Valerion Firebird

"He has Rage and shall bring Fire"

"Fire Below Take Filght"

Name: Valerion Firebird

Gender: Male

Alias: The Flame Reborn

Pyrokinesis: Valerion possesses the power to manipulate and control fire. He can generate flames from his body, project fireballs, create intense heatwaves, and shape fire into various forms. His mastery over fire allows him to wield it as a weapon, using it to scorch enemies, create barriers of flames for defense, or ignite his surroundings.

Enhanced Physical Attributes: With the power of Rodan flowing through him, Valerion possesses enhanced physical attributes. He has heightened strength, endurance, and reflexes, allowing him to engage in physical combat with remarkable prowess. His agility and speed are further enhanced, making him a formidable opponent in both aerial and ground-based combat.

Fire Resistance: Valerion is naturally resistant to the effects of fire. He can withstand high temperatures, flames, and heat-based attacks without suffering significant harm. This resistance makes him immune to common fire-based weaponry and allows him to move through infernos unscathed.

Volcanic Aura: Valerion's presence is accompanied by an intense aura reminiscent of volcanic activity. This aura radiates heat and energy, creating an oppressive atmosphere around him. It can be used to intimidate foes or even ignite flammable objects in his vicinity, further enhancing his control over fire.

• Melissa Firebird (Mother)

• Adrien Firebird (Father)

Hayley Mormont (Aunt)

•Nia Firebird (Sister)

•Reina Firebird (Aunt)

•Giyana Firebird (Ancestor/Aegon's Conquest)

• Breyenna Firebird (Grandmother)

•House Santagar (Ancestor/Dornish)

Species: Titan (Rodan)

Titan Form

Height: 154

Length: 163 Feet

Gender: Male


•Rodan's external body temperature is life-threateningly hot upon close contact.

• Rodan's massive wings are powerful enough to create a devastating sonic thunderclap beneath his flight, powerful enough to instantly decimate buildings

• Extreme heat resistance

• Durability

• Flight

• He had a razor-sharp beak that can be used as a formidable weapon and can be used to inflict cutting, impaling, or crushing damage.

• He has razor-sharp talons which are sufficient to rend and cut most materials.

• Speed and agility

• Strength and combat

• He can make volcanoes erupt by simply flying over them.




Name: Firebird

Origin: Valyria

Words: Through Ashes We Will Rise

Overlord: House Targaryen

Seat: Phoenix Fort

Region: Crownlands

History: House Firebird were a ruling family of Valyria even though they weren't dragonlords. In the doom of Valyria House Firebird joined House Targaryen and left Valyria and became their greatest ally for the foreseeable future.

Aegon's Conquest Giyana Firebird was known to be Aegon's best friend and the one who conquered Dorne after Rhaenys failed. She flew as Rodan and destroyed everything and everyone in her way.

• an Holder of Rodan possesses an ability to heal when they come in contact with fire.

• Aren't affected by fire or any kind of heat.

• Have Supernatural Strength and Speed.
