chapter 1 : how it started

- I Hate Red -

• Part 1: How It Started •

I can recall every moment, Every second of danger i was up against. Every twist and turn that appeared that made me scared to the point that i couldn't stop crying, even hours after i started.

Ive never been put in a position like that. No, i was never set up for death. I was never blackmailed, or threatened. this was a first in my book.

But i didn't give up. I couldn't let whoever this person was, win.

We pulled through. But no matter how hard we tried, some new obstacle always came our way. And all our determination and strength would be washed away, like a shell in the ocean water. I just find it bizarre that this red envelope changed my life forever.

Celebrities get hate mail all the time. How come its me who gets hit the hardest with hate?

I guess, i should shut up and tell you the whole story. The journey that me and my Boyfriend, logan had to take.

It all starts on a cold october day, the 13th of october to be exact. I had just woken up to scent of blueberry pancakes entering my nose making me smile with pleasure.

Logan knows me so well.

I pulled the covers up and away from my body as the breeze from the open windowsill above my bed hit me hard giving me the chills. All i was wearing was a baggy sweatshirt that i always took from logan, that completely covered the pj shorts i was wearing. I walked over to my bathroom and released my untamable curls from the bun it was in over night. I played with it for a while until it looked the way i liked it. I splashed my face with water to wake myself up before i headed downstairs to devour those blueberry pancakes that where calling my name.

I walked from room to room until i finally reached the kitchen where i found a stack of pancakes piled high, topped in whipped cream and blueberries. I poured myself a glass of milk and put it next to my plate and began to devour the delicious breakfast dish.

I felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around my waist and a familiar pair of lips kiss its way from my neck up to my cheek.

"Damn, you wasted no time getting down here to eat, have you?"

I giggled and i picked up the syrup.

"I couldn't help my self, i just love blueberry pancakes so much."

I said as i watched the syrup over come the pancakes.

"I know, thats why i made them for you!"

"Well, there berry delicious!" I said scooping some pancake onto my fork, shoving it in my mouth.

"Im berry glad you like it!"

He said tapping my nose which made me flinch.

"We have a very busy day today, missy. So hurry up and eat your breakfast."

"Ohhh bossy logan is bossy." I said playfully as i put some more pancake in my mouth.

"Are you sassing me?" Logan said with a playful tone in his voice.

"I might..." I said

"You know sassiness doesn't work well with me, sweetheart"

"Oh i know." I said glaring at him evilly.

"You do know what happens when you give logan sass, don't you?"

"Yeah, I'm feeling a little daring today."

I went to pick up some more pancake but was rudely interrupted by logan, as he picked me up and carried me bridal style upstairs.

"Hey! I wasn't done with those!"

"Like i said, we have a busy day ahead of us!"

Feeling defeated, i changed the subject.

"What are we doing today, Mr Henderson?" i asked as i wrapped my arms around his neck. We reached the bedroom that we shared and he plopped me down on the bed.

"Im glad you asked. AHEM.

Today, we open fan mail. I havent read fan mail in ages, and I'm sure you have quite a few things stored up in your PO box too."

"Sounds like fun." I said.

"THEN, and only then, will we go to the fair we've been wanting to go to."

I smile from ear to ear.. Me and logan haven't been on a date in forever, he's too busy with work and touring, an I'm busy looking for roles to play, in which, recently, I've been getting more and more parts and lines... So we usually spend whatever time we have, at home.

"Get dressed! We got a lot of mail to haul into the car!" Logan ordered as he opened his dresser and grabbed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. He didn't even think twice when he changed right in front of me. He pulled off his shirt and then his shorts leaving him in only his boxers.

His v-line crept from his boxers and his muscles made my heart melt.

This is the perfect opportunity, i thought. I crept up from behind him, and slapped him on the ass. Without hesitation I hurried onto the other side of the room, my laughter filling up the room.

"Oh, your gonna get it!" Logan said.

"Come at me!"

"Oh no no no, imma getcha, just when you least expect it." Logan said with a grin.

"Well, im watching you, Mr."

I watched logan put on his t-shirt and then his jeans.

He turned to me and chuckled

"Are you enjoying the view?" He asked

"Oh yes. Very much. "

"Well, i do lift some weights in my spare time..." Logan said showing off his guns. I went to go and feel them but logan pushed my hand away

"Get dressed, missy. I wanna go through all this mail so we can be out the door at around 1pm-ish. "

I glance at the clock. It read 8:56 a.m. "

"Alright, alright!"

I pulled off the pj shorts i was wearing and put on a pair of jeans. I was to lazy to change shirts.

" keeping that shirt ob?"

"Well, i love this shirt" i said with a smile.

"Its nice and cozy"

"A fan gave it to me," logan said with a smile.

"C'mon, the sooner we get this done the sooner we go to the fair!" Logan said grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door.

We hopped in the car and logan turned on the radio and the first song to come on was "heart attack by Demi Lovato."

Me and logan sang along as we drove off to the post office. Totally unaware of the surprise that was about to come.

After hauling bag after bag of Logan's mail from the post office to the car, to house, we sat down and went to work.

"Im gonna be at this for days." Logan said.

"Im gonna be at this... For not even an hour!"

I opened my bag and lurked inside, admiring all the envelopes and the 3 packages that where inside. Usually people go for the packages first. However, a red envelope caught my eye and i was tempted to read that one first. So i did.

I picked it up and read the front of it.

It read "to Skylar. Good luck." I looked at it curiously and quickly opened it. The letter was white, wrinkled, and written on the computer in red ink.

Without hesitation, i began to read.

Dearest Skylar Rose,

"i have a quest for you, Skylar. As you know, every celebrity has a hater. I am indeed a hater. I hate your boyfriend, Mr. logan Hederson. So, lets get to your quest, shall we?

Your quest is to kill logan. shoot him dead. He is a disgrace to human kind! I gag just at seeing pictures of him.

This isn't an option, you have to. What if you don't, you may ask? You get killed. Painfully and slowly. And so does your lover boy, Logan. Oh, and dont even try finding my location. You'll never find out. EVER. Its amazing how stupid the people working at the post office are. Anyway, on the page stapled to this one, is the 10 ways you can be killed. You can kill logan anyway you want. But he must die. Its either him, or both of you. Oh, i forgot, your family gets killed too. Think about it, whats worse? That asshole gone and done with, or you being the cause of your family dying?

Oh, and dont even bother asking police for help, my dear. You cant find even one speck of evidence on this letter or envelope. Thats why i typed it. And wore gloves to mail it out to you.

Anyway, If you dont do what i say, you will be killed from one of the choices stapled to this letter, of course. Don't worry, i will choose what will be the slowest, most painful death for you, logan, and your family. PS: I know where you live. Good luck, Skylar. You have 3 months."


I said scarcely


"LOGAN!!" I yelped again, completely ignoring his response

"Whats the matter!?" Logan asked as he rushed in.

"Th-this letter..."

"What about it, sky!? Whats wrong?"

I handed it to him with quivering hands and he took it, looking at it curiously.

"Read it." I demanded, my voice hushed.

"Okay okay." He said

I started biting my nails nervously, not even caring that it took forever to get them as long as they where. biting nails was a habit of mine...

"What the fuck..." I heard logan say, followed by a chuckle.

"Logan, i- I've never gotten mail like this. Ever."

" Don't worry. The guys and i get mail like this all the time. They always fail."


"Skylar, theres nothing for you to worry about. This kinda stuff happens all the time. To all celebrities! Its not a big deal."

"But logie-"

"Dont worry about it. Nothing gonna happen, okay?"

I sighed looking down at my feet.

"I dont know..."

"Sky, look at me."

I looked up to him, he was a lot taller i was, so meeting face to face was quite the struggle.


"Your fine, im fine, your familys fine.."

"No No! We arent fine. We need to call the police-"



"Do you trust me?"

"Yes, yes i do. But i dont trust this person!!"

"But if you trust me, you'll trust me when i say that your fine."

I glared back to my feet, unable of what to say. Is he right? Will i be okay?

"Well, do you?" He asks softly

i wrapped my arms around his neck and dug my face into his chest.

"Yes, i trust you " i say softly

"Good, now, lets finish opening our mail, and then its off to the fair! You have nothing to worry about, okay sky?" He laid a gentle kiss on my cheek before going back to open more mail.

Although it was comforting knowing Logan's there for me, i still cant help but feel that the road ahead of us is nothing but hell.
