Thursday August 18th

since this one is short i decided to post two today :), vote please - Blaire

Hope woke me up at 6:45 and we got dressed. We went down to breakfast and ate. We loaded the bus and went to the field. Alex put my hair up for me and then we led warmups. We worked on shooting drills and then a couple defensives one. Back at the village we showered and had lunch.

Once we finished most of the team went to the women's basketball game. We sat with the men's team and cheered them on. They beat France 86-67. We took pictures with them and then went back to the village. I went to Beck and ice my ankle and my hand. Once finished I went back to the room. Hope came in about 10 minutes later.

Hope: hey some of us are going to watch the women's volleyball
Me: okay?
Hope: do you want to come?
Me: no
Hope: I thought you like volleyball?
Me: I do but that doesn't mean I want to go
Hope: alright my bad, well I'll see you later.

Hope left and caught up with Alex, Ali, Ash, Allie, and Tobin. When Tobin and Allie went to get drinks Hope told the girls what I said.

Ash: dang
Alex: she knows she was talking to your right?
Hope: yeah looked me in the eye and said it.
Ali: I guess that's why she's Medusa, she'll look you in the eyes at her meanest.
Hope: it's going to be a long couple of days.

The girls came back for dinner and we ate. We play cards and talked instead of movie night. At 10:30 we all went up to our room. Hope and I changed and got in bed.

Me: my mom's birthday is tomorrow
Hope: really?
Me: I think I should post something
Hope: you can, if you want I can help
Me: I'll see
Hope: alright
Me: goodnight Hope.
Hope: goodnight SB
