Chapter 13

A/N Hi guys ! It's been quite a while and Im terribly sorry for that. A lot of things have happened since the last time I posted. I've come out as FTM and go by CJ (Carson Jace) and since my transition I've never felt better. Still had to work on some mental health things but I feel like I'm finally back in the swing of writing again. I re-read all of my books in about 2 weeks (yes, even BTTB lol) and I can't believe how much I missed this. I missed the families, the characters, the stories. I have to thank my boyfriend who has been with me these past 2 years, and has done nothing but encourage me to write again. So i'm finally doing it, and I hope when I finish these last few chapters it will be worth the wait.

"Alright, Brian can you tilt your head down just a little for me?... Perfect, big smiles everyone."

Another shutter went off, Harry taking his camera away from his face for just a moment before repositioning himself in front of the family.

"You guys look great, just one more and we'll be all set."

He couldn't blame the younger kids' sigh of relief before they put on big grins for the camera. They've been at this for almost an hour, but their mom wanted plenty of different shots so that's what Harry made sure to do.

"Okay, tortures over, we're all done," he joked, at least getting a few laughs out of the family. "I'll edit this tonight and you can pick them up any day after tomorrow," Harry smiled at the parents, shaking both of their hands and getting their payment before the group headed towards the door.

"You got any more appointments today mate?"

Harry looked to where Sam was sitting at his desk, eyebrows furrowed in concentration and tongue sticking out the side of his mouth, a tell tale that he was editing pictures.

"Just one more, a little dancer."

"Aw, cute," Sam cooed, "as rough as the kids can be sometimes their pictures always come out amazing."

"Gee, I wonder how that happens... That isn't my job or anything," Harry chuckled as he rolled his eyes and took a seat at his own desk. "I just have a way with kids."

Sam hummed, focusing on what he was doing for just a moment before glancing at his mate across from him. "Speaking of kids, how's Nate doing after the whole grocery store incident?"

"He's doing better..." he said quietly, "was sleeping in mine and Louis' room for a bit but luckily that stopped pretty quickly. His mind is more focused on vacation, I don't blame him."

"Still don't know where the lover boy is taking you guys?"

"Nope, it's all one big mystery," Harry huffed, but still, he couldn't fight the smile that came to him at the thought of Louis' surprise. "I'm excited though, I don't think we're going anywhere far, but just somewhere quiet, somewhere peaceful."

"I'm glad mate, you could use it," Sam grinned back at him.

"You really don't mind watching this place and-"

"C'mon H, you know I don't mind, I make more money while you're gone," he said, unable to hold back his laughter as he saw the younger lad rolling his eyes.

"Well in that case you're welcome," Harry said, smirking at Sam as he put his camera's SD card in his computer, wanting to get a jump on editing before his next client came in. "I feel bad mate, me leaving more often, Liam is gone on another cruise, I don't like leaving you alone."

Sam was quiet for a second, biting his lip as he shrugged. "It can be hard with Liam, it feels like he's jetting off every other week, but I love being here, it's my second favorite place."

And Harry could hear how honest he was being, he knows Sam loves his job and he's happy he does, but he also knows that he misses Liam more than words when he's gone.

"I'll tell ya what mate, if you want, after I get back from my trip you go on your own with Liam," he offered, "Go on one of his cruises or something, but just go somewhere, just the two of you."

At that Sam looked up from his computer, a small smile creeping over him as he thought about getting away with his boyfriend. "Really?"

"Yeah mate, of course," Harry said through his own grin. "You deserve it."

"H oh my god, thank you so much!!" Sam nearly screamed as he leapt from his chair and ran over to Harry to crush him in a hug.

Harry almost choked with how hard he was getting hugged, but that didn't stop his smile as he wrapped his arms around his mate.

"Honestly, you and Lou and Nate have fun on your trip. Don't worry about me and work, please, no phone calls," Sam begged, resting his hands on the younger lad's shoulders.

All Harry could do was nod, knowing if he opened his mouth he would insist on their usual two phone calls a day.

"Seriously," he eyed him.

"Fine, yes, no phone calls," Harry huffed, giving up.

At that Sam smiled to himself and patted his back one more time before going back to his desk to continue work.

"I'm still gonna text," Harry muttered, peeking past his computer screen and seeing Sam roll his eyes.

"Pay attention to your family," Sam retorted.

Harry picked his head up and couldn't help but smile a bit. His family; And they were. Him, Nate and Louis. Those two were all he needed, and maybe he found himself nodding back at his mate.


Louis wrapped his jacket around him tighter, even the short walk from his car to his building was enough to send shivers down his spine.

He made quick work of riding the lift up and heading into the flat, immediately relaxing at the noise of cartoons and Harry cooking in the background.

"Hey love," Louis smiled, walking up behind Harry and kissing his neck as he was working on something on the stove.

The green eyed lad almost too quickly turned around to be in his boyfriend's arms and connect their lips.

Louis laughed against him but of course pulled him into his chest so there was no room between them.

"Miss me?"

"Yes," Harry groaned, squeezing the shorter man and resting his head on his shoulder.

Hearing that Louis couldn't help but bite his lip and nod.

"I know love," he whispered, "it's just... We leave for our trip soon and I have deadlines I have to meet before we go-"

"Lou I know, trust me. If anyone understands it's me," Harry tried to assure him, "i'm just used to having all your attention, that's all."

Louis rolled his eyes as he heard Harry laughing at his own joke, but even he knew he was smiling himself.

"You want tea? Your voice sounds a lil rough."

He didn't even need to say "yes" before Harry was taking down his favorite tea from the cupboard.

"Thanks love, I'll drink it with dinner," Louis said, throwing himself into one of the breakfast bar seats and slumping against it. "I told my boss I needed breaks throughout the day, I can only do this shit for so long before my vocal chords explode."

Harry nodded at him sympathetically, glancing over his shoulder as we worked on making Louis' tea.

"What time are you going in tomorrow?" he asked quietly.

"Gotta be there at 9," Louis breathed out as he combed his fingers through his hair. "I'll try to be back for dinner of course."

Which quickly reminded Harry of the food cooking on the stove, glancing over to it and letting out a sigh of relief that it was okay, and in fact almost done.

"I appreciate you coming home for dinner, and I know Nate does too," he smiled at his boyfriend.

"Speaking of which, where is that monster?" Louis asked, shocking him that Nate hasn't attacked him yet.

"Oh dammit, he probably fell asleep on the couch with Princess," Harry cursed to himself.

"I'll get him up, love."

Louis hopped down from his seat and made his way into the living room, in fact seeing the two asleep on the couch.

"Nate," he whispered, rubbing the toddler's back gently, "c'mon buddy, we gotta get up, dinner is almost done."

Nate scrunched his face up and let out a yawn as he slowly lifted his head up.

"Lou!" he said as excitedly as he could in his tired state.

Louis smiled to himself as he felt Nate wrap his arms around his neck, giving him a quick kiss and picking him up.

"I missed you Lou Lou," he whispered, tightening his grip around the older man's neck.

"I missed you too buddy," Louis said quietly, knowing how hard it's been for them with him working the hours he's been doing lately. "But we go on our trip soon and I promise you, you will have daddy and I's undivided attention."

Nate perked up at hearing that, his eyes immediately lighting up knowing their trip is coming up.

"Lou you gotta tell us where we go, please!" he begged as he jumped in his arms.

"Hmm," Louis tapped his finger to his chin, "well maybe if a certain little someone does a really good job eating their din-"

"I will!"

"Wait Lou, really?!" Harry yelled from the kitchen, getting all their plates and meeting the two in the dining room. "Will you seriously tell us?"

"I feel like I've kept you two in suspense long enough," Louis smiled at him as he placed Nate in his booster seat.

Harry almost dropped their food as he heard that, feeling like he's waited far too long to find out where they're going.

"Alright love, easy," Louis laughed as he helped him put plates down on the table.

"I'm excited Lou!"

"Me too!" Nate cheered.

All Louis could do was smile at the two, finally getting Harry to sit down so they could actually eat.

"So, I don't know about you two, but I'm missing the beach," he started off, gathering some food on his fork and keeping the pair waiting for a minute.

Harry raised his eyebrows, looking at him expectantly but when Louis said nothing and kept eating he couldn't contain himself.

"Where are we going?!"

Louis jumped at Harry's burst, and when he looked over to Nate he could see the 3 year old doing everything in his power not to shriek.

"Alright well, if I must tell you," he said dramatically, "already I'm sick of the cold, so I thought we should go somewhere warm... You boys ever been to Spain?"

Louis shifted his eyes between the two, Nate looking at him confused, obviously having no idea where that was. But Harry, he was frozen in his seat with his jaw slack.

"Lou..." he barely muttered out, "O-oh my god, are you serious? Like we' re going to Spain, a beach in Spain?!"

"Well..." Louis trailed off, trying his hardest not to smile too much, "I guess I could just come out and say it..." he said, looking at his boyfriend through his eyelashes, no doubt in his mind he's doing his shit eating grin, " We'll be going to the Tenerife Island in the Canaries."

"Louis!!!" Harry screamed, making the other two at the table jump.

"What's happening?" Nate groaned.

"Buddy!! We're going to the beach and we're gonna see volcanoes and-"

"What?!" Nate shrieked, that being the only thing he needed to hear to become excited.

"Yes!!" Harry yelled along, jumping out of his seat and bounding for Louis, "I love you, I love, I love you!!"

Louis didn't stop his widening smile as Harry kissed him, the younger lad's lips heavy on his before he was getting crushed in another hug.

"Love you too," he managed to breathe out as Harry squeezed the life out of him.

"Oh my God, I just can't thank you enough Lou, you didn't have to-"

"I wanted to," he stopped him, "c'mon H, really."

Harry just let out a small breath and nodded, knowing better than to fight him on this as he was getting that "don't start with me" look.

"Well, just thank you Louis," he smiled at him, taking his seat and finally picking up his fork.

"Yeah! Thanks Lou! I wanna watch the volcanoes go boom!" Nate yelled, throwing his hands above his head.

"I don't know about that buddy, but we can definitely see them," Louis chuckled, "there's lots of stuff we can do there and it's gonna be really pretty, so we'll have to get some pictures," he said, winking over at Harry and seeing his grateful smile.

"Only if I grapher too," Nate nodded before shoveling some more of his dinner in his mouth.

"We can make that happen," Harry said softly, chancing a glance at the blue eyed lad and seeing him eating.

But Harry wished he knew. He wished Louis understood how something so small means the world to him.


Harry peaked his eyes towards the door as he heard it open, offering his boyfriend a small smile before looking back to his computer. It was almost immediate though he felt Louis throw himself onto the bed next to him and lazily take off his clothes.

"Doing okay love?"

"I hurt," Louis groaned into the pillow.

Harry bit his lip, just at hearing Louis' voice he knew he wasn't doing so well. "You need more tea?"

Louis let out a small breath at feeling the younger lad start to rub his bare back, almost immediately melting into the touch.

"No, I just finished a cup, thank you though."

Harry closed out the project he was working on and placed his laptop onto his nightstand before wrapping his arms around the shorter man. "What can I do for you love? What'll make you feel better?" he mumbled into his neck.

Just at feeling Harry's lips against his neck Louis needed him closer, tangling their legs together and making sure there was no room between them.

"You making any specific offers?" he chuckled into his curls.

Harry couldn't help but laugh at that, knowing exactly where this was going. "Have any specific requests?" he breathed into his ear, already playing with the band of Louis' boxers.

"I'd like to say do what you want with me since you already are," Louis smirked to himself at feeling lips press against his neck and Harry's thigh rut against his stiff.

The younger lad sucked at his skin until he heard Louis humming under him, pulling away just enough to look at his dark blue eyes and connect their lips in a hard kiss.

Louis' response was immediate, burying his fingers in Harry's curls and breathing against him at feeling his growing hard get palmed over his boxers. But if that wasn't enough for him it was only a second later the green eyed lad was straddling him, cupping his cheeks and swiping into his mouth as their hards met.

Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's middle, pulling him impossibly closer as their kiss got messy and the younger man ground down on him. When it came to Harry it never took Louis long to get heated, he needed him, all of him, and Harry knew that.

He was just as desperate for the touch though, for the feeling of the older man against him, and as he rutted his hips against Louis it was clear just how bad.

It wasn't long though before they were breathing hotly into each other's mouths with the two shuddering at the touch of their clothed hards meeting.

Louis was almost gasping for air when Harry took his lips off his. But that only lasted for a second before the younger lad shuffled back on the bed, grabbed his hips and pulled him towards him to put Louis in the middle of the bed.

All he could do was watch as his boyfriend's eyes became five shades of green darker before his boxers were getting yanked down his legs.

"Jesus H," was the only thing Louis could breathe out before Harry hovered over him, attached his lips to the sweet spot on his neck and sucked particularly hard.

There was no doubt in Louis' mind there was going to be a mark but he absolutely loved seeing the love bites the younger lad litters over his body.

And tonight was no different. Harry working his way down his boyfriend's toned chest, having to hold back moans just at the thought that this man was under him. The fact that he had Louis squirming and groaning his name was more than enough for Harry.

The older man gripping his hair the further he worked his lips down him, unable to miss his painful hard twitching the closer he got.

"Haz..." Louis breathed out, squeezing his eyes shut at Harry kissing his thigh dangerously close to his cock.

The younger lad smiled against where he was kissing, torturing him for a moment more as he sucked at his skin and just barely let his tongue graze one of Louis' balls.

A low groan echoed through the room, Louis gripping Harry's hair just a bit tighter and luckily it didn't take any more hints before he felt lips around his tip.

And again Louis couldn't help the noises that escaped him as Harry took him into his mouth. All he could do was grip at the bedsheets around him and hold onto his boyfriend while he bobbed and hollowed out his cheeks.

Harry was humming around him, sending a vibration through Louis as he arched his back, making more of him go into the younger lad's mouth.

Harry took it no problem, opening the back of his throat and sliding his tongue along his boyfriend's shaft.

"Fuck H," Louis moaned, if possible feeling more pleasure shoot through him. "So fuckin good at this."

Harry kept with his rhythm, Louis rutting his hips up to hit the back of his throat and he had no problem taking all of him in. It was only when Louis was a squirming mess under him and he felt the older lad's cock throbbing in his mouth did he take his lips off.

"Get the lube."

Louis nodded quickly, not needing to be told twice before reaching for the nightstand table and tossing it at Harry.

It took him only seconds to squeeze some onto his fingers, and as soon as he did Harry wasted no time in wrapping his lips around Louis' hard again.

He expected the low moan that escaped the blue eyed lad, but he always loves hearing it. And just to get another one out of him Harry pressed his finger into Louis' hole, dragging it out slowly and pushing back in.

"Fuck," Louis gasped, throwing an arm over his face and trying to control his breathing.

Harry didn't stop though. He swirled his tongue over his tip, licked along his shaft before taking him fully into his mouth and letting his cock hit the back of his throat.

Harry could do this forever. He loves feeling the older lad break apart under him, loves hearing him beg and whine for more.

He drew his finger in and out of Louis in time while his head bobbing, adding a second finger when he could hear his boyfriend's moans growing louder. That only lasted a second though before Louis started riding down on his fingers.

"Eager love?" Harry chuckled, licking his lips at seeing the older man flushed pink and eyes blown wide.

"Yes," Louis breathed out almost too quickly, "It's okay H, please," he begged.

Harry smirked to himself, not needing to be told twice before putting a bit more lube on his fingers and pressing three in.

"Fuck," Louis moaned as he threw his head back, feeling his fingers dwarl in and out of him.

Harry kept with a slow pace, pressing kisses into his boyfriend's thigh, nipping at the skin and started sucking a new mark right next to his throbbing hard. He couldn't help himself as he looked at Louis' cock, licking his lips and taking him entirely into his mouth and feeling the older lad shudder under him.

Louis was a squirming mess, Harry's fingers curved just right and his mouth around his length, it didn't take long for him to have to beg again.

"H... C-can we- Jesus-" he couldn't even finish, squeezing his eyes shut and straining to hold back a whine at the younger lad's fingers in him.

"Lou give it a minute, you don't bottom often and-"

"Harry I swear it's okay, please," he begged, "if you don't fuck me now I'm just gonna unload in your mouth."

Harry looked at him for a second, a small smirk coming to him as he bent down, took Louis' cock into his mouth and pressed his fingers deeper into the older lad.

"Jesus- H-..." Louis threw his head back, cursing under his breath at feeling the younger lad.

He didn't stop though, only picking up his pace as he felt Louis become a mess under him.

Harry curved his fingers just right to hit the older lad's bundle of nerves and every time he did he heard his boyfriend's tight whines, only making him go faster. Louis' tip hitting the back of his throat with every bob, his cock pulsing in Harry's mouth as he went down on him and it was everything Harry loved.

It didn't take long for Louis' breathing to become rapid though, clutching onto Harry's hair for dear life.

"H-H-... Fuck- Harry-" he mumbled out, thrusting his hips up to go impossibly deeper into his mouth. "Harry I swear, fuck, I'm close, can you-"

He was cut off by his own low moan escaping him at feeling the pressure of Harry's fingers in him going faster and faster.

"Jesus, H! Fuck are you gonna- fuck-" he tried to say, it coming out a jumbled mess as his boyfriend completely took him over.

It didn't take any time at all before Louis was shooting into Harry's mouth with a loud groan, clutching his curls and trying to ride the rush that coursed though him.

Harry slowly sat up, pulling his fingers out and licking his lips as he crawled next to the older lad.

"H..." Louis breathed out, his heart beating a million miles a minute, "why'd you do that, I said-"

"I know what you said," Harry smirked, just barely hovering over him as he pressed his own painful hard into the older lad's thigh. "But I'm gonna take care of you tonight, make you feel good."

Louis didn't want to admit how quickly he melted under the touch of Harry's lips grazing his neck, and his very noticeable hard pressing into his leg wasn't helping either. He really should've guessed the younger lad would do this though, he always does when he tops, but Louis doesn't mind, not in the slightest.

"You wanna take these off then love?" he asked, tugging at Harry's briefs that had a very noticeable precum stain.

All Harry had to do was smile before Louis was tugging them off and reaching for his boyfriend's length.

Already Harry had enough precum from his tip that he could slick his hand up to pump the younger lad's length, and it was immediate he melted at the touch.

He threw his head into Louis' neck, breathing hotly at the feeling of his fingers wrapped around him.

"Lou I'll be honest, I'm pretty fuckin close so go easy on me," Harry breathed into his neck, not helping his situation as he thrusted into his hand.

"C'mere," Louis said, not even waiting for a response before he grabbed Harry's hips and had him get on his knees in front of him.

Harry looked down at him confused for a second before he saw his boyfriend lean forward and take his cock into his mouth. Almost immediately he felt his thighs shaking and had to throw a hand against the wall behind their headboard to hold himself up.

"Fuck Lou, that's- Christ- not what i meant," Harry stuttered out at feeling the wet warmth around his cock.

But it was at the same time he heard slick skin on skin in the room, and when Harry glanced behind him he saw Louis jerking himself off.

Just at the sight Harry was ready to unload, but he couldn't, not yet. He tried to ignore the way his boyfriend grabbed his arse with his free hand and grip it as he fucked into his mouth.

Harry couldn't help the noises that came from him with each thrust into his mouth, both of his hands firm on the wall above him as he tried to keep himself together.

It wasn't long though before Louis was tapping him, silently telling him he was ready.

"That really got you off, huh?" Harry teased as he laid back over his boyfriend.

"You have no idea," Louis nearly growled before reaching for the back of the younger lad's head and bringing him in for a hard kiss.

Just from laying down on top of him Harry could tell Louis was already very hard, and that only made him smile against the blue eyed lad.

This is where he always slows things down though. Cupping Louis' cheeks and kissing him as he eased himself down. And Louis always gets the silent message, lets Harry slowly run his hands over his body and through his hair as they breathe against one another.

Only when Harry felt like he wouldn't unload as soon as he entered Louis did he reach for the lube and prep himself.

"Good love?" he asked softly.

"More than," Louis breathed out through a smile, tipping his head up and silently asking for a kiss.

Harry was quick to connect their lips, kissing him slowly as he aligned himself up and carefully pushed into the older lad.

Louis let out a few deep breaths against the younger lad, getting used to him for a second before he gave Harry the go ahead.

It was slow at first, Harry making sure that he could keep their lips connected as he pushed into him.

Louis was gasping against him with every thrust, gripping the green eyed man's biceps as he pressed into him over and over.

"You okay?" Harry asked as he sped his pace, and once he got a moaned nod from Louis he only quickened.

Louis' head was thrown against the pillow, his back arched and pushing against the younger lad as he thrusted into him. As soon as he did that though he couldn't help the loud groan that escaped him, Harry hitting exactly where he needed to.

As Harry felt Louis around him he could feel himself nearly shaking, holding everything he had in him not to become undone. But with the way Louis was moving under him with every thrust, the noises that escaped him had Harry tipping over the edge.

"Lou... Fuck I'm close," he squeezed his eyes shut, each push into the oldre lad getting more and more sloppy.

Louis was just breathing heavily under him, unable to say anything as he nodded furiously.

That was all Harry needed before he sped his pace even more, slamming into his boyfriend and biting back the noises that wanted to escape him.

Under him Louis was a whining mess, holding onto him for dear life as he felt his rush coursing through him.

"I'm there, right there- fuck- H!" he moaned, his jaw hung open as cum covered his stomach.

And Harry was right behind him, as soon as seeing Louis cum he released into the older lad with a high pitched whine and fell onto his sweaty chest.

The room was quiet for a moment, the only thing heard was their heaving breathing as they tried to gather themselves.

Harry slowly pulled out of Louis before rolling over next to him. But it was immediate Louis attached to his side and kissed his neck.

"You're incredible," he mumbled against his skin, "Fuck, I love you."

Harry laughed to himself as he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and buried his nose in his hair. "I love you too."

"Two more days and we'll be on vacation," Louis breathed out happily. "Have much more time for this."

Harry rolled his eyes, but that didn't stop the smile that found its way to his face. It was almost too good to be true, but sure enough when he looked in the corner of their bedroom he saw their bags mostly packed. He was more than ready to spend some much needed away time with his favorite boys.
