Stray Kids Concert

Mio's POV,

As soon as our CEO heard of the stalker's threat, he assigned me two personal bodyguards to look out for me during day time. And three guards to watch the dorm during night time.

It felt weird to have them following me around the day and I didn't like it one bit. But for my sake, I had to adjust to it.

For the past three nights, Jisung had been sleeping with me. Not that kind of sleeping with me. The literal one, okay?

Anyways, Stray Kids had a concert today and I planned on going. I already talked about it with my manager and Chaemin. They both agree as long as the guards came along with me.

So now here I am, in front of my closet, looking for the most civilian outfit ever. I finally decided on wearing black square pants and an SKZ shirt I ordered online. I wore converse for shoes. Though I wanted to look like a normal fangirl, I didn't want to look like a hobo in front of the cameras.

Yes, the cameras. There's obviously gonna be camera men (aka dispatch) following me around.

After finally dressing, I placed the pictures, which are pasted on fine thick cardboards, on the bed. Those pictures contained the boys' predebut faces that they'd surely get embarassed of. I snickered to myself while imagining their surprised faces.

I actually prepared quite a few for each member (she made 10 each), just incase some stays wanted one too. I put the faces on a green eco-bag and carried it to the living room.

My members, who were watching some lame-ass cartoon, got curious and decided to take a peak inside the bag. I grinned.

"Be careful, okay?" I said and walked back to my room to put on makeup.

The van parked in an open parking lot, a few blocks from the stadium where Stray Kids would be performing. I didn't want to make an entrance and asked my driver to park way over here. He agreed.

I opened the door and stepped down, the wind blew against my face, my hair getting all over me. I didn't tie it or iron it, I just let it be. Though I'll probably tie it if it annoys me.

The guards walked behind me as we went on out way to the stadium. Remember when I said I didn't wanna make an entrance? Now how could I not be a center of attention when I have to guys, probably wearing suits, walking behind me.

Well sisters, they aren't wearing suits. I made them wear plain jeans and and random shirt they wanted. They also kept their distance, though not to far away and kept watch of me.

As I reach the crowd, a lot of eyes turned to me. Some didn't notice me and some had their mouths hanging.

"Hello~." I smiled and bowed to them.

"WOAH IT'S PLAYBACK'S MIO!" somebody exclaimed.

It was incredibly loud and only a few of the thousands of fans heard of me. They immediately took out their phones and snatched pictures.

"No, please don't..." I said. "I'm just Park Mio today. A completely normal fangirl."

They completely understood, much to my surprise. They put down their phones and bowed instead back to me. It made me smile.

Now, they went back to talking to their friends. I felt lost and lonely, I had no companion today. I scanned through the crowd and saw this very familiar pair of eyes. She was staring straight back at me.

My eyes widened when realization hit me.
It was a fan of mine. I always saw here during our fanmeets here in Seoul. I smiled at her.

She turned red and turned away, back to her friends. I started to walk towards her group. When she noticed me walking to their direction, she began fidgeting with her fingers.

"Hey," I greeted. "You're Aera, right?"

She looked at me with sparkling eyes. "You remember me?"

I nod. "Yeah. You gave me a necklace, remember?" I grinned and pulled out from under my shirt, a silver necklace with a small heart in the middle. Carved on the heart was my name in tiny letters.

"Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed, putting her hands over her mouth.

I smiled. "Say.." I said and turned to her other two friends. "Would you guys mind if I tag along? I have no one at the moment."

Their cheeks turned red and a wide smile formed on their faces. "I'm Leah and this is Jen."

The doors to the stadium finally opened, and the three of us made our way inside. For only a few minutes, I have learned that Leah was from America and Jen was from Canada. Both obviously foreign, though you couldn't tell very much as their Korean was perfect.

"You're probably VIP, right?" Aera asked, a hint of saddness in her voice.

I turned to them and shook my head. "No. I told you already, I'm Park Mio, a normal fan."

"But didn't like, Han, got you a VIP or backstage pass?" Leah asked.

I chuckled. "They don't know I'm here."

They 'aah-ed' and nodded. We found ourselves at the second floor, first row, at the center of the stadium. The place was perfect, surprisingly no one took it yet.

I opened my eco-bag and took out the cardboard faces. The girls laughed when they saw. I passed them the faces they wanted and even passed to the other fellow stays.

They thanked me and lifted the cardboards up. If I haven't mentioned it yet, the cardboard size is as big as a head of an electric fan. Yes, it was that big.

Suddenly, the lights turned off as nine figures rose from under the stage. We lifted our props up in the air, waving it from left to right.

The song started playing and the fans started chanting. Luckily, I memorized the fanchant on the way here. I quickly followed them.

The performance was a blast! I would probably have no voice left when I get home. Currently, the boys are talking and interacting with the fans, sitting on their stools in the middle of the stage.

"C'mon, let's wave these faces." We whispered to one another, even to those behind us as I also gave them some of the cardboard faces.

We lifted them uo once again into the air to catxh the boys' attention. No one noticed it at first. For a few minutes, we just stood there, waving the faces with aching arms.

Finally, Seungmin noticed us. Not me though, it was too dark at our area for him to see so I didn't bother wearing a mask.

He started to laugh, catching everyone's attention. His members raised their brows at him. He only pointed to us.

"LOOK AT FELIX!!" He yelled through the microphone. "BWAHAHAHAHA!!"

(only his face was on the cardboard. Dont mind the body)

The members turned their gaze to us, some even squinting their eyes.

"OMG LOOK IT'S CHAN!" yelled Woojin.

The boys started to burst into laughter as they examined their pre-debut faces. Fans also looked at our direction and began laughing.

My plan was to surprise them with gifts later at the backstage, when everything was over. But it didn't go as planned.

"Is that Mio?" asked Minho as he pointed to the large screen behind them.

It was only then when I realized, the camera had turned towards us and now our faces were displayed on the screen.

I immediately hid myself behind the large cardboard face of Jisung. His face getting full exposure.

The members laughed at that, they did. But they stopped and turned to look at me from below.

"Wah, we didn't know you'd come..." Chan said and started to wave at my direction.

I felt bad that I was now the center of their attention. I wanted the stays to have fun, not get their night ruined by me. I put down my prop, the camera finally stooped filming me.

"I'm gonna go to the bathrooms real quick." I whispered to Aera's ear.

"You want me to come?" she asked.

I shook my head and smiled. "It's fine."

I then proceeded to walk my way downstairs. Some fans greeted me. When I reached the first floor, the guards were there.

"Bathroom break." was all I said before walking towards the bathroom, which was down the hallway.

I reached the girl's bathroom and leaned forward against the sink. I sighed.

"I wish they hadn't seen me earlier, now I feel bad." I mummbled to myself.

"Yeah, you shouldn't have." a voice startled me.

I turned around and saw two girls. They were my height, but their faces were very intimidating. Their face covered with a thick layer of foundation, their neck didn't even match their face's tone. Their lips were in a shade of deep red. Eyelashes curled to the point that it was curvier than the Kardashian's butt. And don't get me started on their cheeks and eyeshadow.

"uhh.. Sorry?" My eyebrow turned upwards.

Where the hell are my bodyguards when I need them?!

"Nothing. I just wanted to do this..." the girl in pink said and swung her hand to my left cheek.

The sound of the slap echoed throughout the bathroom. It could also have been heard from the halls.

The impact had me pushed to the sink, my hip hitting the hard concrete. I hissed in pain, lifting my hands up to my red throbbing cheek.

"Just 'cause you're Han's girlfriend doesn't mean you own the world." she spat, her words full of venom. "And so what? Coming here dressed like a douchebag doesn't make you awesome and humble."

I wanted to fight back. I wanted to punch her face as many times as the number of tears rolled down my cheek. But the media won't make it easy for me if I did.

"You think you can impress everybody, huh?" she took a step forward.

"I wasn't here to impress..." I answered back, trying to make it as polite as possbile. But she didn't think that way.

"WOW!"She exclaimed, heaving in dibelief. "Look at you talking back! You have no right to, you worthless peice of shi--"

"Excuse me?!Who do you think you are?!" I peeked behind the girl infront of me and saw Aera.

My tears made my vision blurry. I croughed down on the floor, feeling useless and defenseless as Aera and her tall foreign friends stood up against the girls.

I heard the girls yelping and running out of the bathroom. Finally, it was just us. My sobs eventually become louder, making the three rush to me.

"OMG MIO! ARE YOU OKAY?" they exclaimed and inspected my now bruised face.

I was able to pull off a weak smile, though my eyes continued to pour out beads of salty water. "It's fine."

I didn't want to ruin their night by worrying about me. I already interupted the concert, I didn't wanna trouble them more.

"No you are not." Aera said sternly.

My hands shook uncontrollably. They noticed it and quickly held them.

"H-how..?" I managed to spit out. Hopefully, they'd understand.

"A few minutes after you left, Stray Kuds bid their goodbyes. The crowd started to disperse and we were worried that someone could've attacked you and we were right." Leah explained as Aera patted my head.

"Thanks.." I said, almost in a whisper. "T-thank you s-so much.."

They smiled at me warmly and engulfed me into a hug. I sniffed away the snot in my nose and wiped away the remaining tears.

"Stay here with Leah and we'll get you your boyfriend." Aera said.

I raised a brow. "But how?"

Jen chuckled. "My mom is a hairstylist and I have a backstage pass."

They patted my head and ran outside the door. When they were nowhere to be found, Leah grabbed my hand. I looked at her and I saw her smile at me. Genuinely. I returned the smile.

I heard footsteps outside the hall. Leah was currently tying my hair into a high ponytail. I turned to look at the door and saw a panting Jisung. Behind him was Stray Kids and my two bodyguards.

"Mio!" he called and kneeled beside me, pulling me to his chest.

Leah stood up and walked towards her friends. I wrapped my hands around his waist, gripping on him tighter.

"I'm kind of okay now.." I said. "Thanks to them..."

The boys and the guards turned to look at the girls, who were now flustered. "Ah.. It's now biggie!" Aera chirpped.

The boys bowed to them. "We're grateful... Very much. Thanks." Chan said.

I pulled away from Jisung's grip, with my head down low. Hoping he wouldn't notice the bruise on my cheek. But he did.

He grabbed my chin softly, trying his best not to hurt me more and turned my head to face him. His eyebrows curved upward.

"You're hurt," he said, biting his lower lip.

"It's okay now, Ji..." I smiled. It broke my heart to sadden him like this.

"She calls him 'Ji'.." We heard Leah whisper to her friends, making everyone turn to her.

She blushed. "Oh,sorry.." she said. "Please continue.."

I broke into a smile, glad that Leah was an idiot and broke the sad atmosphere.

"Let's get you home and get you healed, okay?" Jisung said and stood up, extending his hand to help me in the process.

I nod and stand up, swinging my bags over my shoulder. Not forgetting to grab the Jisung cardboard from the sink.

We thanked my new friends for what they have done. I took Aera's phone and typed in my number. They gasped.

"I'd really want to chat over coffee next time.." I said as I hand over her phone back.

"And cake. You can't go to a cafe and not eat cake." Leah interupted.

I chuckled and ruffled their hairs. "Sure!"

Jisung wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me away, thanking the girls again.

Aera, Leah, and Jen were left there with disbelief. Excited to what will happen in their future.

Jisung wrapped his arm around me protectively, constantly looking around while we walked to their van. I noticed this and immediately nudged his side. He looked at the me(whom was grinning) with raised brows.

"What?" he asked.

"You're being protective again. We talked about this." I said.

He sighed. "Well you can't stop me after what just happened."

I smiled before pulling his face towards mine, kissing him on the nose. "I like it." I said.

He smiled sheepishly. "We should get you bullied more often then.."

I pinched him.
