Wonderland Part 2

Wonderland ended on a somewhat happy note after we left. The rides were over and everyone had their fun, so it was time to leave. I got a kick of energy, my headache had gone away and I was a bit more cheerful. There was hope of going home and crawling into bed. However, I had to wait a little while longer.

Everyone wanted to go out and have a small snack down the road so we did. I had no choice but to tag along. The fear of Shannon's driving and Ben's poor direction skills had now returned a nightmare. The seating was already arranged so I didn't bother asking to switch. And after my delusions faded, I realized that if I asked, you would just say no. To me, you were just being friendly and that's the only thing that crossed your mind. You met a stranger and were only being friendly. That was all. I hopelessly latched onto the idea of you, of more. But the reality of it was that this was only for the day.

Somehow you beat my group to the McDonalds when we left first. If that alone doesn't show how bad the directions and driving went. But we made it there all the same. Shannon had at least four attempts at parking straight, and even then the car was slanted and on the line. My thoughts after seeing the parking job were only pain, 'how was I gonna get home?'

Everyone had their greetings again, and we took up three tables by the entrance. You were seated across from me by Ben. I didn't expect anyone to talk to me but this time they did. While we all sat there either chatting or eating, I don't remember their names, but two women from your group introduced themselves to me. We hadn't talked previously and I guess they didn't want to be rude since they were seated beside me. There wasn't much going on. The two of us chatted about overwatch, I don't remember how we got to that topic. Ben and you seemed amazed by my ranking, I have always been competitive and strive to be better than most. You invited me to play with the two of you, saying that I would carry you to victory since you were so bad. I wasn't expecting that and found it funny that a guy would even say such a thing to a girl. Who would actually admit that?

At this point, I was hoping to exchange numbers, but we never did. Our conversation nearing the end of the McDonald's hangout was more engaging than before. The two of us understood something about each other, even if it was just an insignificant video game. It really wasn't much but it made me feel better about my delusions, the glimmer of hope was back.

This next part doesn't pertain to you, but it explains why I was invited to go with 'Front Row' to Wonderland. Shannon wanted something from me, at least information and a connection. You probably weren't even paying attention to this bit of the conversation. She had been showing the ladies a house being rented in the area for students, my parent's rental property. Earlier in April she asked about renting and I sent her the links, that was the only time she messaged me before I was invited that day. I knew she wanted something from me, as everyone does.

Being slightly upset over it, I told her the properties were fully rented. Which wasn't an entire lie, there was one room available in each house but she was looking for at least two in the same place. I was the perfect connection to the renting market for her. My over-sharing about my family had gained me a friend, one who was using me for my connections. After that day onward she never texted, nor was I invited to anything again. So it's a fair assumption that I was being used.

When I got home later that day, I thought about all the fun I had, regardless of Shannon revealing why I was really there. You were still in my head. The conflicting feelings and thoughts were swirling around and I couldn't stay focused. I liked you, really liked you. But I knew we wouldn't get anywhere because you were just being nice to me and nothing more. Even just that alone, I had never felt so comfortable with anyone before, someone who was patient enough to help me with my anxiety. 
