12- easy

irl & instagram!

ASTRID CAREFULLY POKED her head into theo's room. it had been a few days since they'd last talked (when she cancelled their plans to talk with mattheo) and they hadn't spoken since.

he was mad at her. rightfully so. but she decided enough was enough, and he had to talk to her.

"theo?" she called out, closing the door behind her.

his room was always quite tidy, just an occasionally jumper or sketch thrown around. although, there was a pile of his clothes on the floor as he was in the shower. astrid tossed them into his hamper and began stripping out of her own clothes—though she neatly folded and set them on his desk.

astrid learned something quite early in life: men were simple creatures.

her father, although he seemed cruel and callous to most people, would do absolutely anything to make his only daughter happy. and when she was old enough to realise this, it quickly became something of a weapon. if she wanted a new dress and he mother said no, she'd run to her father and stare at him with big eyes. her mother was never happy when the duo would come home with several dresses, but lucius and astrid were always happy knowing she got what she wanted.

as she started gaining interest from boys, she learned they were similar. wear a short skirt or a low cut top, and they would do whatever she wanted. astrid always thought it was stupid, but it worked out for her, so it didn't matter too much.

theo and mattheo were no different.

if she argued with mattheo, she would just flash him in the middle of a argument and all was forgotten.

and whilst she hadn't argued with theo before now, if she wore something revealing around him, whatever he was doing was quickly forgotten.

so it only made sense to get him to forgive her by joining him in the shower now.

he didn't notice when she opened the bathroom, but he did when she slid open the shower door.

"what-" the words died in his mouth upon seeing her naked form.


she wrapped her hands around the back of his neck to bring his face closer to hers, "i'm sorry, theo. i-i was being stupid the other night when i cancelled on you, and i should've come talked to you sooner."

"uh huh," he nodded, although he was just starting at her boobs.

"will you forgive me?" she plastered her body against his, starting at him through her eyelashes.

he wrapped his hands around her middle, "of course, mia stella."

(my star)


"i wish i could post this picture," astrid sighed, showing theo a picture she took of him.

"do it." he shrugged.

"you forget i have a boyfriend."

he clenched his jaw, "i do not."

"oh i know!" her face lit up. "i'll make an instagram account for just you and me."


she sat up, "so we can post pictures together, but no one can see them other than us."

"like a private account? won't they notice we are the only people who follow it?"

"we'll just both have the log in, we don't need to follow it."

he smirked, "so i could post anything on there? no one else would see it?"

"i don't like the way you said that."

theo pulled the sheet off of her, exposing her body. "this," gestured to her body, "posted however i please, and no one would see it."

"i suppose so."

"i quite like this idea of yours."

"i meant for this to be cute stuff, not porn, theo."

"who said it can't be both?


supertopsecretaccount posted

liked by supertopsecretaccount

supertopsecretaccount tits

supertopsecretaccount wow thank you for that theodore
supertopsecretaccount anytime stella


astridmalfoy posted a story

seen by tnott, riddle, and others


c speaks!

there's no robber emoji so here🚨

