Chapter 3 Believe In Me

Priscilla stood there, looking real creepy and intimidating. I had never seen her look this way before. She looked like something out of a horror film! I wondered what made her go insane. She smiled, blood dripping from her mouth, holding her chainsaw with her guitar strapped to her back. I could feel the tears coming back again. Something about her made me feel weak and vulnerable. She started to get her chainsaw ready. I just sat there, hugging my knees, crying like a baby. I'm not very proud of that, by the way. Leah whipped out her guitar and started to play 'Jailhouse Rock' violently. Massive shock waves were emitting from her guitar, making the room shake and our ear drums pound to the beat. "Enough!" Priscilla growled, throwing her chainsaw at Leah. Priscilla just barely missed her, stabbing the wall right beside her head. Leah started to shout the lyrics of the song, making the room shake more. Every word from her mouth, she screamed like there was no tomorrow...and perhaps there wouldn't be. I could tell by the way Leah sang that she was into that heavy metal stuff. Priscilla covered her ears. This was my chance to take the chainsaw from the wall and kill her...but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I had never killed anyone before! But I knew that Leah wanted me to do it.

As she came to the end of her song, she looked at me and then back at the chainsaw. She pressed her lips together and nodded nervously at me, wanting me to end Priscilla right there. "I-I-I c-can't," I sobbed under my breath. Priscilla then grabbed Leah's guitar and smacked her in the face with it. Leah punched her in the stomach. "Ugh!" Priscilla fell on her knees, holding her stomach. She got back up, panting and grunting. She punched Leah in the face, busting her lip open. Leah kicked 'Cilla in the shins, making her drop the guitar. Leah picked it up and started whacking her with it. Suddenly, this weird feeling came over me. My knees went weak and my vision started to dim. I must've blacked out or something. The last thing I remembered hearing was Leah moan, "Don't die on me, dream guy." Priscilla then vanished without a trace. Leah smacked me in the face, trying to get me to stay conscious. My breathing became difficult and everything went black.


I woke up in a big bed. Dusty, antique furniture all around me. Leah sat in an oversized lounge chair, staring at me with a terrified look in her eyes. Most of the time, she had a deadpan expression and a calming, yet mysterious aura in her sea green eyes. She must've been worried about me. "W-where a-am I?" I gasped, sitting straight up. "I, uh, don't know," she mumbled, "I tried to find a room that had a bed. This is probably a guest room or something." She got up and opened the closet door. There was another portal in it. "I wonder where this will take us," Leah smiled a little. I laid back down with my arms crossed, "I'm staying here." "Stubborn mule," Leah muttered to herself, thinking that I wouldn't hear her. "I heard that," I grunted. She took my arm and dragged me out of the bed. Seriously? Was she really gonna make me do this? She took me inside the portal with her. I hit my head against a wall, "Ugh!" The room was dark and we could hardly see a thing. "Crud," Leah said with little emotion whatsoever. "Oh, yeah, now you regret it," I rolled my eyes. The room started to shake and the walls started to close in on us. "Gosh dang it!" I screamed. "Over there!" Leah shouted, pointing to a portal in the distance. "We're never gonna make it!" I sobbed helplessly. "We gotta try!" She started running. The walls were getting closer. I was running and flailing my arms in panic. I beat her to the portal. I grabbed her hand and was about to go in as the walls were starting to touch the sides of our shoulders. "I-it won't let me in," Leah cried. I knew why. It was because she still didn't believe in me. "Leah," I said, calmly, "Do you believe that it's me Elvis?" "No! It's just a stupid dream!" She yelled. "Do you believe in me?" I started to shake her. "Why does it matter!?" She screamed. "Leah! Do you believe I am Elvis?" The walls were starting to crush us. The portal was starting to break. She took a deep breath and screamed with all her might, "Yes! Yes, it's you! Okay, I believe!" The walls stopped moving. I sighed in relief and took her hand. It worked! We went through the portal to a new room in Graceland. The den! Oh, my beautiful den still looked the same. "Elvis," Leah whispered. I looked at her, my eyes wide with shock. She called me Elvis this time instead of 'dream guy.' Heh, I kinda liked being called 'dream guy.' She put her arms around me and pulled me into a kiss. I blushed and let out a little gasp. "Thank you for saving me," she chuckled. My heart started to pound like thunder, my face was red, my palms were sweaty. "I-it was nothin'," I giggled. 
