{12} Talk About Gang Fights

Sajdaa Taha

Ridwan punched Ethan square in the jaw. Malik pulled out his gun and fired his shots. The men dodged the bullets, but that didn't stop Malik's wrath. Ridwan grabbed Ethan and threw him against the wall, punching him over and over again until blood splattered out. Oh Allah, please protect my brother. I'm begging, Allah. Protect Ridwan and Malik.

Ethan got hold of my brother and started choking him. His chubby fingers wrapped tightly around Ridwan's neck. Ridwan clawed at his hand, gasping for breath. Malik charged towards them, striking Ethan's neck with his elbow. Ethan fell as he clutched his neck.

"Fucking bastard," muttered Malik.

Ridwan coughed, "Thanks."

I noticed Ethan had stood up and was attacking Ridwan again. He jumped on my brother's back, Ethan's elbows tight on his neck. Ridwan walked backwards, hitting Ethan's head on the wall, thus making him let go of Ridwan. Malik was surrounded by Ethan's henchmen. He was doing a great job and fighting them off with his bare hands, using his gun to catch the people who tried to run while Ridwan kept Ethan at bay. Good Lord, this was just wrong on so many different levels.

A rough hand clasped onto my arms, pulling me up and throwing me over someone's shoulder. I was turned upside down.

"Hey! Asshole! Let go of me!" I yelled and repeatedly hit his back.

"Shut up," he said as he slapped my backside.

The ticking bomb inside me finally exploded from that one movement. I kneed him in the chest, knocking the air out of his lungs. He hissed, his hold loosened. I bit his shoulder hard. He dropped me, and I spat on the ground beside him.

"You need a shower, buddy," I said as I took his arm and twisted it behind his back.

"How the hell can you fight?" he groaned as he used his other arm to grab me.

I jumped over it and punched his nose, once, twice, three times. The bones crackled under my fist, giving me the feeling of satisfaction. He deserved it for touching a woman like that. Blood was pouring out of his now crooked nose, but I wasn't finished. I held up his crouched figure and kneed him straight in the balls. His eyes widened as he fell to his knees, clutching between his legs.

"That's what you get for touching me," I gritted out. I took a few steps closer to his slumped body, pulling his ear. "You're lucky I didn't break your limbs," I hissed.

"Sajdaa, watch out!" shouted Malik.

I turned around and saw a buff man running towards me with a knife drawn. I stepped to the side, watching him crash into the wall besides me.

"Better luck next time," I shrugged before kicking him harder against the wall.

"You're going to regret that," he coughed out.

I smirked, "Make me."

I clenched my fists, ready to throw a couple of punches. My hijab was starting to become drenched in sweat, but the adrenaline pumped through my veins, keeping me on my toes and ready. The man slowly stood up, his lips curling into a cruel smile. He staggered his way towards me. I stayed still, moving my fist back, preparing a blow to his jaw.

However, I felt a piercing pain coming from my arm. I looked down. Blood. It was dripping through the rip in my long sleeved shirt. The cloth soaked in a crimson color. I threw a punch at the guy, but he grabbed my fist and twisted it. Pain erupted as the tender skin was tugged at the wrong angles. I screamed.

"Let me go!" I shrieked.

He pulled me close to him, his lips brushing against my cheek. I frantically kicked my legs, aiming for the junction between his legs, but he moved.

"Feisty, aren't you?" he grinned. "I'm going to have a lot of fun with you."

Chills went up my spine and I tried one last attempt to be free. I hooked my leg around his knee and pulled, tripping him. He fell to the ground and I backed away from him. He held the wall as he shakily stood up, his wet brown hair sticking to his forehead.

"Not so fast," Malik's deep voice resonated behind me. I felt the warmth of his breath on my hijab. "Stand with your hands up in the air." He took cautious steps in front of me, one hand on my wrist and the other on his gun, pointing straight at the man.

I looked around the room at the bloodied bodies piled against the walls, men were tied together as they grunted in pain. Ridwan was on the floor, blood poured out from his abdomen. Ethan laid besides him, spitting blood out as he tried to stand.

"No," I whispered. I attempted to run to Ridwan, but Malik stopped me. I gazed at him with tears streaming down my face. "Malik, please let me help him."

He didn't remove his gaze from the man. "Put the weapon down," Malik demanded. His voice was steady, calculating. The hold on my wrist tightened.

"Malik, I need to help Ridwan. Let me help my brother," I cried, "Please!"

Malik moved the aim of his gun to Ethan just as Ethan was about to finish my brother off. He shot him twice in the leg, making Ethan fall down. The other man took this as an opportunity to run, but Malik shot him in the leg as well.

"I said don't move!" he yelled.

Malik let go of me. I ran to Ridwan, gently placing his head on my lap. He was groaning in pain. "Allah, what have I done?" I whispered. I ripped his sleeve off and tied it around his wound, watching the crimson color soak into it. "Stay awake, Ridwan. Don't close your eyes," I softly told him.

"S-Sajdaa," he gasped out.

"Don't talk, just please stay awake," I begged. The trail of tears freely fell down my cheeks like an endless river. "I can't lose you."

Ridwan squeezed his eyes shut from the pain. He held his wound, his hands were stained in red.

Sirens wailed in the background. I could hear Ethan and some of his minions try to stand up, but the gunshot had made them immobile. I could hear the police officers outside the building. Malik knelt down besides me, his arm wrapped around my shaking body. He put his gun back in his holder and pulled me to his chest.

"Shh, he's going to be okay," he murmured.

I knew I should push Malik away from me, but I was too mentally exhausted to do anything. I gently stroked my brother's black hair, praying that he stayed alive. I couldn't lose him. My brother meant the world to me.

Even when everyone was against me and it felt like I was alone, I had my family. I had my brothers. My older brother protected me from prying eyes. He protected me against the evils that lurked in the shadows of this world. He took this hit for me.

The paramedics quickly rushed in, dragging a stretcher with them. They gently placed my brother's body on the stretcher, applying an oxygen mask on him. I stayed in my spot, watching my brother being taken from me.

I felt numb.

How did my life go from normal to this in a matter of weeks? I sighed. Please, Allah, I prayed. Keep him alive for me. Officer Cole and Nathan walked in with other officers. They started handcuffing the criminals.

Officer Nathan jogged towards Malik and I. "You guys alright? Any injuries?"

"No." My voice was raspy, most likely from my breakdown earlier.

Malik stood up, offering me his hand. "Come, let's get your cuts cleaned up."

I shook my head, bringing my knees up to my chest. My clothes were dirty. Dried blood stained them. My body felt weak. My legs were screaming from fatigue. The adrenaline was slowly fading away. I felt myself falling deeper into the pit of despair.

I knew Malik and Nathan were uneasily glancing at me, but I didn't care. Nothing mattered anymore. I heard light footsteps walking away. I figured they belonged to Officer Nathan.

Malik sighed as he sat down next to me. "You know," he started. "You were very brave today, Sajdaa."

I lifted my head up, laughing bitterly, "My brother could die because of me."

"No, he won't. Sajdaa, he did this to save you and many others. He won't die," he firmly stated.

"In Shaa Allah (if God wills it)."

Malik looked confused. "What?"

"It means-"

"I know what it means. I just don't know why you said it," he cut me off.

I smiled sadly at him, "Allah is capable of miracles. He will take care of my brother."

Malik stayed silent for a while. We watched the police officers take every single criminal out of this room. All of the men glared at Malik and I, but I didn't care. My mind was on my brother. As I heard the owls hoot into the night sky, I caught a glimpse of the scenery from the window.

Although today was a dark day, the stars gleamed at me. Tiny white dots spread across the night's dark coat. Fireflies flew up to kiss the skies, their bright lights twinkling in the moonlight. A feeling of ease came across me as I watched.

"I never knew what it meant to be a Muslim till I met you and your family," Malik softly said. He leaned his head against the wall, staring at the window. His brown hair was framing his soft skin. "I was terrified when that guy got you, Sajdaa. I thought today was going to be the day that we lost you for good," his voice cracked.

We. He meant Ridwan and him, I thought.

"Ridwan is a good guy. I hope Allah helps him," he said.

I only nodded as I stared at the sky. It was the first time I heard Malik refer to Allah. He wasn't religious, yet it seemed like after this tragic incident, something clicked inside him. Maybe that something was a memory of his past, a fragment of his soul. Malik's face was blank, giving me the assurance that I was right.

Assalamualaikum guys!

Whoa. I hope this chapter hit a bunch of emotions in you. I don't show my older brother my books because I know he'd never let me live it down. Especially with the emphasis of older brothers in all my books.

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