Broken rules-Hyunjin+reader

Hyunjin was one of the most popular kpop idols.He was part of kpo group named Stray kids.Its their second year and they still have dating ban.But soon that rule gonna be broken.

Y/n pov
I was sitting in the lobby waiting for the rest of my group,Itzy,to come so we can go to practice.
While I was waiting I grabbed a cup of orange juice.When they arrived we went to our practice room.

We are doing a collaboration with a boy group stray kids which is under the same company.

When we entered the practice room,stray kids were already there.

Damn they are all so pretty,I thought to myself,but particular boy caught my attention.The boy with black hair,brown eyes,and perfect face.

We started dancing and it was my turn to dance.

Hyunjin pov
It was her turn.The most popular girl in the kpop industry.
Y/n.I fell in love with her the first day I saw her walk in the building.She is just soo perfect.

After few seconds was my part that I sing with Y/n.Yesss.Of all the members I sing with her.Anddd we have a dance together during that part.

Y/n pov
After the practice I left the practice room,talking with Hyunjin.Before we never really talked or interacted,but he is pretty cool.
"So want to hang out to caffe?"Hyunjin asked.
"Yeah,sure".I said slightly blushing.

We were in the caffe for 4 hours.We talked about our comebacks and we get to now each other.

6 months later.
Y/n pov

October.The month of spooky season and cold breeze.It was Halloween night.I was wearing my costume that represented a cookie 🍪. Actually this Halloween night I planned to spend with my best friend Hyunjin.And we were wearing twining outfits.He was a milk🥛.

We were walking around the JYP building asking random staff to give us candies.And actually we succeeded.

Time skip

We were walking for one hour.Our baskets were full.Yummy so much candies.

Time skip

Hyunjin pov.
Y/n and I were laying on the couch in the lobby.When randomly y/n standed on her legs and went to the idol toilet .I decided to follow her and before you think I'm not not pervert.

Y/n pov
I went to the toilet because I had a randomly urge to wash my hand.When I rotate,now my back facing the sink I saw Hyunjin standing infront of me.God he scared me.

Hyunjin pov
In the bathroom was blasting Red lights and that gave me the urge to kiss the prettiest girl infront of me.And that's what I did.

Y/n pov
He was intensely staring in my eyes,slowly starting to lean in.

Now we where just few centimeters away from each other.And BUM I felt his plump lips on mine.

Hyunjin pov
I KISSED HER.Her lips were so sweet like strawberries.

Y/n pov
"Y/n,I fell in love with you on the first I saw you entered the building.You make my heart beat race and make my cheeks heat up.You make me happy.I LOVE YOU.Would you be my girlfriend?"He asked,visibly nervous.
"YESSSS"I said happily.
He hugged me tightly.I didn't hesitate to hug him back.After we break our hug.
Yeah there were cameras filming the whole time.
Time skip-next day

Y/n pov
I woked up by the sound of my phone ringing.Strange.
When I grabbed my phone I looked at the ID,JYP was calling me.
"Hello?"I said,sounding more like a question.
"Come to the JYP building,now".He said.

Time skip
I was on my way to JYP's office.When I entered I saw Hyunjin sitting on a chair.Why everything today is super strange.

I sat beside him and JYP started talking.
"So...maybe you know why I called the both of you here,but maybe you dont..."He said making a slight pause.
"Your are kicked out of you groups because the whole internet saw you kissing" and with that  he left us in shock.

Y/n pov

Did he just said we are kicked out of our groups?Wow,today is just amazing.I  thought to my self.
"Well,I guess we are living a normal life from now on".He said and JYP's secretar entered the office.

"Because you are kicked out of your groups,there are some new roles."He started
"First-You need to leave the dorms and and pick all of your staff.
Second-You can't enter the JYP building.
And last-You are not just kicked out of the groups,you are kicked out of the company.Yeah that's all.Goodbye have a nice day He said and bowed.
When he left I said to Hyunjin
"So this is not a dream.This is REALLY.What I gonna do?They are my best friends,I can't leave without them.Where I gonna live?The dorm was my house.Hyunjin...what we gonna do????"I said fake crying.
"Y/n,everything gonna be okay.You can stay at my family's house.We gonna find a way to come back"He said hugging me tightly and rubbing circles on my back to help me calm down.

Time skip
Hyunjin pov
It was one week from when we got kicked out from the company.Megi stayed at my house for the whole time,but I'm worried about her.She didn't left the guest room that now hers for the whole time.I felt guilty because this won't happen if I controlled myself and didnt kissed her of this is my fault.

I knocked on her door and heard silent "Come in".
I entered and saw her laying in on the bed rolled in the blanket looking like potato or tortilla.
"It's time for dinner".I informed her.
"I'm not hungry".She said rolling now her back facing me.
"Y/n,plisss you need to eat something"
"URGH I SAID NOOOOO".She screamed so loud.

Y/n pov
I stood up from the bed and kicked Hyunjin out of 'my' room.
"DONT ENTER"I countined to yell

Hyunjin pov
"Honey is everything okey?"My mom asked me worried.
"I-i don't k-know".
She looked me in the eyes,tiptoed and kissed my cheek.

For the rest of the night I thinked about ways to make Y/n feel better.Just when I thought of going to sleep an idea popped in my head.Yes I gonna do that.I silently danced a little dance and smiled to my smartness.

Time skip-The next day

I woked up feeling extremely happy.I gonna make Y/n happy.Just my plan need to work out.👍🏼

I went downstairs,the house was silent.I guess my parents already left for work.That means I'm alone with Y/n.

I made breakfast for myself and made Y/n's favorite smoothie.

I went to her room,slightly scared if she won't accept the offer.I knocked on her door and then opened it.
"Y/n,can we talk?"I asked carefully to don't make her upset.
"Yeah,sure".She answered nicely and flashed me a cute smile.
Strange.I thought to myself.

"So I made a plan how to enter the JYP building".I said and she gaved me a confused look.
"How?"This time she looked more excited.
"First we need to make costumes for ourselves.You need to wear blonde wig and I gonna wear a blue one.The both of us need to wear sunglasses.Then it's time to enter the building.We need to walk through the back door and walk casual like nothing is happening.And them we attack the dance room where our both groups gonna practice together.And then we gonna talk with them for one hour and exchange our new numbers with them so we can keep in contact.After we finish that we gonna leave the same way we entered".I finished and she just hugged me super tight and kissed me softly on the lips.
"Did I ever told how smart you are?I love you".She said smiling like crazy.

Time skip-the next day,the day of the operation.

Y/n pov
Like Hyunjin said we were wearing our costume. Now we we walking to the back entrance of the building.After few minutes we were standing infront of the door.Hyunjin opened the door and entered first to check if it's safe.It is.When we successfully entered,we made our way to the stairs.We didn't took the elevator because everyone use it,but for the stairs I different.

We were alone walking up the stairs.After few minutes of climbing we arrived to third floor.When we arrived,we started jogging to the practice room.

Hyunjin opened the door and reavealed our groups practicing.When they saw us,they started running towards us.They were so happy.

Time skip-after one hour

It was time to go back to Hyunjin's house.This hour was the best one in my life.We exchanged our numbers.Its was soo funny talking with them.

We started going the same as we walked to the practice room,but something was on our way...............................................................................................

Hyunjin grabbed my hand and we started running so fast towards the exit.When we were like 10 meters from the exit door the guard caught Hyunjin and slapped him on the cheek.

Somehow Hyunjin managed to get out from his grip and we started running again.

"Let's gooo"I said smiling.
"We escaped"I continued.
"Yeah"Hyunjin said holding his slapped cheek.
"Uh I'm sorry about that.I gonna treat you when we arrive back home"I said and Hyunjin kissed me on the lips.
Sorry if there is somewhere Megi,I write this for my friend.
