~~Part 9~~


Yoongi and I were watching a movie (It can be any movie of your choice). While we were watching I suddenly remembered something

Y/n: "Yoongi?"

Yoongi: "Yes kitten, what's wrong?" I got up from his chest and looked at him. Yoongi looked back at me.

Y/N: "I need your help."

Yoongi: "Yeah sure. What do you need help with?" I explained everything to him.

Y/N: "So I need you to help me get them together."

Yoongi: "What do you want me to do honey?"

Y/N: "I need you to spend the day with Jhope to keep him distracted and I'll ask Jisoo do the same with Lisa. I need to get a few things to make it special." He nodded then said.

Yoongi: "I'm tired, let's sleep lovey, we have a awesome day tomorrow." I smiled at him and he gave me a kiss on my forehead.

Yoongi: "I love you. Goodnight sweet heart."

Y/n: "Love you too, goodnight."

Next Morning, Yoongi POV

I woke up to the sun hitting my face. I looked next to me to see that Y/N was not there. Suddenly the bathroom door opened revealing Y/N wearing her clothes already.

Y/N: "Oh, good morning Yoongi." She said in a sleepy voice.

Yoongi: "Good morning kitten, come here." Y/N started walking towards me and I placed her on my lap and said...

Yoongi: "Today's the big day."

Y/N: "I know, I'm so excited to make my friends a couple." She gave me a peck on my cheek before snuggling her face in my neck. We stayed like that for a few minutes before I said

Yoongi: "I'm gonna go take a shower." She nodded her head and said

Y/N: "I'll prepare breakfast." She was about to get up but I pulled her into a kiss.


He broke the kiss and I stood up from his lap heading to the kitchen. I went to the fridge and got all the ingredients that I needed.

While I was cooking, I felt arms around me and I knew it was my Yoongi.

Yoongi: "It smells so good kitten." He gave me kisses on my neck. I moved my head so he had more room to get to my neck.

Y/N: "Why don't you sit down, it's almost done." He nodded his head and let go of my waist and sat down. 

I put on food on the counter and I saw Yoongi sniffing the smell that was coming from the food.


Yoongi: "Yummy, thanks kitten." He gave me a peck before we started eating.

After Eating

When we were done eating, Yoongi went to freshen up to take Jhope out while I called Jisoo

*On Phone*

Jisoo: "Hello Y/N-iee, are you okay?

Y/N: "Hello unnie, yes I'm okay. What are you doing right now?"

Jisoo: "I'm with Lisa right now, why?" Did she read my mind or something, lol.

Y/N: "Perfect, I just need your help." I explained everything to her.

Jisoo: "Ohk, Good luck Y/N."

Y/N: "Thank you Jisoo Y/N." I hung up the phone when Yoongi came downstairs.

Yoongi: "Okay, I contacted Jhope and his coming here. Then we going out." He said

Y/N: "Perfect, you're the best." I gave him and peck.

10 minutes later, Jhope POV

I arrived at Y/N and Yoongi's house because Yoongi hyung told me to come over. I knocked on the door and after a few seconds Y/N opened the door.

Jhope: "Annyeonghaseyo Y/N-iee."

Y/N: "Annyeonghaseyo Jhope oppa, come in. Yoongi is sitting on the couch." She said and I walked to Yoongi hyung.

I saw him scrolling on his phone. He was looking at pictures of Y/N. He stopped at this pic


I wanted to tease him a bit so I put my hands on his shoulder and gave him a massage and I saw him relaxed. What he said was what I knew he was going to say.

Yoongi: "Y/N, kitten. Maybe I should talk Jhope not to come over so we can have time together." I tried to hold my laughter. To make it more interesting I told Y/n, who was watching the whole time, to go and stand in front of Yoongi and see what he says.

Y/N: "Yoongi?" Yoongi looked up and said..

Yoongi: "Wait, if you in front of me, who is massaging me." I whispered in his ear.

Jhope: "Hello baby boy." After I said that he screams and got up. Y/N and I started laughing

Yoongi: "Yah, it's not funny."

Yoongi POV

"How could they do that to me." I said to myself and rolled my eyes.

Yoongi: "Okay, whatever. Let's go Jhope, We going out."

Jhope: "What about Y/N?" He looked at Y/N and she said

Y/N; 'I have a few things to get and Yoongi is just going to be in my way so it's ok." He nodded and we headed out.

Time skip (Autor is too lazy to type all the things Y/N got)


I got all the things I needed but will only set up when Lisa and Jhope are together, locked in the room. I texted Jisoo and Yoongi to bring them here.

Few minutes later

I saw Yoongi's car pull up and they got out. I opened the door.

Y/N: "Hey, did you have fun." I asked and they both nodded and I gave Yoongi a peck on the lips. Jhope then said

Jhope: "Yah, get a room. Don't make me feel more single then I already am."

Yoongi: "Don't worry, you won't be single for long." I was shocked with what Yoongi said. I elbowed him in the side.

Yoongi: "Ow"

Jhope: "What do you mean?"

Y/N: "Don't listen to him. Let's go upstairs." They nodded and I took the bedroom key with me. 

We walked into our shared bedroom and Jhope walked in. I told him to sit on the bed.

Y/N: "Sorry Jhope." He looked at me confused. Then me and Yoongi ran out and locked the door.

Jhope POV

I ran to the door trying to open it but it was locked

Lisa POV, they did the same to Lisa when she came

Yoongi, Y/N and Jisoo locked me inside the room and I was banging on the door to let me out not knowing that I wasn't alone.

I turned around and I was shocked, her soul left her body.


Lisa: "Jhope oppa?" He looked at him and came and gave me a hug.

Jhope: "At least I'm not alone, do you know what's going on?" I shook my head as no. He sighed and we both sat on the bed.

Time Skip (Lazy) the confession, still Lisa POV

There was an awkward silence so I decided to break it.

Lisa: "Do you have a crush." He looked at me and nodded.

Lisa: "Who?" I asked and I was shocked with what he did next. He kissed me. I was too shock to react. He pulled away and said.

Jhope: "You, I like, I mean Love you Lisa."

Lisa: "I love you too." I was about to kiss him when I heard.

Y/N: "Yay, finally." I heard the door unlocking revealing Yoongi, Jisoo and Y/N with big smiles


Y/N: "Well my job here is done. " I said proudly

Lisa: "You were behind this, you knew he like me."

Y/N: "Yip and I planned all this. I also planned a new couple party."

We all went down stairs were all our friends were. Everyone was happy for the knew couple

Hello Kittens, hope you enjoyed this story. Don't be scared to privately message me for a new story. I wanna give a shout out to ankitamondal8697 for helping me get an idea of how to get Lisa and Jhope together. Hope you have a good one. Look out for a new story and a bonus to this story. Love you guys. Bye
