Chapter 18

Anthony P.O.V

It Was 2:30 P.m I Got Went And Took A Shower And Headed To Airport .

Lay - Lani P.O.V

I Layed In This Boring House Allday . I Neex Meet Some People . I put On some Sweats Cause I Love My Sweats And I Put On My Truckfit Tee . I Walked Out To See Everybody Outside . Playing Ball In Street Lil Girls . Playing Double Dutch . Nigvas Smoking On The Steps It Was The Hood But With Beautiful Houses .

I Walk To An Old Lady Sitting Next Door  .

Hello , ma'am ? I Said

Hello Darling . She Said  

I Just Moved In . I Just Wanted To Get To Know Some People  .

Oh Okay Thats Nice . Call Me Ms . K Amd Your Name Is ? She Askes

My Name Is Lay - Lani . I Said

Such A Beautiful Name For A Nice Girl .

Thank You . She Said

Then This Boy With Nice Long Hair . Light Skin . Tall probably 6'3 Walk Next To Thee Lady . He Was gorgeous   .

Grandma Who This ? He Asked While He Flashed Smile With His pearlyWhites

This Lay-Lani . She Said .

Hi Lay-Lani . My My Name Is Kendrick But Call Me Ken . He Said

You Can Call Me Lay . I Said .

So What Brings You Here ? He Said

Nothing Just Moved In The Door . I Said

Oh Your The Girl With The Purple Blinds . He Said .

Lol Your Window Is The One Across Huh ?

Yup . He Said While He Chuckled A Lil .

Well Im Going To Take A Look Around Cali . For A While .

No Ill Come . Niggas Around Here Will Touch You . He Said .

okay Thanks Lets Go .

Anthonyy . P.O.V

As I Was On Plane All I Could Think About Was Lay . I Didnt Mean To Hurt Her . I Really Do Love Lay But I Just Didnt Wanna Hurt Her . That Girl Is My Life . I Wouldnt Change Anything About Her  . Since The First Day She Came To Me . I Knew She Was Different From The Other . . . As I Was In Deep Thought I Fell Alseep
