Chapter 2

After you made a creature exploded, you fought other similar creatures. But you didn't make them explode. However you noticed that when the red symbol called a command seal on Gudako glowed when she gave a command. You also noticed that the command seal didn't seem to work on you or Nil. Soon you and the group managed to collect the needed materials.

Once you and the group arrived back to Chaldea you heard Leonardo Da Vinci Lily say your name.

"Hey (y/n) and Nil can I borrow you two for second?" Leonardo asked.

"Is it something I did?" you asked worryingly cause Leonardo to shake her head in disagreement.

"I need you two to follow me for some thing." Leonardo said.

You and Nil followed Leonardo Da Vinci Lily to the training room where you see Ritsuka, Mash, and Gudako.

"There you are (y/n)" Mash said.

"Any ways the main thing we're here for is because of the command seals." Ritsuka said.

"Thing is a servant is supposed to do as it commands but we noticed that the command seals don't work on you two." Leonardo said.

"In fact this is the first time I saw any servant not doing what a command seal makes then do." Leonardo continued.

Ritsuka and Gudako had tested multiple command seals on both you and Nil but nothing happened each and every time. You and Nil just stood their as they tried to use command seals but failed. You looked as Mash and Leonardo Da Vinci Lily to see them just as confused as Gudako and Ritsuka.

"So how long are we going to keep doing this?" You asked.

"Well it's clear that command seals don't work on you two." Ritsuka.

"Hey master Ritsuka and master Gudako!" You heard a man say.

You turned to see a white haired male with a staff and pink flower things near his ears.

"What did you do this time Merlin?" Mash asked.

"Can't I visit my masters?" Merlin said.

'Nil whose Merlin?' you thought.

"C'mon (y/n) we're leaving." Nil said while taking your hand in his and guiding you to the door.

"Well isn't if it isn't the beast girl and her companion." Merlin said.

"What do you want oh great 'grand caster'" Nil said annoyed with him putting enfaces on the words grand caster.

The word grand caster sounded vaguely familiar to you. It felt like you've heard it before and that a grand servant should be avoided. However you didn't even remember anything about your past. So how could you know what a grand servant is?

"Um (y/n) are you okay?" Ritsuka asked snapping you out of your trance.

"Yeah I'm fine." You reassured Ritsuka by petting his head.

"It looked like you were in a trance (y/n) did something happen?"neMash asked you.

"Well I felt like I have heard about grand servants before but I can't remember." You replied.

"Can't remember?" Leonardo Da Vinci Lily asked.

"The thing is I don't remember anything about my past. In fact my first memory I can remember was waking up in a void." You admitted.

Ritsuka, Gudako, Mash, Leonardo Da Vinci Lily, and Merlin looked at you. They weren't sure how to make sense of what you told them. This was an interesting revelation to hear about.

"That is quite a predicament." Merlin admitted placing his hand on your head.

"Strange I can't look into your future despite my clairvoyance (y/n)." Merlin said as he dropped his hand from your head.

"This is the first time I heard of servant not remembering their past. Do not remember a thing (y/n)?" Leonardo Da Vinci Lily asked causing you to shake your head no.

"Should we ask Sherlock Holmes about this?" Mash asked.

"Yeah probably, let's go (y/n)." Gudako said while grabbing your hand to drag you along with Nil, Leonardo Da Vinci Lily, Merlin, and Ritsuka following behind.

You eventually arrived at a blue haired man.

"Master Gudako is there something you need?" The man asked.

"Hey Sherlock we kind of have a problem regarding (y/n). She says she can't remember anything about her past" Gudako said.

"You want me to help her remember her past." Sherlock inquired causing Gudako to nod.

Soon Gudako, Ritsuka, Merlin, Mash, and Leonardo Da Vinci Lily left leaving you, Nil, and Sherlock Holmes alone. You and Sherlocked talked trying to find out what you do remember with Nil helping you. You, Sherlock, and Nil ended up at a dead end with figuring out your memories.

"I think we're going in circles." You said.

"I'm afraid we are." Sherlock admitted.

"Let's go (y/n)" Nil said getting up o leave.

"Before you go if you remember anything let me know." Sherlock said giving you a head pat.

"Okay." You said while trying to hide your blush from Sherlock.

Nil dragged you out before anything else could happen. While walking around you and Nil heard arguing. When you and Nil went to the location of the yelling, you both saw two purple haired men arguing over what appears to be a game. You noticed that there was a white haired male, two black haired males one of them seeming to have cat ears and a tail, and a red haired man with what appears to be a giant wheel behind him.

'What are they even arguing about?' you thought while watching the two purple haired men argue.

Before Nil could say anything a dice hit you straight in the forehead with strength causing you to fall over. 

"Ouch!" You yelped as you were on the floor and rubbing your fore head.

Suddenly you were picked up and came face to face with one the purple haired men. He placed you back onto your feat gently.

"Hey I'm sorry about that stray dice hitting you in the face miss." The purple man apologized.

"Bhima you really need to be careful." The black haired lacking cat ears said.

"I know Arjuna." Bhima replied.

"Oi Bhima you better get back to the game!" The other purple haired man yelled.

"Shut up Duryodhana!" Bhima yelled back causing the two to go back and forth arguing.

"Is this normal?" You asked Arjuna while watching the argument unfold.

"Yes" Arjuna responded.

"Wait aren't you (y/n)?" The man with the wheel asked causing you to nod.

"It really is you. Man I heard that you caused a monster to explode by using magic!" The wheel man said.

"I-I didn't mean to." You said starting to shake with tears nearly threating to fall causing the man with the wheel to be surprised.

"H-hey I'm sorry so please stop crying." The wheel man grabbing your arms slightly shaking you.

"Ashwatthama what did you do." Duryodhana said as he made Ashwatthama let go of you and place his arm in front of you to grab onto.

"Ashwatthama please stop saying things without thinking." The white haired male said as he gave you a head pat.

"But it was probably cool to see Karna. But I'm sorry." Ashwatthama said.

"It's okay." You said while going up to Ashwatthama and gave him a head pat.

"(y/n) let's go." Nil said while grabbing your hand.

"Okay than." You said

"Wait Arjuna why do you and the cat man look similar?" You asked

"It's because they're technically the same person." Karna sad.

"What how?!" You yelled confused on how there are two Arjunas standing in front of you and Nil.

"This Arjuna has cat ears." You said placing your hand on the Arjuna with cat ears.

"But this one doesn't." You said while placing your hand on the other Arjuna.

"Because the cat eared Arjuna is an alter servant." Ashwatthama said.

"An alter servant?" You asked confused.

"An alter servant are servants that have an aspect of them altered compared to the original." Nil replied to you as he picked you up.

"Now come on we should probably go to sleep." Nil said putting you down causing you to follow you.

"Bye bye." You said back while waving back.

Luckily you and Nil found Leonardo Da Vinci Lily and asked for your room. Once Leonardo Da Vinci took you and Nil to your room you thanked her and went in. You went over to the bed and noticed pjs for you and Nil.

"One second Nil I'm going to change into the pjs." You said while heading to the bathroom in the bedroom.

You came out of the bathroom in the pjs left for you and plopped onto the bed.

"Um Nil where are you going to sleep?" you asked Nil.

"I don't need to sleep (y/n)." Nil replied 

You grabbed Nil's hand and softly dragged him to the bed and tucked him in with you.

"You sure you want me in the bed with you (y/n)?" Nil asked causing you to nod yes.

"Goodnight Nil." You said closing your eyes

"Goodnight." Nil replied

-In the dreamworld-

While in the dream, you ended up in a plains like place. While looking around you heard a voice.

"My beloved there you are." The voice said which sounded female.

"Who are you and where are you?!" You yelled to the voice.

"My sweet little (y/n) why did you leave me?" The voice continued ignoring you.

"Leave you?" You asked.

"You promised me that you'll stay with me." The voice said

"I don't remember making a promise to anyone." You said sounding kind of scared.

Suddenly a woman with white hair and a veil covering most of her face appeared in front of you causing you to stagger backwards.

"(y/n) my beloved do you not remember the promise or anything else?" The woman asked causing you to shake your head in disagreement.

Suddenly the woman grabbed your arms and forced you upon your feat while shaking you.

"WHY! WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME BEHIND! DIDN'T YOU PROMISE TO STAY WITH ME FOR EVER?!" The woman yelled while still shaking you.

"I don't know you are!" You yelled when you suddenly wake up.

"Did something happen (y/n)." Nil said as he held you.

"No I'm fine." You said causing Nil to drop his arms and get out of the bed.

"You should probably change since it's morning." Nil said causing you to nod and head to the bathroom with your normal clothes.

'Who was that woman and why does she scare me?' you thought.

"What woman?" Nil asked.

"Nothing." you said leaving the bedroom in your normal clothes with Nil.

New Love Interest added:

Karna: 3%

Bhima: 7%

Merlin: 11%

Sherlock Holmes: 13%

Arjuna: 1%

Arjuna Alter: 1%

Duryodhana: 3%

Ashwatthama: 5%

Woman in dream: 100%

Updated love interest:

Nil: 62%

Gudako: 14%
