
There was sound of beeping. Then his eyes fluttered open but he squeezed them shut right away, the light was too blindingly white. He took a little time then slowly blinked them open once more, adjusting to the whiteness he was in.

His eyes wandered around untill he spotted his favorite face.

Fallon was sitting by his bedside, hand in his, her eyes were staring down at the floor blankly.

He remembered everything that had happened and it made him squeeze her hand softly.

Fallon's head whipped up and she smiled seeing him awake.

"Hey." She spoke in a soft tone, eyes gleaming with something uncertain, but firm.

"Hey." Liam croaked out, the lack of talking made his voice strained.

"Are you feeling any better? I can call the doctor." She said as her thumb ran over his knuckles.

"M' good." He sighed with a soft blink of his eyes. "Where's mom?"

"She's with the doctor, signing some papers. I'll call for them."

Liam nodded and Fallon kissed the back of his hand before walking out of the room.

As she shut the door behind her, she was face to face with Michael and Jeff. Both looking dishelved, and there was blood on their shirts, eyes dark and gloomy. Fallon clenched her jaw and raised a brow.

"What do you two want?" She gritted out.

"H-how's Liam?" Jeff asked, the waver in his voice almost visible. "He's awake, right?"

"Yes. But no thanks to any of you." Fallon rolled her eyes, "I'm gonna go now. Don't bother Liam." She warned and attempted to walk away but Michael called after her.

"Eric's dead."

She stopped in her tracks, her hands balling into fists as she smacked her lips, her heart felt free and she would smile if she could now.

"Good for him." She replied over her shoulder and trotted away.


Laura held Liam's hand tightly while a doctor checked his pulse, wounds and did his regular routine.

"He's better now. We can release him after 24 hours." Doctor Seth informed with a smile.

Laura thanked him and he left.

"I'm so happy you're okay, sweetie." She kissed his hand and sniffed softly.

"Sorry mom, for worrying you." Liam replied, squeezing her hand.

"Don't you go off racing like that ever again. I have only you, baby. I can't lose you too." She cried softly and Liam tugged at her hand so she stood up and let herself be hugged by her son.

Laura kissed his head when they pulled away, she sat back down.

"Where's Fal?" He asked, eyes subtly going to the locked door.

"She went to get some coffee. Poor girl's been here for two days, didn't leave your side even for more than a minute."

The information made Liam's heart flutter and he felt proud to have such a girl in his life.

"I'm so glad you found her." Laura smiled.

Liam couldn't agree more.


Two weeks has passed since the incident.

No one found out about the gruesome murder because it was an illegal race, there were no cctv record or any witness. There was no clue to who would have killed Eric Gavin.

Everyone remained silent except one person.

Colin McNaughton.

He was determined that Fallon Carrington had killed his best friend. Which was an absolute bullshit to everyone since each person knew how Fallon was the one getting bullied by the dead boy. So they avoided his crazy accusations.

But he never stopped.

'Fallon Carrington is a murderer. Fallon Carrington killed him. She did it.'

Was his words.

Fallon was never brought to investigation, but as days went by, Colin became a mess.

He kept picking at his nails, his hair was messy, had huge dark bags under his unfocused eyes.

Colin was brought into interrogation and no one ever saw him after that.

Eventually life returned to normal days.


"I still can't believe how much has happened since that night." Liam exhaled sharply as the couple now cuddled on the living room couch in Liam's house. "It's like the Hawkes was the solid bully group two days ago."

"I know." Fallon's face was stoic, her head resting on Liam's shoulder, arm across his torso. "Let's not weigh our heads with the awful days."

"Yeah. But it's still nerve wrecking how night changes."

"Can we just talk about something else?"

"Like what?" Liam stroked her long, blonde hair.

"Like your graduation. When are you leaving?"

"I'm leaving next week." Liam said sadly and Fallon felt her heart twist painfully.

How would she survive without the source of her strength? How was she gonna get through a whole year without him?

"Hey," Liam spoke softly, cupping her chin to pull her face up, "it's gonna be okay, we'll be in touch and meet on weekends, okay? And you'll be with me in no time. Don't worry too much. I'll always love you." He kissed her temple.

"Don't you dare look at any other girl." She hissed.

"Uhm-" Liam puckered his lips in a playful smirk, pretending to think which made Fallon gasp and slap at his chest.

"Ohkay, okay." He held his hands up with a laugh, "I'd never. How could I when I have such a pretty girlfriend?" He booped her nose.

Fallon smiled and leaned up to connect their lips in a soft and sweet kiss.

No matter how many times they have kissed, it always felt like the first time and their hearts would beat in rhythm.

Liam's hands went around her back as he pulled her close and Fallon messed her fingers through his light brown locks.

He slowly backed her on the couch and hovered over her, kissing her deeply and swirling their tongues around. Fallon let out a soft moan, enjoying the sensation of having her lover so close.

"I love you." Liam breathed out as he pulled apart.

Fallon's eyes widened and she felt tears brimming at the corner of her eyes.

"I-I'm sorry if it's too early, I didn't mean to-"

"I love you too, you idiot." Fallon cut him off and they both grinned.

Liam dove down to pepper feather-like kisses all over her face and neck, earning giggles from the girl.

"Gosh, I'm gonna miss you so bad." Liam sighed as he flopped down on the couch, Fallon scooting to hug him and place her head on his chest, listening to his fast heartbeat. "I wish we graduated together."

"I know. But we'll be okay." This time Fallon assured him, placing a kiss on where his heart was.


Liam kissed the top of her head as they imagined a future together, awating the time when they wouldn't have to be separated ever again.

