2- A melancholic girl

*This is an English translation of TheDrownedPrincess Rechazo tu realidad, please support the official story.*

After a moment, they both went to Miles' room, where he thought they could discuss their secret spider business.

"Ganke will be gone for a while before he arrives, so we have time to talk alone," Miles said as he rearranged things around the room a bit, "sit wherever you want, or rather, wherever you can."

"Sure, thanks Miles," the girl said in a soft tone of voice, she sat on the edge of the bed and picked up a notebook that was there, when she opened it she saw that it was full of drawings, as she started in the first pages they were all graffiti designs "Wow, you have a lot of talent for drawing Miles," the girl exclaimed as she continued to flip through the pages.

"NO, WAIT PENI, NOT THAT BOOK!" the boy shouted worriedly, but it was too late, she reached the pages full of drawings of the Spiderman she knew, there were some of Ham, some of Noire, of Peter and of her, there were even some of his uncle Aaron, but what stood out the most were all the drawings of Gwen, Miles could do nothing more than cover his face of shame, Peni just smiled and gave a sigh.

"I guess you really miss her," she said, "and maybe I'm not the person you remember," she murmured in a wistful tone as she stroked a drawing of herself on the corner of a sheet of paper.

She could see the contrast between the drawing and her, from the smiling and energetic Peni that Miles knew, to the sad and gloomy girl in his room.

Miles wanted to ask her why she looked so sad, but at the same time he was afraid it would hurt her, he knew she must have had too hard a time, and he noticed how she avoided his questions the first time, "Hey, you know what we could do, take a walk around town, swinging always puts me in a good mood," Miles said as he took off his clothes, revealing the Spiderman suit he was wearing underneath, he walked over to the window and jumped out of it, hanging upside down from the frame, he waited for a reaction from the girl, but she just sat there on the bed, "Aren't you coming? "he asked a bit confused.

"You know I'm not like you or Peter, I don't throw webs or stick to walls, I'm just a stupid girl in a stupid robot."

Hearing this, Miles went back into the room, he didn't know what to say, he remembered how much Peni loved her robot and how sad she was when the scorpion tore it apart in the collider battle, so why was she talking like she didn't want to be near him now?

"Oh right, your robot, I remember it was damaged in the battle, but I thought you fixed it or something..."

"The SP//DR unit was repaired, but... it was considered... obsolete after seeing the combat data from that battle..." Peni told, showing all the sadness in her voice, "new units were made, but... alone, I don't want to be in the robot forever, Miles."

Miles didn't know what to say, he didn't know what to do, he wanted to know everything that had happened to Peni, he wanted to know if he could help her in any way, but seeing how much it hurt her to express herself, he preferred not to get involved in the matter any further.

"Well, we can walk around like normal people," Miles exclaim, trying to change the mood in the room, "there's a burger place nearby that Peter loved.

The girl gave another sigh, but this time a happy one, " Yeah, that sounds better," she said and got up, Miles changed back into normal clothes, took his sketchbook and left the room with Peni.

"But you know I'm a vegetarian, right?" said Peni with a mocking tone.

"French fries are vegetarian enough?" replied Miles in a mocking tone.

"Heh, I guess so."

*This is an English translation of TheDrownedPrincess Rechazo tu realidad, please support the official story.*
