
Back in the office, Si-oh faced a pile of tasks. Despite instructing his secretary to look into Nozh's whereabouts during his absence, little progress had been made. While engrossed in important documents, his secretary delivered news.

"Beom plans to leave Korea tonight," the secretary informed.

Si-oh scoffed, "She thinks she can escape after what she did?" He looked up at the secretary before he continued "Get me full details of her departure before nightfall. I'll ensure she doesn't leave before I kill her."

The secretary continued, "The head of press is on his way to discuss what you asked him to investigate during your absence."

"Oh, I almost forgot about that. Show him in when he arrives," Si-oh replied.

After the secretary left, Si-oh took out a small necklace box from his suit pocket and opened it with a smile. He then proceeded to call Nam-soon.

"Si-oh," she answered.

"Where are you?" he inquired.

"I'm at a park with my friend."

"Have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet," she replied, causing him to frown.

"Tell me your address. I'll come pick you up for a meal."

Nam-soon, determined to confess, hesitated before saying, "Actually, I have something to tell you."


"Yes, I can come down to the office."

"No, just stay where you are. I'll come to you."

As he prepared to leave, the head of the press entered.

"Mr. Ryu, it's been a while," he greeted.

"Please have a seat," Si-oh said, gesturing towards the sofa in the office.

"I looked into what you asked me to and found a video of Gang Nam-soon that was deleted," the head of the press started as soon as they both settled down.

"Let me see."

"Yes," the head of the press replied, handing his phone to Si-oh.

Shock and disbelief intensified on Si-oh's face as he watched the video, gradually comprehending the revelation. "Tsegtseg is Gang Nam-soon?" he thought, his initial surprise deepening into utter disbelief.
He silently returned the phone as soon as the video ended.

"Forward me the video; I need to keep it for reference," Si-oh instructed. Once he got the video, he continued, "Thank you. You may leave now," standing up and walking down to his desk.

"Mr. Ryu..."

"I said get out!" He shrieked, his eyes widening, followed by heavy breathing.

The head of the press hastily gathered his belongings, sensing the tension in the room. Without uttering another word, he hurriedly exited Si-oh's office, leaving behind an atmosphere thick with disbelief and unease.

Si-oh, now alone, sank back into his chair, grappling with the shocking revelation. The weight of the truth pressed heavily on his mind, and he found himself staring blankly at the video still playing on his desk. Tsegtseg, the person he thought he knew, was actually the daughter of an enemy he was seeking out.

His thoughts raced as he contemplated the implications of this unexpected connection. Si-oh reached for his phone, fingers trembling, and dialed Nam-soon's number, seeking answers in the midst of the unfolding chaos.

"Si-oh," she said with a smile as soon as she picked up.

He paused upon hearing her voice, hesitating before replying, "I'm afraid I can't make it anymore; something came up. Let's talk when we get home."

"Okay, but I'll be a bit late today."

"Okay," he said, and he hung up still in total shock and disbelief.


Later that night, Nam-soon arrived home, her mind consumed with the weight of the revelation and the impending conversation with Si-oh. With a deep breath, she picked up her phone and dialed his number.

"Si-oh," she said, her voice carrying a mix of nerves and anticipation.

"Yes," he replied, his tone serious.

"Are you home?" she asked cautiously.

"Yes, I'm home," Si-oh confirmed, a somber undertone in his voice.

Nam-soon hesitated for a moment before gathering the courage to say, "Can I come up to your apartment? We need to talk."

There was a brief pause before Si-oh responded, "Yes, come up."

The journey to Si-oh's apartment felt like an eternity for Nam-soon. Each step weighed heavy with the uncertainty of the revelations and the impending conversation. When she reached his door, she took a deep breath and knocked.

Si-oh opened the door, and their eyes met, both reflecting the turmoil within. "Come in," he said quietly, leading her into the living room. The air was thick with unspoken words.

Si-oh strolled quietly down to the kitchen counter and drank from the wine bottle he had placed there. They both said nothing the silence echoing between them. After a moment, Nam-soon broke the quietude, "Si-oh, there's something I need to tell you."

He remained silent, staring at her with a blank face as a torrent of memories flooded his mind, the once cherished moments now tainted by betrayal.

Namsoon, sensing the escalating tension, nervously observed his expression. "Are you okay?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

"I'm going to ask just once," he finally broke his silence, his voice low and filled with an undercurrent of emotion.

"What?" she replied, the tension palpable.

"Who are you?" he questioned, his voice carrying an edge.

"What do you mean?" Namsoon's confusion mirrored her growing anxiety.

"Who are you?!" His voice surged louder, anger seeping into his tone.

"Tseg Tseg," she replied, her admission hanging in the charged air.

"You only had one chance," he declared, the atmosphere thickening as he pulled a gun from the kitchen drawer, pointing it at her.

"Si-oh," she pleaded, desperation in her voice.

"How dare you deceive me?! You lied to me?! You're her! Gang Nam-soon! Hwang Geum-ju's daughter!" His accusation echoed through the room, shattering the illusion of trust.

"Si-oh," she repeated, attempting to bridge the emotional chasm between them.

"Was it fun? Was it fun seeing me opening up to you? Was it fun learning all about me? I trusted you! I've never trusted anyone before, but I trusted you!" His words sliced through the tension, laden with the weight of betrayal.

"Let me explain," she pleaded, cautiously taking a step toward him.

"Don't come closer," he warned, the gun still trained on her.

"Why did you make me feel like I had a chance at friendship or love when you didn't mean any of this from the start? Why did you give me hope? I thought maybe finally all the hard times are over."

"I didn't mean any of this, I swear," Namsoon desperately tried to justify.

"Was any of it real? Or you didn't see any good in me too, like everyone else?"

"I didn't know it before, but I know it now, you're just a victim" she admitted, her voice trembling.

He lowered his gun, a storm of conflicting emotions visible in his eyes. "I'll let you go this one time. I might as well kill you next time we meet," he declared, his words hanging heavy with unresolved anguish.

Si-oh," Namsoon called out, her voice trembling with regret as she tried to find the words to mend the shattered trust.

"Get out," he uttered and turned his back on her, his voice a mixture of pain and anger, as if each syllable carried the weight of their fractured connection.

This was a hard chapter to write but he has to find out so they'll be able to work through it.

I'm so sorry for the late update I was busy as fuck!

Update might take a while I have two exams in two days!
