Chapter Seven

Courtney sat and watched the teal eyed 'ogre' in front of her scoff down his whole plate of food in seconds.

"I'm gonna take a guess you like my cooking?" She joked before taking a sip from her orange juice.

Duncan nodded, "Gwen never cooks like this. At least not when I have a hangover."

Courtney looked at him in confusion, "Why didn't you just go home last night? Why were you gonna stay at Bridgette's?"

Duncan stopped to swallow his food and shrugged, "I just didn't feel like going home to argue again. I don't think you understand what it's been like lately."

"Then enlighten me."

Duncan sighed and put down his fork, "Something happened and we've been arguing non stop. It's like a never ending cycle. I don't exactly remember why I came here though." He thought for a moment, "Oh well. But anyways, like I was saying, things with Gwen aren't good and I guess I felt like I was too drunk to come home and fight."

Courtney gave him a sympathetic look, "I'm sorry. If you need anything, i'm always here." She reached across the table and grabbed his hand. When she stared into his gorgeous, teal eyes, it seemed like the world had disappeared.

Once she realized what she was doing she quickly snapped out of it, by jerking her hand away.

"I mean, i'm here I guess. Not that I actually care."

Duncan smirked, "Mhm. I'm sure you don't princess."

She rolled her eyes. Hard to believe she had actually let him sleep in her apartment, and now she had even made breakfast and was eating with him.

She was just being a good friend right? It's not like her and Gwen are super close, and that doing this would ruin their friendship, right?

Courtney shook off her thoughts, "I have work soon, so you should probably leave."

Duncan let out a deep breath, "Yeah. Don't really know how i'm going to explain to Gwen I was here."

Courtney shrugged, "Whatever. Not my problem. I'll be in the shower." She got up from the small dining table and put her plate in the sink, then walked to the bathroom.

Duncan got up quickly after, but instead of gathering his things, he decided to clean up the dishes as a little 'thank you'

Luckily for him, Courtney took 45 minute showers, so he had plenty of time to clean up.

When Courtney finally walked out of the bathroom with her towel clinging on to her wet body, she was actually surprised to see the delinquent gone, and the apartment cleaned up.

She smiled to herself as she walked into the kitchen, seeing as all the dishes were cleaned and put away.

What a sweet heart.

She felt her cheeks go red, but then she realized what she doing and quickly stopped.

She turned her heel and began back to her bedroom.

Probably stole something.
