
I turned around to leave, and being expectant that he would retaliate, Kaylan grabbed me back and angrily pinned me to the wall.

"Alina, you make me so mad, I can slap you, are you aware?".
He teethed his words to me.

"Sure, I dare you, Kalyan,".
I said.

I know that wasn't a good idea and daring him might earn my face a tight slap.

But luckily, Kaylan didn't do anything like that, and no matter how much I pushed him, he kept calm but stormed out of the room.

That alone didn't stop me, I walked out as well leaving everything the same way it is.

After spending some time out, I got back and saw the room sparkling clean, Kaylan must have ordered that.

I slammed the door, turned, and found Kalyan staring at me, he motioned to show me around the room

"Don't you like the room being cleaned?." He asked.
"I do, and so what happens?" I asked.
Kaylan laughed, I figured he must've been drunk looking at the manner he approached me.
I shifted a little to leave, but he held me back.
"Going somewhere?"
Kaylan interrogated.
"Yeah, I'm going to sleep"
I gave him my answer.

"Sleep?, You're not going to sleep here tonight Alina",  he back-chatted me.

"Seriously, why is it?".
I asked.

He turns around and rode to the bed, he brings a pillow and the blanket and covered my face with it.
"Get out Alina"
Kalyan shouted.

"Excuse me?"
He pulled the door open and pushed me out of the room.
I slammed the door hard.
"Kaylan open this door right now,"
I yelled standing outside of the room.

"No, get out Alina, you can sleep in the living room, I don't care,"
He yelled back inside the bedroom.

Mrs. Anna comes out of her room and meet me there, she tried to talk to her son to open up but no, Kalyan was so stubborn that in a fit of rage, he shouted at her as well.

I didn't like that at all, I had a befitting reply to his, but Mrs. Anna wouldn't let me speak, she took me to the visitor's room.
"Alina, what happened, why did my son throw you out of the room.?.
She investigated.

I explained everything withholding no information, she frown and sang how displeased she was with my attitude.

I'm guessing when I told her about Kaylan burning my hand this morning, it passed one ear and out the other.

Didn't she hear me? Or is she trying to make me feel bad for trying to get even with a son, I would've called him foolish but let's not dwell on name-calling.

Mrs. Anna walked out and I was asked to stay in the visitor's room for the night, seeing Kaylan wasn't willing to open the door for me.
Urrgh, I hope he gets nightmares tonight, at least that would be vengeance.

I tucked myself into bed and managed to sleep off till the next morning.

The next morning, I woke up quite early, well it wasn't entirely early but it was still morning hours.

It was past nine and Jenna should have woken me up this morning for breakfast, I'm guessing a particular bad wolf, made sure I wasn't called down for breakfast.

I came to the dining room and Jenna walked out from the kitchen, she greets me.  I asked her to serve me my breakfast since everyone must have eaten.

She nodded and turned.

"Hold on Jenna?"
Kaylan called.
I turned and she took seizing his attention.
What does he want now, it's quite early for his bickering his morning.
