Not Again

I stood on top of Wall Trost. I stood next to Eren as we loaded the cannons, ready if there was another titan attack. Or so we thought.

"Eren, when we're done do you want to get something to eat?" Eren turned his head towards me and smiled widely.

"Sure. But let's finish this first." I nodded slightly before continuing my work. I then heard footsteps coming towards us.

"Hey guys, can you keep a secret?" I turn my head towards the direction of Sasha to see her opening her jacket.

"What did you take this time Sasha?" I smile slightly watching as she took a thing or meat out. I sigh at the bickering.

"I'll have some meat if you don't mind potato girl." Sasha's eyes shine with delight.

"In that case then I will have some to please." Suddenly, everyone else started asking for some.

"Just think about it. When we get Wall Maria back, we will have all the meat we need." I was quite surprised to hear that from Sasha, knowing that she was one of the dumbest cadets out there.

"Thanks Sasha." I said before looking at Wall Maria's flower just below the wall before turning to Sasha again

"What are you thanking me for?" Sasha said while having a confused look on her face.

"For being my friend... Sasha." I gave her a big, bright smile. I rested my face. I'm sure that smile shocked most of them, even Eren.

"Wow, Y/n, the last time I saw you smile like that was when you... I have never seen you smile like that." Eren finished his sentence with a chuckle.

"What's so funny Eren?" someone asked

"Nothing." Eren had hope in his eye once again making me sigh in relief. Mum, Carla, I smiled like that when I was with you. Remember.


My thoughts were interrupted by a loud explosion from behind Eren and I. I looked behind to see the monster that destroyed my home. Just like five years ago. It just showing up. It sent steam our way, causing my comrades to fall off the wall. I didn't fall off the wall because I hooked myself on it. I stared into the titan's eyes to see pity written in them.

"Don't hesitate!! Go for the titan!!" I unhooked my wires only for it to swat me away with its big hand. It knocked me into the cannons. I couldn't let anything happen to anyone. I wouldn't help if something happened to me so I must fight.

"FIGHT!!" I screamed from the top of my lungs before charging at the titan with full speed only to trip on a cannon that was knocked over. I hit my shin badly, but I didn't want to do nothing just because I looked hurt. No. I must fight for Carla.



"Look at that pretty flower Y/n. It has the same pattern as your dress." Carla said

"Yes!! It does. Wow, that's cool. Dr. Grisha look at this!!"


"Sweety, can you go call Eren for me please. Also be careful. Don't want you to get hurt, do we."



Yes, that is right, I must do this for Carla.

"EREN, LET'S GO!!" I swung up to the giant titan and started to cut the titan into bite size pieces as it tried to reach for me. After finishing the whole right arm, I swung up to the nape. The steam was so hot. I saw Eren from the corner of my eye going for the blow, so I swiftly made my way back to the wall to standby. As more steam came my way, I closed my eyes only to be knocked over by Eren.

"Eren did you get it!" I said with the slightest bit of hope

"What? I thought you got it." What? No.

"It's just like five years ago. It came and then it disappeared. That damn cowered!!" I said while messing with my hair

"Y/n I know you're frustrated, so am I but we have bigger problems. It broke down the gate to Trost."

"*sigh* thanks for the information. Come, let's go to the center before we get told off." I should have never left. If I keep going like this... I will lose control of my anger and do something stupid.


"Cadet L/n and Cadet Ackerman. We need you in the front line. Now!!" Huh.

"Cadet L/n and Cadet Ackerman!!" Why am I getting called

"Yes, coming... Armin, Eren, be safe please." I ran off to my squad or you could say what was left of it. I know I shouldn't be saying this but.

"Tch, Fucking noobs." scanning the area. Mikasa was still with the others and there were 5 titans chasing after me. Tch, Mikasa you beautiful bitch. Why do I have to work?

Dropping down to the ground I kicked off a wall sending me into the titan. Cutting off their sight then going down to their nape slicing three in an instant leaving two more. The other two were easy to kill since they were 5 meters tall. Five down many to go. Suddenly, I heard some people arguing.

*sigh* "These people."


"Mikasa, what's happening here?" Mikasa turns to me looking relied

"This dude won't move his cart." I look up to see a man and a big cart blocking the way.

"Mikasa, I will deal with him get as many children as you can and move them over the wall." Mikasa nodded before taking a small girl with her.

"Now for you, move the cart before I feed you to the titans." He didn't move. What a pity. I threw my blade at him just missing his head.

"Move the cart and let these people through. Now." He listened and then moved his stuff so that the people could get through. Many thanked me before moving to the other side of Wall Trost.


"Y/n!" I landed on a roof near the 104 group. Bert was the one to call my name though.

"Ahh, you all are safe." I walked to Bert and hugged him now knowing that he was safe along with the others.

"Have you guys seen Armin or Eren?" No one responded

"Armin is over there." Jean pointed towards Armin on a roof all alone

"Thank you, Jean. Armin!!" I quickly jumped over to him only to feel as if someone had just died Infront of him but then it hit me. If Armin was here and Eren wasn't could that mean? No. Eren is perfectly fine.

"D-darling... You're okay. Thank goodness." I bent down to Armin and gave him a big hug even though I am smaller than him. I felt someone's presence and when I turned around it was Mikasa.

"Armin where is Eren?" Oh Mikasa, can't you see how broken Armin is.

"Thomas Wagner, Nac Tias, Mylius Zeramuski, Mina Caroline and Eren... Yeager all died doing their duty." I heard Mikasa gasp.

"Oh Armin, I am so sorry." I felt his grip tighten

"Please be safe." He said, I kissed Armin on the forehead before standing up alone with Mikasa

"I'm going to the center. I will distract the titans while you all fill up. I will manage to hold them off. It will also give you enough time to get to headquarters." I said while tapping my tank only to find out it was almost empty. It made me smile sadly

"What's with the smile Y/n, and it's a big no you're not going to do that!!" Jean exclaimed. This only made me sigh more

"Please understand the situation we are in." all the cadets looked at Y/n with worried expressions

"Y/n don't do this please. I have already lost my family and Eren you can't leave me here. Armin feels the same way most likely!!!" She then tapped my tank

"Huh, Mikasa don't do that!!" Mikasa then looked at her with horror

"Y-Y/n... Your tank is almost empty." Mikasa then looked up at Y/n with pleading eyes

"I know... that is why you all are going because I can't make it to headquarters but you all can." Mikasa don't look at me like that, it's hard enough knowing I might die

"Fine!! I'm going but if you die, I'll make sure to kill you again!! Come if you're not a wimp and Y/n, thanks." I watch as everyone flies off all but one person. Jean.

"You going Jean?" He turned to me and gave me a kiss. He pulled away then flew off.

"Bye to you too."

I turn around to see 18 titans coming my way. Dropping my broken blades replacing them with my last set. If I die, Mum, Carla, and my dear comrades, I will see you soon but for now I will try survive.


(Jean Pov)

When I reached the roof a few feet away I turned to see three titans fall only to realize that there were still 15 titans left. One then grabbed Y/n and as if time had slowed, I saw a tear drop from Y/n's face

"Y/NNNNN!!!" I screamed out as mostly everyone turned to Y/n direction. Mikasa turned our way and pulled everyone away from the horrifying sight. This only made everyone curious if Y/n made it or not. We then heard a scream of pain, but no one dared to look. Everyone, even Annie, had tears rolling down their faces


(Your Pov)

"Y/NNNNN!!!" That was the only thing I heard but that gave me enough strength to keep going knowing that someone was watching me. I was able to let out one of my hands and cut the titan's arm off. I landed on a titan's shoulder giving me the perfect opportunity to cut the nape.

I was now on the last one, but it was much quicker than the others. It grabbed my foot, squeezing it, making me let a loud as scream. It dropped me in its mouth, but I was able to slice its throat and stomach. Some dead people came out of their belly and blood oozed on the ground. I was covered in blood and my foot was hurting like shit.

"Mum, did you see that. I'm still alive." Though I was in lots of pain I needed to go to headquarters. I was out of gas too so I will have to run there


I was close to headquarters but was interrupted by titans storming towards my direction. Really can't I have a break. I ran as fast as I could to the wall of headquarters.

While running I was suddenly picked up. It wasn't a titan for sure. They wrapped around me sending us both crashing into the window. I rolled on the ground with this person only to realize it was Connie. He was crying while hugging me tight.

"Y-you're a-alive." I touched his face and kissed his forehead reassuring him I was alive

"Y-Y/n, Y/N!" Annie picked me up and away from Connie spinning me around while tears dropped down her face.

"We thought you... died. I'm glad you didn't." Annie stopped spinning me around as everyone came and hugged me


Mikasa was talking about the abnormal,15-meter titan and how it saved her. I was just sitting there with blood dripping on everything. I was so tired that a part of me wanted to just die but the rest of my body didn't want to.

"What's the plan Armin?" Everyone looked towards me. They still had worried faces. Jean then came in with some others holding some boxes.

"You think guns will work agents' titans?" Jean said while placing the boxes down

"It's better than nothing." Armin began explaining his plan to kill the titans. They were about 3–4-meter titans. They would be lowered down in a basket like lift. We needed 8 people to kill the titans, so it was. Bert, Annie, Reiner, Sasha, Connie, Jean, Mikasa and I.

"Y/n you sure you can do this. You hurt your foot." Sasha asked while checking my foot for anything bleeding.

"I'm fine Sash, don't worry. Just try your best to kill the titans."

"Be safe Y/n." Armin said before he came over and hugged me

"I don't want to lose you for good this time. You scared me to death last time." he squeezed me tighter

"Oh, what happened to the nickname 'Love' or 'darling'." Armin suddenly blushed before kissing my nose.

"See you soon then 'Darling' and be safe." he started to walk away

"Yes, you two." I turn to see Sasha just sitting on a crate laughing

"What?" Sasha came and gave me some blades from her set

"'Oh, what happened to the nickname' Haha really in front of me too. Come let's go the others are probably waiting for us." Sasha took my hand, helping me walk to the others. The others were talking among themselves, but I just couldn't.

"Eren. I know you're still alive somewhere. But plese hang on." I whispered to myself.

"Y/n, you good?" I looked at Mikasa with a little look of hope in my eyes.

"You got that look Y/n. You can't be serious right now. Armin said he saw Eren get eaten, so why, why do you have that look?" I smiled at Mikasa. She knew me too well.

"Because I have faith in him. It's Eren. He wouldn't just die. So, I know he is still alive." I gave Mikasa a hug before going to my spot.

I was above a 4-meter titan. It had its eyes on Armin. While I crouched down on the beam, I felt a strong pain come through my foot all the way to my heart. I clenched my chest as I felt my whole-body fill with pain. Was this just because of a small foot injury? Suddenly, gunshots were heard and that was our queue. I jumped down onto the titan but since I was angry that my foot was sore, I cut the whole head off before landing back onto the ground.


I landed on my sore foot which caused it to snap. I looked over to my left side to see Sasha had failed same with Connie.

"Mikasa, Annie, Sasha and Connie failed to cut their targets nape. Please help them." They did as they were told. Annie helped Connie and Mikasa helped Sasha. Sasha was crying and thanked Mikasa.

"Y/n you good!" I looked up to see Bert. He looked down at my foot and before he could scream Connie did it for him.

"Y/n what the actual FUCK!!! Your foot!!!" I look down at my foot to see it bent backwards.

"It's fine Connie. Bert don't worry. Hurry up and fill your gas tanks, we need to kill some titans." I took my foot and snapped it back in place.


"W-wh-what the...I-" Connie began to fall same with Bert. Luckly, I caught them both but since they were taller than me, I fell on the floor with a thud.

"Y/n!! Are you okay?" Mikasa shouted while running our way with Armin, Jean and Marco.

"Yes." I stood up but fell to the ground after putting pressure on my injured foot.

"You guys, we're here too." Everyone looked down at Connie and Bert.

"Sorry." They all said. Sasha came over with some bandages. Everyone walked back to do what they needed to do while I bandaged my foot... well my whole leg.

"Reiner, if you don't mind. Can you fill up my gear while I finish fixing my leg, please?"

"Sure." He grabbed my gear and took it to his gear.


"Y/n are you sure you can do this? You like snapped your foot back into place. You didn't even scream." I looked up at Bert as he looked down at me with his pale green eyes. He was really worried about me

"Yes, now let... s go. Is that the titan from before the one that saved Mikasa... it's being cannibalized by... titan." I held on to Bert's shirt.

"What in the walls name is happening. Bert, do you know what's going on." I tightened my grip on his shirt as he hugs me from behind.

"No, I don't." I then heard Armin

"What the." Armin looked at the titan with a shocked expression along with Mikasa, Jean, Annie and Reiner.

After a longish titan match. The titan dropped onto the ground as steam came out of the nape.

"E-Eren." I said softly before dropping down next to the titan boy's body. It was Eren

"Y/n be careful!" I heard Jean shout, but I didn't care. The only thing I cared about was that Eren was there in front of me. I jumped onto the titan body and reached out to Eren. I brought my head down to his chest to see if he had a heartbeat and it was there. A tear rolled down my cheek knowing that his breathing was steady along with his heartbeat.

"You're alive and well... Eren." I pulled him out with the help of Mikasa and Armin

"Please wake up Eren."


"I'll kill you all." 
