The new addition

Wilds pov : 

I was met by questions almost immediately, like : "how did you deflect that blast", "and where did you get those scars" , the one with the wolf pelt told me everyone's names the youngest was named wind , the one with the colorful markings is named time, the short one is named four , the one with the white cape is named sky, the one with pink and blonde hair is named legend and so on and so on . I learned wolfpelt guys name is twilight , "okay so who is cooking tonight " i look down at my slate to check their name. "I will cook tonight " I offered all looked at me suspiciously "well anything's better than hyrules food" twilight snickered , i tilted my head to the side in question . I decided to cook some radish stew, I was confused when everyone was so happy when eating "it's just radish stew why are y'all enjoying it so much " "JUST RADISH STEW this is the best thing we've had in weeks." Four said I was flustered because of their praise


Hello sorry I made this very short but I have to make this into a comic ,and write yet another story so I will publish more tomorrow and maybe I will publish the comic version later :)

This is my art style I hope you like :')
