A Betrayal of Trust

"Alright let's get you cleaned up, I mean what's your daddy gonna say when he sees you all dirty like this?" Sid asked the baby as we all walked towards Half Peak. 

I smiled as the sloth then licked his claw and began to clean the baby up. Manny looked at him with an amused look. After three swipes of the claw, the mammoth pulled away Sid's claws from Pinky's face,

"You clean up nice... little fella" He commented, 

"I think he may start to look like me," Sid said, looking at the human child,

"You sure about that Sid?" I asked, with a raised brow and smirk. Manny chuckled under his breath. Sid rolled his eyes with a smile before turning to Diego, 

"Hey Diego, what do you think?" Sid asked, holding the baby up to his, 

"Maybe we shouldn't do this," He said, looking out into the distance,

I raised a brow, "Why not?" I asked, 

"Because if we save him, he'll grow up to be a hunter and who do you'll think he'll hunt?" He asked, rhetorically, looking back at me. 

"Well maybe because we save him, he won't hunt us." Sid suggested,

"Yeah? Well, maybe he'll grow fur and a long skinny neck and call you mama!!" My eyes widen, Whoa, I was not expecting THAT from him. 

"What's your problem?" Manny asked him, raising a brow, 

"Nothing, let's go! I'm freezing my tail off" He continued down the path. I looked up at Manny and Sid, who looked back at me. They were just as confused as I was. We continued the walk until Diego started to lag behind, 

"Hey, Diego? You frozen back there?" Manny called over his shoulder. No answer came as we continued our walk. I then got a strange feeling that we were being watched. I looked around and saw no one yet the feeling stayed. I opened my mouth, about to ask if they felt anything -- 

"GET DOWN!!!" Diego exclaimed as he got in front of us. 

"What??" We chorused and he shushed us. "Get down and follow me." 

"Why, what's going on Diego??" I asked,

"At the bottom of Half Peak... there is an ambush... waiting for you" He answered, looking down. My eyes watered slightly as I gasped slightly,

"Ambush?" Manny asked. Everything was now in place... 

"You set us up" I murmured, 

"It was my job!" Diego exclaimed, "I was supposed to get the baby -- " 

"And you brought us... all home... for dinner... " I finished his sentence, tears threatening to fall from my eyes. 

"That's it, you're out of the herd!" Sid exclaimed, pointing an angry claw in the male saber's direction, 

"I'm sorry," Diego apologized, hanging his head down in what seemed like shame, 

"No, you're not!" Manny seethed, pinning him against the wall with his tusk, "...not yet." 

"Listen I can help you!" The helpless saber pleaded,

"Stay close guys," Manny said to me and Sid, "We will fight our way out." 

"You can't! Pack's too strong, you have to trust me!" 

"Trust you?!" I exclaimed, "We DID trust you and you, betrayed us!" 

"She's right! Why in the world should we trust you??" Manny asked, anger evident in his tone,

"Because I'm your only chance" Diego replied. Manny looked at him, skeptically. I don't blame him. I mean Diego got us all to believe he wasn't like the others. He made ME believe... so easily and so quickly too... Guess that shows I cannot put my faith or trust in anyone without getting hurt.

Once Diego regained his breath, he explained the plan to us, drawing a map to show us a visual representation,

"Sid, you and Jade will walk through here," He pointed to an area, "That's where they will be. Once they see you two and the... 'baby ', three will chase after you. Jade, you will distract them and once Sid is free, he will run to here," He pointed to a tree not far away, "And get Pinky."

"Manny," He addressed the mammoth, "You will be over here," He pointed to the arched rocks, "Once Jade drives them over towards you, you will knock them off with a log that should be near the opening in the wall. Once they're down, we'll pick you guys up," He looked at me and Sid, "and we'll leave Half Peak together and get the baby back to his herd."

I may be angry with the male saber but his plan seemed pretty good. Who knew he actually had a brain to think with?

"And you sure this plan will work?" Manny asked, raising a brow, still skeptical of trusting the saber's words.

"Positive" Diego said, "If anything goes South, I'll take care of it. After all, it's my fault I got you all into this." Manny narrowed his eyes slightly. The baby gurgled and Sid bounced him in his arms,

"Yeah. We'll get you home to your herd." The sloth cooed, "Don't you worry, buddy." I looked from them to the plan written down below. My heart began to beat fast as a cold pang hit my stomach. So many what-ifs played in my head... so many scenarios of things going wrong played yet they felt so unreal to actually happen.

I can't believe we're putting our trust into this saber again... he better hope nothing bad happens to Sid, Manny or Pinky otherwise stuff WILL go down... and that is a promise I plan to make good on.
