfo,'' Bean barged in, and Elfo tried to hide his drink, ''I thought we were friends, and you don't even invite me to the drug party next to my royal ball?'' Elfo looked at you, and you ignored him.

''Some mouldy bread for the Queen?'' Chazzzzz walked up to Bean and asked, showing the tray in her face.

''Go away, Chazzzzz! But I'll take that, thanks,'' she grabbed some mouldy bread and looked at both of you, ''you still need to explain yourselves.''

''Uhhh, surprise!'' Elfo tried to save the awkward situation. ''This was our plan all along, to throw you a surprise party,'' he once again tried to make it better.

''Lies, he's a liar!'' you exclaim for the whole room to hear. People start laughing but eventually go back to what they were doing.

''Aren't surprise parties supposed to start after the person you want to surprise arrives?'' Bean asks Elfo.

This time you wanted to do something, so you said: ''Fuck it, do you want some of Oona's drugs or not?''

''I really shouldn't, I have a ball outside,'' Bean refused.

''It's okay, Bean, maybe you could come over here after your ball?'' Elfo looked into her eyes.

You stepped in: ''No, after an hour, half of these people will pass out, all the drugs and alcohol will be gone and you're just going to sit there, wondering why you wasted all that time over there, so take this shit and get the party you deserve.'' You basically shove the berries into her mouth and wait for the effects to kick in. You give some to Elfo and take some yourself. You transform into your vampire form, leaving Elfo and Bean speechless. Right, they haven't seen it, yet.

''What are you?'' Elfo is the first one to speak, Bean is just standing there with wide eyes

''I'm half-demon, half-vampire, Princess of,'' you say very slowly with a voice, that says you're high, while Elfo and Bean lean in closer, ''Hell,'' you say super quickly, and they both let out a loud gasp.

''Woooooooo,'' she's trying to say 'wow', but she's dragging the 'o' sound, you slap her, ''ow.''

You giggle and Bean looks at you fondly. ''I have a great idea,'' you propose, ''let's get this party to the ballroom!'' You stand on one of the tables and scream: ''Let's crash the princess prom!'' People who haven't passed out start cheering and go to the ballroom.

All of you go into the ballroom, thinking, that you look badass, but you look stupid and messy. At first, the nobles look bothered and disgusted, but after a while, they also start singing, dancing and drinking. One man exclaims: ''Now this, is what I call a birthday!'' A noblewoman even approaches you and says: ''Heyyyy, whatcha doin'?'' She grabs you by the bicep and praises you: ''You're really muscular.'' Then she lets out a flirty giggle. ''Do you wanna go somewhere?'' she asks and puts her hands behind your neck. You smile and are about to take her somewhere when Bean pops out of nowhere. ''Hey, Marci,'' she can bearly stand up on her own. You decide to take her to her room and give the woman an apologetic smile. ''Come on, Bean, I'll take you to your room.''

You are out in the hallway. Bean can bearly walk anymore and her words are slurred. She put her hand around your shoulder, but that didn't help much.

''I'm s-sorr' I inter-interrupt'd you 'nd that woman,'' Bean looked kind of sad. You knew that she has had a hard time with Luci's death and being queen, the news that her own mother cursed her, weren't very consoling either. But who are you to care? You need to ruin her life and leave.

''It's okay,'' you say, keeping your poker face on. You pray that you won't let any emotions show. That would be pathetic.

''Y'know, I- you remind me of Luci,'' she slurs, and you feel a bit offended, ''he was also so cold in the beg-beginning, but aft'r some time, we became clos-s-close.''

''Well, I'm not your friend, Bean,'' that came out harsher than expected, ''you can barely walk, what makes you think, that you can compare me to some other demon?'' Bean chuckles and you both know what she has to say. It's probably some ''you have a good heart'' or ''you're not as though as you look'' bullshit.

''Carry me,'' out of nowhere says Bean. ''What?'' you just told her you're not her friend, why is she asking this to you?

''Y' heard what I said, and I'm your queen, you have to listen to me,'' she's really playing the queen card now. You roll your eyes. ''C'mon I heard what that bitch said, if you're really that strong, carry me,'' was she challenging you? You pick her up bridal style and start walking. She lets out her cute giggle. What are you thinking? She's not cute.

You finally reach Bean's room and carry her inside. You carefully put her on the bed. Shit, was that too caring?

''I think we would make a good team,'' Bean says, looking into your eyes.

''Well, as I said, I'm not your friend,'' you remind her. You can see that she doesn't believe that.

''Would my 'not friend' carry me to my bedroom?'' you blush a bit, but thankfully, it is dark.

''It was a kind gesture,'' you look away.

''You said you didn't need to be kind, so you chose to be kind,'' Bean laughs. She doesn't give up, does she?

''Sleep with me.'' What did she just say?

''Excuse me?'' what does she even mean by that? Sex or just sleeping?

''You know what I mean,'' she sits up, or at least tries. Then, you realise what she's doing. She's making you ask her. Well, a little teasing won't do any harm.

''Fine,'' you say. You start taking off your boots and your belt. You can see her eyes widen in shock, but is that a little excitement you see? You get in bed with her and say: ''I can't sleep in those, can I?''

You both lay on top of the blanket. You have nothing to talk about, so you just stare into each other's eyes, until you fall asleep.


''Making Bean fall in love with her,'' Dagmar chuckles, ''genius.'' She puts the lid on the Eternal Fire. ''You have, a great destiny, Tiabeanie,'' she says to herself, ''I won't let you ruin it.''
