Who the fuck

The gorgeous girl turns tot me with an unamused look on her beautiful face. She opens her mouth and states. " excuse me but who the fuck are to talk to me like that—-" than she looks you in your eyes, your eyes display a kind of warmth, like inviting open arms. She gets lost in your eyes for a second before getting back to her angry state and she screams " why don't you do your job elsewhere, instead of annoying me."

You just kept staring at the ground every time she was screaming till you decided to look up. You saw her eyes change again from a dark an fiery brown to a warm, inviting, chestnut-ish color. You accidentally grin wildly at her. Fuck I can't help it. I'm fucking bewitched by her, even when she was screaming at me. I look her deep in the eyes and say with no ounce of ferocity and smile while saying "I'm sorry darling, if you want a drink you know where to find me." She looks at me as her cheeks an ears turn from a light shade of red to a scarlet red. I don't know if she was red because she was angry or if she was blushing, but I frankly don't care because she look admirably cute like this.

I swiftly walk away but still hear the gorgeous getting scolded by her mother for being rude. I feel kinda bad for her, but she wasn't the nicest to me.

I keep walking and walking and walking. It looks like this event is never gonna end until—

*ping, ping, ping*
Suddenly everywhere I hear a notification  of a phone. People started taking their phone out their pockets rather rapidly, before clicking on the notification. I secretly look over someone's shoulder just to see;
*@gossipgirl has posted a video*

I walk to the back while everyone was busy being distracted and quickly take my phone out of my pocket. I quickly open Instagram and already see the video is the first one on my feed. It's a video of the beautiful girl pushing two other girls at a debutant ball. With the caption: Nothing says "deb ball" like an all out brawl.

This is the video gossipgirl posted)

What the hell is this.
I quietly and quickly make my way back to the event only to see no sign of the gorgeous girl or Camille whatsoever. Shit this can't be good, I hope she's okay. It not like I can do much.so I just go back to my duty, handing out drinks. At some point I even got to hand out food. I know exciting right 🙄. At some point I just went to find my manager, to let him know I was going to the toilet. After searching for 15 minutes I just went to the toilet. I was walking to the long hallway to the toilet.

When I suddenly hear some faint crying coming from the toilet. I lightly knock. *knock, knock, knock*
"Hey are you okay in there, can I do something to help?" I ask trying to sound as sweet as possible. When I hear some snorting and mutter at the other end of the door before someone angrily says." I'm okay please get the fuck away." I immediately recognize the voice it was the beautiful girl. "Are you sure, tell me if you need anything, but really I just need to use this toilet." I say in a soft voice trying not to upset her more. When suddenly the door opens with a bang.

"Oh it's you again, get away from me." She says and I just simply go into the toilet. Man I need a drink...
