Chapter Four

Four months later

"April your not gna like this"  Una said on the other side of the phone.

He was the only one that April could always count on. Una was the one that always informed April about the brawls before they happened, he was the one that told her everything the boys tried to hide from her. And April was grateful to have him informing her everything.

"Just give me the place and I'll be there soon."

Una texted April the address which sent her speeding away in her car with Eden to the destination.

"What is it this time?" - Eden

"Idk but Roger better watch it"

Eden burst out laughing,

"What? What's so funny E?"

"Nah I just love the confidence you have with these boys, you're like half their height but you're not afraid of them. It's sexy" She smirked.

It wasn't long till April realised what was happening. At the end of the road, there were 1 v 1 fights, and grown-ass men just watching.

"I can't believe this" Parking the car, she rubbed her temples and stormed out of the car. April had no idea where to look until she saw a familiar body. It took them five minutes to notice April was standing there and waiting, but when they did notice her, it was silent and all the fights stopped.

"Why'd you stop? Punch him. Punch him one more time, Chris please!" She folded her arms and stared directly at her baby brother. April was hysterical; which only made the other boys more scared. Her psycho mode was soon to activate and they knew it. April yelled at Chris to get in the car with Eden and depart for home whilst she did some damage control. 


"Nigga I ain't talking to you" April interrupted Roger and put her hand in front of his face.

"Eden take my brother home. I'll deal with you later" April chucked her keys over to Eden and they walked off.

"K all you other boys can piss off unless ya'll wanna be apart of this lecture as well" April smiled and just like that, the other boys walked away.

"And you. You stupid man I swear if you weren't so tight with Jason I would've... ugghh... You're going to have to kill me first before I let my baby brother be apart of this foolishness. I catch him with you guys and I won't hesitate to taze you alright. And the rest of you boys as well, do not bring Chris into trouble" - don't get me wrong, April loved the boys like brothers but she didn't appreciate them letting Chris get himself into trouble.

"You know I can't do that.." - Roger

"This wasn't a discussion" April walked away clenching her fists. Even though she was a bit hard-headed and all, the boys did listen to her. She began walking to the train station, trying to find kind words to express her feelings towards her brother. 

"Can I drop you off?" Roger appeared beside her in his black American muscle car.

"Can you not?"

"You know I'd never make Christian do shit he wouldn't want to. That was all him, A"

She kept walking with her shoulders back and ignored him.

"April just get in the car and we'll talk this over" Roger stopped the car and waited for her to get inside. She let out a groan but complied to his pleading.

"Why you always on our backs for? Christians a grown man now April"

"Grown my ass , you niggas don't know the first thing about being grown, or being a man"

"Ouchh.... and how are we not grown men?"

"Roger, I've known you's since I was a little girl. Yous are all the biggest changes, how many of you's have real everyday jobs?"

"A, you know the pays good"

"It's not about how much money, it's about you guys being smart enough to walk away from the game. It's about ya'll being smart about what you's do with your life"

"I didn't know you saw this so serious"

"That's the thing, you's don't think at all. You all have families that pray for your lives every time you walk out that front door so you's return safely. You's don't see how many people are worried about yous"

"Would you care if I died?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"April just answer the question"

"Of course I would you stupid ass"

Roger smiled and leaned back in his seat. April didn't notice it, she continued to look outside her window.


Christian was fast asleep by the time April reached home. She rolled her eyes and covered him with a blanket and fixing up his posture.

April heard her mum call her from the room and walked towards her.

"Anything serious ?" Amelia took her glasses off.

"No mum just stupid rituals to turn a boy to a man, stupid stuff and all" April stood up and fluffed her pillow.

"Would you & Chris mind leaving the house tonight? The ladies from church have organised a meeting here tonight at 7" - Amelia

April nodded and looked at the clock, it was half-past 5. She took a shower and changed then woke up Christian.

"Get ready homo I'm taking you out in an hour"

The siblings made their way to West Point. Christian dragged his sister to the food court since his stomach was screaming to be fed. Chris spotted the boys sitting on one side and walked to them.

"What yous two doing here ?" - Jimmy

"Mum wanted us out of the house so here we are" - Chris

"Just yous two ?" - Roger

"Yeah , A, can I hang with them while you go do whatever you wanted to do ?" - Chris

"Fine .. I'll ring you when I'm ready . Here" April rolled her eyes and handed him money.

"April don't worry, we got him" - Roger placed a hand on Chris' shoulder. April let out a sigh and then spun around on her heels, walking to all the clothes stores.

Forty minutes later and Aprils hands were covered in bags filled with clothes & shoes.

"Excuse me Miss , would you like some help" April raised her head to find a tall & fine ass brown guy.


"Nah Uce she's fine" - Roger took the bags out of Aprils hand.

Where the hell did this idiot come from? April thought to himself.

The guy saw the threatening look in Rogers eyes and backed away. And what a smart move that was because Roger was ready to knock the daylights out of the poor stranger. April shook her head and practically ripped her shopping out of his hands. She began walking towards her next store.

"A!" - Roger was calling out to her but she didn't reply.

"A I swear you better cut that funky ass attitude or-"

"Nah Roger you don't get to tell me what to do now. You sure as hell ain't my brother so stop trying to fill in his shoes" - April screamed back causing the close crowd to take notice of the two.

Roger sighed and took her shopping out of her hands once again. If only she knew , he thought to himself.

