[14] Reunion

The party was held at the terrace of the main schoool buliding. 

While everyone was preparing, Hinata was having a mental breakdown.

She had completely forgotten that she had applied for that university. She didn't know she would be accepted. The previous Hinata would bo overjoyed. But now she had a new life. A new life with Naruto. She clutched her chest and tried to calm her racing heart. Breathe, calm down, please. 

As Hinata was hyperventilating, a voice pulled her back to reality.

"Hinata! The dance starts in an hour! Get dressed!" Sakura peeked out from Ino's room and yelled. 

"O-ok, Sakura-chan," Hinata went to change.

Hinata went and put on her mint green gown. Green wasn't her colour-but Naruto and her decided that it would be a change for the better. She grabbed her violin and headed to the terrace.

Night arrived, and the girls made their way to the school rooftop. It had been elaborately decoated with plants and fairy lights, and there was even a fountain in the middle. There was a DJ, food tables all around. Hinata took in all her surroundings. 

This was the night.

Then, the girls saw the boys. Sakura immediately ran into Sasuke's arms. So they're now a couple, huh. Hinata's eyes immediately fell on Naruto. 

"Yay, the whole gang is here," Shikamaru said, bored," I wanted to sleep."

"No, you will dance with me," Temari said.

"Hinata-hime~" He said sweetly flashing a mischevious grin and approached her. He was wearing a black collared shirt, and a mint green suit over it, with the first button unbuttoned.He twirled her in the moonlight, as the song started playing. Butterflies filled the both of them as they danced under the stars.

But they did not see the pair of jealous and furious eyes looking at them from the shadow.

No - two pairs.
