So today my dad is coming in town so we bout to go to august house. I haven't seen my dad in a long ass time. I'm really scared to tell him I killed my mom,but I already know August gone say something.

So I did my hygiene,pit on my clothes, woke august and Augustina and Kelly up,pit them in the tub,and put on they clothes(in the media) then we waited on roc. When he finally came we left off to August house.

When we got there it was a lot of car there. So we got out and walked in.

??:umm who are you ma'am

Me:umm I'm Lola

??:Lola that's you

Me:yeah but who are you

??:I'm yuh dad

Me:oh hey dad(I said hugging him)hey everybody(sitting in the couch with everyone else)

Dad:so august when y'all mom at

Me:oh shit

August:Lola killed her

Me:I didn't mean to do the shit

Dad:wait what

August:mom is dead and Lola killed her

Dad:why Lola

Me:I didn't mean too I had pushed her and she fell down the stairs

Dad:oh ok whatever but umm how's everyone

Jakyla:I'm good Mr.alsina

My crew:we all good

August&his crew:good

Dad:so who this(he asked pointing at Jamie)

August:my daughter Jamie

Dad:where her mom

August:right here(he said pointing at jasmine)

Dad:you go out with Lola friend

Me:umm excuse me she was NEVER my friend thank you

Dad:oh well you like young people or something


Dad:who this(he asked pointing at roc)

Me:oh this my boyfriend roc ,roc this is my dad

Dad:well hello roc

Roc:hey sir

Dad:you being good I my daughter

Roc:yes sir

Dad:and who are these kids(he asked pointing at august,augustina,and Kelly)

Me:my kids Kelly,and ummm ummm ummm ummm(I said looking nervous as hell) Kelly and Tina and Tracey

Dad:oh well damn Lola they all roc right

Me:only one is

Dad:oh well Tina and Tracey must be twins


Dad:who they dad

Me:umm I forgot cuz I was drunk and shit then I slept with whoever and then I haven't seen them ever since

Augustina:but daddy right here(she said running to august)

Aug:yeah that's daddy


Dad:what the hell August and Lola
