The truth

The boat zooms down the river, being pushed by Sisu. Hiccup walked Raya over to the bench on the boat, trying to keep her from putting too much pressure on her hips and foot. Seems Namarri messed her up a bit more than they bargained for. Hiccup shook off his fight with Krogan, but their fight was more of a tactic rather than fists. Toothless helped them out before leaving them and shifting back to dragon form.

"You okay?" Hiccup asks her in worry.

"Yeah? I'll be okay." Raya assured him as she winced at the pain. "I just need to... walk it off."

"Looks like you got bruised." Hiccup said when he noticed the injuries. "We should get that looked at." He then reached into the bag he left on the boat and took some bandages out to wrap around her arm. "Nothing broken, just a little sprained."

"Huh. Didn't know you knew how to patch yourself." Raya had to admit that this was new information.

"Been on my own this long with those Dragon Hunters and their "one hit and you're down" arrows, I needed to jump in to save Toothless from getting hit. Either me or him, I'd rather it be me." Hiccup shrugged as he helped bandage her wounds. "Self-taught."

"Well, thanks." Raya was happy to see him help her out. And even when he is in need of help, she can see it's only because he was being selfless once again.

The two smiled at one another, almost getting lost in one another's eyes. But that's when they remembered they weren't alone when a shrimp tail was thrown and smacks her in the face.

Raya shook herself loose from their enchantment stare and looked to the group. "Did you just hit me with a shrimp tail?"

They looked at an angry Boun with Noi at his side chomping on shrimp. Whilst Tong sat down near them with a more amazed than angered look. Seems that all of them wanted answers for what they have just seen and witnessed.

"When were you going to tell us she was Sisu?!" Boun asked, a little agitated that the two of them kept such a big secret from them.

"Technically, you always knew she was Sisu." Raya defends her choice of wording when another shrimp tail hits her. "Seriously?"

"Guys, can we cool it?" Hiccup asks of them, trying to calm everyone down. But that didn't help their defense when he got a shrimp bouncing off of his face. "Was that necessary?"

"Who are you?" Boun asks him, seemingly getting angry at the lack of knowledge. "You show up wearing those clothes." He gestured to Hiccup's dragon-scale outfit. "You have a creature that we've never seen before." He gestured to Toothless. "No more lies. Who are you?!"

Hiccup sighed and decided that they deserved to know. "Alright. I'm Hiccup. Most of you are aware of that. But I never explained to you where I came from." He gestured to Raya as he saw that he was gonna tell them what he told her. "I told Raya, so she already knows some of this. It's about time the rest of you knew the truth. my dragon." He saw the confused looks coming from everyone and knew he needed to explain it better. "Where I come from, my people and I are at war with dragons. They're not like the dragons in your land. They have wings that help them fly, and Toothless are one of the different species. He's a Night Fury. Toothless is a rare one we call a Night Fury. I was the first one to shoot one down."

"Why didn't you tell us what he was?" Boun asked.

"Because I didn't know I couldn't trust any of you!" Hiccup defended his action. "I come a very, very long way from here. I'm a Viking from the island of Berk in the Archipelago, a place that's a long way from here. My father is Stoick Haddock the Vast...the chief of the Hairy Hooligan tribe who inhabit it. For seven generations, our clan and all other Viking clans who lived on other islands were at war with dragons. Where I came from... I was a nobody. I wasn't liked. I was the village screwup with no friends. They always wanted me out of the way because they thought I was just a clumsy troublemaker who had no capability of being the next chief. I never had any friends. Even Stoick neglected me my whole life...all because I wasn't like him, yet I tried so hard. Then when I met Toothless, he became my only friend. He accepted me for what I was. I wasn't a fighter willing to kill an innocent creature minding its business. Then one day I knew we couldn't stay on Berk anymore. If we did, Toothless would be killed." He looked and saw everyone hanging off of every word he said and was amazed by him. "I've been on the run for years and have never known exactly who I could trust. I have been trying to keep Toothless safe and a secret for years...I never knew anyone who I could trust with the secret. Raya only found out because of the fact I was shot down here. I never meant to come here. It was an accident. I would have been dead if it weren't for Raya. I wanted to know that none of you guys would harm Toothless before letting you know. The last time someone learned didn't end well."

"I guess...that is a good reason," Boun said in sorrow.

"I don't blame you, Hiccup, for not trusting us with such a worrisome secret." Tong sympathized with the man and turned to Sisu. "But why are you here, divine water dragon?"

"Isn't that obvious, big guy? My pal's Hiccup, Raya, Toothless, and I am gonna fix the world," Sisu grinned hooking her long body around the three people she spoke of and squeezing them together. "Bring everyone back."

"You're gonna bring everyone back?" Boun was filled with hope.

"Yes!" Raya said. "That is exactly why it's my mission to collect all the gem pieces."

"I wanna help." Boun stated as he stood up.

"I'm sorry, I can't let you do that," Raya refused their help. "It's too dangerous."

"You're not the only one who lost family to the Druun," Boun sounded sad. "Please. Let me help you."

He genuflected and then formed a circle with his hands as a sign of respect to the Last Dragon. The baby mumbled and joined in.

Tong too got up and held up the last Dragon Gem piece. "I too wish to join this fellowship of druun butt-kickery."

Raya takes the gem and looks at Sisu. She reaches out and touches the gem, her eyes brightening. They looked up to the sky as they watch the water begin to fall before them.

"My big brother Pengu's magic," Sisu explains where it came from.

"Amazing," Hiccup awed.

They observed Sisu as she held up a palm causing a few drops of water to form one giant droplet. She then formed a water platform which she stepped on in mid-air. Creating more water platforms underneath her paws, she started running across the air in the rain shower.

"Wow," Raya breathed.

"So that's how a dragon here flies," Hiccup said as he watched the dragon.

They see her swoop around in circles, do loops, and dives. It's magnificent. Sisu climbs higher and higher into the rain, the clouds part, and the sun beams down on her.

Tuk-Tuk catches raindrops on his tongue, Noi giggles, Tong laughs as they saw the magical moment. Sisu flies back down from the clouds and dives into the water. Everyone takes cover from the giant splash behind Tong. He gets completely soaked in the process. But he just ends up laughing at what has just occurred and Hiccup looked over to see Toothless covering himself up from behind his own wings.

Toothless shook off the water and even the small specks that got through and he growled in utter annoyance. Hiccup couldn't help but chuckle and laugh at his friend until Toothless smacked the sign above Hiccup, causing water to fall and soak him as well. Raya laughed at the boys, seeing them just having fun with one another. Sisu resurfaces and smiles at Raya, who warmly smiles back.

This has to be the most fun she has had in six years.

"All right, Captain Boun. To Fang," Raya commanded.

"You got it!" Boun approved. He and the others turned to Raya. "We understand, Raya, why you couldn't trust us,"

"I'm sorry I haven't been honest," Raya apologized for her part in the argument.

"Me too," Hiccup confessed.

"You gave us a really necessary lecture about trust, young Hiccup," Tong approved. "And never before have I ever heard words of such wisdom."

"Thank you for that compliment," Hiccup said.

"Well...since we're all good, why don't we get to work on helping you with Toothless's tail?" Raya spoke up.

"Oh no," Hiccup smacked his forehead. "We forgot to get some metal for the rod."

"I took care of that," Boun says as he reached behind a part of the ship and pulled a few dozen small rods of metal into sight. "Found these on our way out of Spine. Figured you guys didn't have time to grab them."

"How did you...?" Hiccup was wondering how he knew about the rods.

"You guys talked loudly," Boun explains how he knew about it.

"These are perfect!" Hiccup squealed excitedly as he took the rods. "Great job, kid!"

"Why do you need to build your dragon a tail?" Boun asked.

"It's his tail fin," Hiccup explained. He gestured to Toothless as he lifts his tail with only the right fin. "He can't fly without the other one."

"How did he lose it?" Tong asked in curiosity.

Hiccup froze at the reminder and nervously chuckled. "It's a bit of a long story. I'll explain it later."

"Fair enough." Tong decided to let it go.

Namaari, Krogan, and the Fang Soldiers arrived at Fang on their large cats. The soldiers across the canal on the tower on the other end of the bridge saw them. They signaled the bridge keepers to lower it down for them to pass.

They did just that and in an instant, every cat came charging across to the other side. Once they were safe, Namaari slipped off Serlot's saddle and rushed off. Krogan watched her warily and was wondering what she has heard of his conversation with Hiccup.

Namaari however didn't care about him and went to find her mother teaching some children about the history of Fang. "Mother, we need to talk..."

"It's Princess Namaari!" a young girl cheered. All the children crowded their hero.

"All right. Now run along with kittens," Virana said to the children. "I need to speak with the princess,"

Some teachers ushered them away and left them alone.

"I'm glad you are safe," Virana said happily to her daughter. "Did you reclaim the gem piece?"

Namaari sighed as she bowed her head in sorrow. "No." Virana frowned at this information and was angered by her daughter. "I'm sorry, mother."

"You're telling me that you, Krogan, and an entire army were outwitted by just one girl, her friend, and a creature who couldn't fly?" Vinra clarified.

"It's not just that..." Namaari didn't know how to explain what she saw. "I saw a dragon."

Virana was once again appalled by this information and was interested. "What?"

"It was Sisu. She was incredible. It was unlike anything I had ever seen. She can fix what we broke." Namaari explains to her mother. "She can destroy the Druun."

"And that's what scares me! When Sisu vanquishes the Druun and everyone comes back, who do you think they'll come for?" Virana looked worriedly across the courtyard at all of their citizens. "You forget. The other lands blame us for what's happened."

"But...we...never meant for anyone to get hurt." Namaari was worried about that too.

Virana turned to her daughter with a sigh. "You think Raya would see it that way? She blames us for the loss of her people and her father. She will not stop until we are finished. We have to strike her down first before it's too late. That is why we need Sisu and the gem pieces. They are the only items that can keep our people safe."

Namaari wanted to speak again but Krogan came up in anger, ready to add wood to the fire. "Forgive me for interrupting Virana...but I couldn't help but overhear your daughter saying that this creature who helped our enemies was...a dragon?"

He sounded innocent.

Too innocent for Nammari's liking.

Namaari and her mother frowned.

"Might I question, Princess Namaari, why you didn't tell me that the other creature was a type of dragon?" Krogan asks the royals.

"That is none of your business," Namaari answered back with a snarl.

Krogan couldn't argue back with that information. "Well, Chief appears we will have to turn to my dragon if we are to defeat our enemies."

"You doubt my soldiers?" Virana questioned, clenching her staff tightly.

"No. But don't feel insulted when I say this." Krogan replied with a smile. "Your enemies know you. But they don't know us..."

"What about this man whom you call Hiccup?" Namaari challenged.

"That runt only knows only a fraction of what my men can do," Krogan promises the leaders. "He may have been our enemy for years, but he has never met my employer. He has no idea what we are truly capable of doing. If you two want to rid the land of that weakling, you will have to turn to what my men and I can offer."

Virana remained wary of what this Hiccup has accomplished on his own. "Know this...I don't trust you, stranger. Why should I allow my daughter and my soldiers to be put in order under your command?"

"You forget that we are dealing with a Night Fury. It is powerful. Too powerful for your cats. Only my dragon can handle it alone," Krogan promises her.

"And what about Sisu?" Namaari tested his idea. "She is a powerful dragon. She was the one who vanished the Drunn the first time."

"With these gem pieces that you speak of. Nothing we can't handle if we keep her from the pieces. Krogan decided.

"You dare threaten Sisudatu?!" Namaari growled.

She didn't trust Krogan after what she heard Hiccup say about them being Dragon Hunters. They could easily want Sisu for their own needs and wants and not Fang's best interests.

"No, Princess," Krogan said politely. "I am meeting offering you this opportunity. You said you want your people safe, Virana. My soldiers and I will give it to you with this Sisudatu, which I can tell your people and your daughter admire so much. So I hope you see now, I am your only chance to secure your kingdom's future. Or would you'd rather have me leave now and you'll have to fight your and my enemies without allies? Think about it, Virana." He bowed and turned and left, hiding a grimacing look from their eyes. "Drago will be thrilled to see a one-of-a-kind dragon like that in his army..."

Virana looked back at her people with increasingly worriedness. She feared for their safety, for the likely chance that their enemies would march upon them and they would be defeated and possibly killed. Namarri however still felt skeptical about Krogan and wished to warn her mother.

"Mother...I don't trust Krogan," Namaari spoke up. "I feel like he's hiding something from us. Back in Spine, Hiccup...."

"He is our kingdom's only hope," Virana interrupted her daughter's words.

"But, mother..."

Virana turned on her daughter in a flash with a disappointed glare. "We must make smart decisions. Not emotional ones. You tried things your way and you failed."

"But could I have possibly known that Raya found Sisu?" Namaari asks her mother. "Or she made friends with someone with another dragon?"

"You will accompany Krogan on his dragon to find our enemies. You will bring back Sisu unharmed and the gem pieces. We will save the world and our people will be safe again."

Namaari sighed. She turned and made her way to follow after Krogan.

"Namaari..." Virana spoke up again.

"Yes mother," Namaari said to her mother and turned to her in a flash.

"Do not fail me again," Virana warns her with a growl in her voice.

Although afraid, Namaari did the royal sign of respect with her hands. "I won't."

"And keep an eye on Krogan too. I do not fully trust him either, but he is our land's only hope."

Namaari nodded, relieved that her mother was considering her words. As she walked away from her mother, she began thinking of everything that's been happening.

Is Hiccup really her people's enemy?

What did he mean by Krogan hunting dragons back where they came from?

Why would he go back to help Raya if he was a criminal?

Raya is trying to find the Gem Pieces, so what does he have to gain?

What if Krogan was lying?

What if Hiccup is the innocent one this whole time?
