New Beginnings

[A/N: This fanfic is being done over,as I have decided my choice to discontinue this was rather stupid. All chapters hopefully will be redone by July 7th.]

You can't deny love
you really can't...

Branzy's P.O.V.:

It was the average cacaphony of chaos on Lifesteal.Reddons and Ash were (sickenly enough) flirting with eachother,Prince Zam was chasing after Subz like a lost puppy and Rek and Chief were arguing, albeit Rek looked like he was about to jump Chief.

"Boo." A quit voice said near my ear. Branzy let out a shreak whipping his head around to a snickering Clownpierce,"Stop doing that!" he hissed.

Clown had a record of scaring Branzy shitless,and for the love Herobrine he wouldn't stop.

Branzy grinned at the laughing Clownpierce, before jumping on him sending them both tumbling to the ground.

Clown Pierce's P.O.V.:

Clown was still laughing when Branzy jumped on him,"Get off me you great lump," he yelped, struggling to push Branzy off.

"How '," Branzy laughed. How the turns had tabled indeed then.

Branzy eventually rolled off of him, laying in the grass next to him and eventually,they fell into a comfortable silence.

"Love you,"Clown eventually broke the silence, a small grin on his face.

A pink dust flustered over Branzy's face as he let my words sink in.Branzy looked the other direction in embarrassment,"Oh come on Branz," Clown laughed at him,"You can't hide from it forever," pride hinted in that sentence.

Clownpierce knew very well Branzycraft had fallen for him,and so had he for him.


Branzy and Clown sat layed in the grass field for the rest of the afternoon,cloud spotting.

Branzy had a rather..weird imagination. He swore he saw a gutted elephant in the shape of a cloud.

Clown gave him a concerned look, maybe everything in that little head of his was, infact, not sunshine and rainbows.

Clown Pierce's P.O.V.:

It was late afternoon,the sunset as amazing as it always was.

Clown turned to Branzy to point out a weird looking cloud,that looked like baby yoda.

Clown hadn't noticed Branzy has layed his head on his shoulder and promptly fallen asleep.

His white hair oddly still,only the light breeze that came down this low passed through it.

Clown sighed,and ended up carrying Branzy back to the Circus.

Branzy's P.O.V.:

Branzy woke up suddenly, slowly becoming aware of his surroundings.

He layed on a rather (and unnecessarily) large bed, and an arm that quite obviously belonged to Clownpierce wrapped around his torso.

Well,life was going alright for Branzy.

Clown Pierce's P.O.V.:
(This is a part of the fic before it got rewritten and I don't know how to rewrite you get to keep this scene I guess)

I opened my eyes slightly, yawning.My eyes shot to a white spot in the corner of my eye.It was Branzy's fluffy,ruffled hair with his face buried in my chest.I didn't want to move,but I really wanted to,if I waked Branzy,there were a lot of possible outcomes,which included getting kick in a place no man wanted to be kicked in,or just getting punched,which I preferred way more than that..
I pulled my arms behind my head,random thoughts roaming my head, which weren't exactly holy.No not that?? What the hell..


Clown sneaked up behind Branzy, grabbing him by his waist,Branzy let out a yelp as Clown pinned him against the wall,a smirk on his face,

Branzy looked slightly distressed, a pink hue appearing on his face,

"Aw, someone's embarrassed." Clown chuckled.

Branzy opened his mouth to retrot but Clown cuffed his face in his hands .

Branzy grunted as Clown pressed him closer to the wall."Clo-Clown,stop please," he mumbled with a stutter,

"Why should I?" he spoke with an amorous tone.Branzy didn't say anything,silence tingled the air as Clown leaned in for a kiss.

Branzy's P.O.V.:

Branzy smiled mercilessly, watching a helpless Clown clean the room,reciting the words,

"I'll never kiss Branzy without his consent ever again, " his voice cracked from how many times he'd said it.

"Ok you can stop," he finally commanded,Clown let out a groan of relief flopping himself onto the bed.

Branzy had just realized how tall Clown was, being almost the same size as the mattress.

The sudden thought to jump on Clown's back came across his mind, because...well why not?

Branzy thinks this is very well reasoned, proceeding to do so.

Clown Pierce's P.O.V.:

Clown layed flat like a starfish on the bed, utterly exhausted,until he felt the pain old people went through with their backs all of a sudden,

"OW" he yelped,he heard Branzy snicker,Branzy had jumped onto his back and,since when was he so heavy?

"This is the same man who was carrying my ass home last night? Could never be," Branzy teased him,

"It so is," Clown grunted, rolling over to his back, throwing Branzy off.Branzy let out a snort of annoyance.

Clown laid on his back, victorious.
Well atleast he thought he was.

Branzy's P.O.V.:

Branzy saw Clown looking rather smug,as if he thought he'd won that fight,which he so hadn't.

Branzy jumped onto Clown again, burying my face in his chest.

Clown let out an OUF! Followed up by a sigh of defeat, wrapping one arm over Branzy's back,since he was most likely not going to budge.

Branzy's P.O.V.:

Branzy awoke with his face shoved into Clown's chest,and Clown was sound asleep. Except he wasn't.

Clown rolled on his side,with his arms holding on tight to Branzy,

"You little shite,"Branzy yelped at the sudden movement. Clown blinked at me sleepily (and rather confused),before plopping down onto a pillow again,his arm still wrapped around Branzy,as he went back to sleep.

Branzy swore Clown never made a sound while waking up,and that was terrifying to know.

Branzy slid out from his grasp, going on about his business.


First chapter, rewritten, yay!!

Word count:1042
